leisurely dragon

Chapter 262 Getting the Coordinates

Chapter 262 Getting the Coordinates
Li Ge and Tai Long's incarnation negotiated and set the conditions, leaving Xilia and Liyue here to play.The two incarnations of gods quietly headed towards the Kingdom of Fabs.

If you want to reach a cooperation with Arthur, it is impossible to leave the cooperation of Tyrone, the guardian.

Tyrone had already discovered something was wrong with Arthur, and he didn't touch him just to save Li Ge's face, and because Arthur wasn't too out of line.

In the royal palace of King Farbus, Oni was pestering Arthur again.The black dragon princess really couldn't bear the ambition in her heart. In her opinion, Arthur was too useless.Even with such good conditions, he is still indecisive.

In fact, she didn't understand Arthur's difficulties, and always looked at problems from the perspective of a dragon from another world.In a world where gods dominate the multiverse, if Arthur is exposed, maybe that unscrupulous god will attack him.

Those big devils from hell and the demon lords from the endless abyss like this kind of alien soul very much.

One person and one dragon are pulling and pulling, and Princess Lorraine is also very helpless.Oni, the black dragon, is very courageous now, and she no longer avoids her after fooling around with Arthur.

"Arthur, I'm here to fulfill my promise," a sacred voice sounded, and the three of Arthur stood up immediately in shock. Fortunately, they had already let the attendants stay outside the palace.

Two sacred figures stood in front of Arthur, and the divine light dissipated, revealing the faces of Li Ge and Tai Long.

"I have seen His Majesty Li Ge, Your Majesty Tai Long", now it is different from the past, and the three of Arthur have to pay respects to the two true gods.

"Arthur, now that I have become a true god, are you willing to continue the transaction?" Li Ge asked after taking a seat under Arthur's hospitality.

Arthur breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Li Ge did not intend to break the contract.

"Of course I am willing." Now that the situation is stronger than others, Arthur no longer dares to wait for the price.

Li Ge smiled with satisfaction, "Very well, Arthur, you made a wise choice. Based on the items you traded in the past, it is not too difficult to find the different universe where Oni is located."

As soon as these words came out, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of Arthur and the black dragon princess Oni.

That's true. After Li Ge became a god, compared with before, his vision and pattern have undergone tremendous changes.

The true god is the darling of the multiverse, without becoming a god, he will never know the greatness of the true god.

Maybe some true gods are not too powerful in combat, but their comprehension and utilization of laws are not comparable to ordinary people.

"I will give you two choices. The first is that I will use a lot of divine power to force you to ignite the divine fire, but it is extremely dangerous. If your divine soul fails the test, it will be backlashed by the divine fire, and your soul will be completely wiped out."

Hearing Li Ge's words, Arthur shook his head quickly. If he had the determination, he wouldn't have wasted so long in vain.Once this fails, his life will be gone, and he doesn't want to block his life.

Seeing Arthur like this, Li Ge continued to talk about the second option, "I have discussed with His Majesty Tyrone, if you are willing to become his subordinate god, His Majesty Tyrone can divide part of the priesthood to help you become a god."

Hearing this condition, Arthur's heart was very tangled.If you agree, then the opportunity to become a true god is close at hand.

But the traveler's inexplicable self-esteem made him very unhappy that there was a big boss sitting on his head.Becoming a slave god is not as free as an independent true god.

The main god will guarantee the dignity and safety of the subordinate god, but the subordinate god must also obey the orders of the main god.

Li Ge and Tai Long sat there drinking tea calmly, without urging Arthur.On the other hand, Lorraine and Aoni were more anxious than Arthur himself, but unfortunately, they did not dare to be presumptuous in front of the two true gods.

It took a long time for Arthur to make up his mind, and said bitterly, "Your Majesty Lige, I don't want to choose the second option either. I have an idea. If you agree, I will give you the coordinates of the different universe now."

Li Ge raised his eyebrows. It seemed that this fellow traveler had other ideas.

Li Ge tapped the handle of the seat with his finger, and asked softly, "What can you do, let me talk about it first, I will definitely not shirk what I can do."

This fellow countryman is pitiful enough, and Li Ge doesn't want to persecute him too much.

Arthur glanced at Lorraine and Oni, gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty Lige, Your Majesty Tyrone, the competition in the multiverse is too fierce, I want to go to the universe where Oni is to become a god."

"Lorraine is already pregnant, and my child can inherit the Kingdom of Farbus, so I have nothing to worry about."

"When your majesty develops the different universe, please help me confer gods in the different world, where the competition for true gods is far less fierce."

Hearing Arthur's words, Li Ge couldn't help but have a new view on him. This kid is still very ruthless.

If the different universe where Oni is located is really the same as the one in Li Ge's memory, then it's really good to enshrine the gods there.

In that world, apart from the foolish blood god Hakar, no true god has ever been truly unlucky.

Those who suffer are mortals living on the planet.The Fallen Titan, the leader of the Burning Legion, had no use against other gods except his brothers and sisters.

That being said, conferring a god in that world is also a good choice.Those so-called unlucky gods are nothing more than guardians made by titans, or elemental lords and ancient gods, and they are not true gods in the true sense.

Li Ge thought about it. If the development is really smooth, then there is nothing wrong with helping.

"Arthur, for this proposal, I'm going to put my ugly words up front. Even the gods can't guarantee what I will meet there. I can only do my best. If it doesn't work, don't blame me."

Arthur's face changed, and he made up his mind completely, "I believe in His Majesty's ability. If His Majesty can rise so quickly in the multiverse, I believe it can also be done in a different universe."

"If I only rely on myself and Oni, I'm afraid I don't know if I can achieve my goal in my lifetime."

A ball of light appeared in Arthur's hand, "Your Majesty, this is the coordinates of the universe. If Your Majesty needs my plane, I can also contribute it."

This time Arthur was really cruel.

Li Ge laughed and took the ball of light, "You can keep that small plane for yourself."

"It is only a matter of time for the true god to open up a small plane. As long as there are coordinates, this transaction will be considered a success."

He took out one of his holy emblems and handed them to Arthur, "At that time, I will give you and Oni enough rewards. You can ask Oni to bring this holy emblem back to the different universe and do a simple priest ceremony to guide my coming."

Before the words fell, the avatars of Li Ge and Tai Long had turned into divine light and left.

Arthur looked at the holy emblem in his hand, and a flicker of madness flashed in his eyes, "Oni, you will go to the world of Eras soon and prepare for the priest ceremony."

The black dragon princess Oni also knew it was time to do business at this time, "Arthur, I will help you become a god, but don't let me down, or I will definitely make you regret it."

Arthur sent the black dragon away in his void plane.

His other woman, Princess Lorraine, couldn't stop crying, "Arthur, are you going to abandon me and the child?"

Arthur hated seeing a woman cry the most, not to mention that Lorraine really walked with him.

He hastily wiped Lorraine's tears with his sleeve, "Lorraine, don't worry, I will take you with me. If you can't let go of the child, let's go as a family, this kingdom doesn't matter."

Lorraine threw herself into Arthur's arms joyfully. The child was born in half a year.What Li Ge promised will not be completed in a short while, and the family still has a long time to be stable.

(End of this chapter)

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