leisurely dragon

Chapter 263 Discussion

Chapter 263 Discussion
In Dragon Island, when Li Ge and Tai Long came back, Xilia and Liyue didn't know where they went to play with Freya.

"Tyrone, Arthur still has to trouble you to keep an eye on it. If there is something to gain in the future, I will never forget your share."

Tai Long laughed, "Li Ge, this trivial matter is nothing. It is the first time to develop a different universe, you just need to pay attention to your own safety, the most important thing our true gods lack is time."

Indeed, if you don't kill yourself, the true god will not fall so easily.

Especially an ancient god like Li Ge, as long as he is strong enough, he can live forever.

Li Ge also knew very well that now that he was living a good life, he would definitely not seek death.

And he has a feeling that his system is now capable of greatly increasing, and it should be able to communicate information across the universe.

The existence of detached and powerful divine power is indestructible in endless time and space, and the existence of a once-proof and eternal-proof existence will not weaken its power in that world.

After becoming a god, I have really developed a little bit of the magic of the system, and I can borrow a little bit of the personality of the seed of the Great Way of Fortune.

Going to another universe this time, there shouldn't be the predicament of not being able to communicate like before.

Liyue and Silia also returned from Alisa's territory.This sister-in-law occupied a large island near Long Island, conquered the local aborigines, and made a big splash.

"Li Ge, is the matter finished?" Celia asked curiously.

Li Ge stood up and said with a smile, "It's going well. If there are no accidents, we will soon embark on the road to a different universe."

"Alternative universe...", the golden dragon Freya who was following behind screamed, her eyes sparkling.

"Your Majesty Li Ge, since we are friends, can you bring me along?" Freya looked at Li Ge expectantly.

"Freya, it's not fun to go to another universe, you should develop well with His Majesty Tai Long," Li Ge looked at this chick and said amusedly.

No matter how pestered Freya was, Li Ge refused to agree.After chatting with Tai Long for a while, Li Ge was about to return to the Kingdom of God.

Naturally, Xilia and Liyue were also with her, but it was that chick Freya whose eyeballs were rolling around, wondering what she was thinking.

In the Dimensional Dragon's Nest, everyone was busy with work. When Li Ge came back, he happened to see Li Ya directing his younger siblings to learn how to cultivate magic plants.

"Father God", Liya saw Li Ge coming, and immediately ran over with her calves, and the other dragon blood elves also saluted quickly.

Li Ge fondled Liya's little head, and the girl's eyes were narrowed, enjoying God's father's favor.

The race of dragon blood elves is actually equivalent to the angels created by other gods.It's just that Li Ge couldn't stop his heart and deprived them of their emotional thinking, which made them an independent race.

As the eldest daughter, Liya, who has the strongest blood, enjoys Li Ge's favor alone, and the other dragon blood elves are a little envious.

Li Ge looked at the group of staring girls and teenagers. These children were more or less related to him by blood, but he couldn't see them all as his own children. Liya was enough to represent them.

"Children, I am about to go to another universe to explore. In the future, I will need you as fighters to conquer those enemies who dare to offend my dignity."

"You study hard and grow up quickly. I look forward to the day when I lead you to fight."

The young dragon blood elves, including Liya, shouted excitedly, "Willing to die for God the Father".

The dragon blood elves have inherited the brave and fearless fighting spirit of the real dragon, and they are not afraid of war at all.

In addition, there is an ancient tree born in a dimension, which is inherently loyal to Li Ge. Unless the bloodline of several generations is diluted, the descendants' belief in Li Ge will be indifferent.

Li Ge returned to the Dragon's Nest after giving these young elves a lot of blood and encouraging Liya.

For things like exploring different universes, you must discuss it with everyone and make complete preparations.

In Lige's dragon nest in the ancient tree space, Rihanna, Catherine, Laiya mother and daughter, Elsa, Selena, Liyue, and Xia Wei are all sitting around Lige.

Since Li Ge became a god, such gatherings have become the norm.

"After I became a god, I have been at ease for almost two years. Although the true god's lifespan is endless, I am sure to extend your lifespan and live happily together."

"But this can only be a temporary measure, not for long. Even those powerful divine powers don't need to stop, how can I enjoy this weak divine power with peace of mind."

Li Ge said seriously, these days are too leisurely, and the inertia of everyone's dragons has begun to show signs.

"So, I decided to start exploring different universes. I already got one of the coordinates. I want to hear everyone's opinions?"

The pot immediately exploded in the Dragon's Nest. Sisters Xilia, Yilin, Liyue, and Selina only listened to Li Ge's words and had no objections.

Xia Wei's heart is also tied to Li Ge's body, and now she has joined Li Ge's camp, making demands on Li Ge's interests everywhere, and will not object.

Golden Dragon Elsa was a little worried, "Li Ge, will it be dangerous for you to go to a different universe, where you have to work hard alone."

Li Ge shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm just sending an avatar there, the body will not be in danger, at most it will lose some power."

"Besides, I'm not fighting alone. I'm sure of the connection between different universes and multiverses."

Only then did Elsa breathe a sigh of relief. Miss Jinlong has always been mild-tempered and always silently paid for Li Ge.

But Laiya started to jump up again, "Another universe, it's great, I'm going too", if it wasn't for the two daughters, she would have jumped up.

"Laiya, you can't go there. I need you and Elsa to continue improving the floating tower. The Miser energy core is in a different universe, but there is no way to connect to the magic net." Li Ge assigned a task to Laiya unceremoniously.

"Oh, that's not bad, Li Ge, you need to bring a little more magic knowledge of the other world, otherwise the research will not be able to continue." Laiya is also very easy to pass.

The two true gods, Catherine and Rihanna, understand Li Ge's thoughts very well.

Except for those goddesses who enjoy peace of mind, other enterprising gods, that one is not pursuing his own path.

Even the famous lunatic Cyric is running for himself to become the supreme god, although it is useless.

And to be honest, instead of staying in the multiverse to fight with other true gods, an ancient god like Li Ge might as well go to a different universe to see more different laws.

"Li Ge, do you need me and Catherine to send an avatar with you?" Rihanna asked directly.

"Yes, teacher, my sister and I will go with you, so we can take care of you," Catherine continued, her concern palpable in her words.

(End of this chapter)

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