leisurely dragon

Chapter 267 Understanding the Different World

Chapter 267 Understanding the Different World

Li Ge knew that this black dragon had great ambitions, but so what?Her interests do not conflict with her own.

The Black Dragon Princess mainly wants to realize her ambition, so she must rely on Li Ge's power.

As long as you take Li Ge's bait and want to regret it in the future, there are plenty of ways to deal with her.

At the moment, Oni is obsessed with the powerful Heart of Power, and the adoring eyes of the adult Black Dragon tribe next to her make her feel ecstatic.

However, Li Ge's figure made her calm down immediately, and her fate might depend on this Dragon God in the future.

"Your Majesty Li Ge, the environment of my Dragon's Nest is too simple. I have a small manor in another continent, which can be used to entertain Your Majesty and several distinguished guests," Oni said with a smile.

It happened that Li Ge and Xi Liya didn't like the environment of Onilon's nest, so they agreed without thinking.

Regardless of the strength of the black dragon Oni, in Li Ge's opinion, it is average, but she still has a hand in magic.

With the assistance of several adult black dragons, Oni quickly prepared the casting materials and opened a portal.

Seeing that the opposite seemed to be a basement, Li Ge walked in with Xilia, Liyue and Freya.

Then Arthur took the goblin Corgi, and Oni herself followed.

Oni, the black dragon, is quite cunning. Her small manor is located in a country called Stormwind Kingdom.

The basement has undergone special treatment, which well conceals the fluctuation of teleportation magic.

Out of the basement, there is a beautiful small manor.Oni's identity here is a female lord, and all the servants in the manor are dragon servants who use camouflage magic.

As a reclusive little foreign nobleman, Oni's identity is relatively perfect, and no one can see through it.

The Black Dragon Princess is not the one who is short of money, and the power underneath is relatively strong, so she puts extra effort into entertaining Li Ge and the others.

Li Ge and Xi Liya didn't like being disturbed very much. Oni ordered the dragon servants to obey Li Ge's orders and left after sending a large number of books.

Arthur took the high-level goblin Corgi and followed the black dragon princess. Li Ge didn't care what he wanted to do, as long as he didn't cause trouble for himself.

Among the books that Aoni sent, many of them are newly sorted information, which contain a lot of information about this world.

The manor where Li Ge is now is located in the lakeside town of Red Ridge Mountain in the Storm Kingdom, beside Zhishui Lake.

Xilia, Liyue and Freya are now very curious about this world, running in and out every day, bringing new news to Li Ge from time to time.

Li Ge himself was busy reading the books and information sent by Oni. No matter what he wanted to do, he had to understand the situation of the world first.

The True God is naturally proficient in all kinds of words, and Li Ge has no obstacles in reading these information.

The history of this world is not much different from the one in Li Ge's impression, and now the Second Orc War has just ended.

Lothar has died in battle, and the five heroes of the Alliance have invaded Outland and closed the Dark Portal.

The alliance began to build prisons to hold the captured orcs, and Varian had returned to Stormwind, ready to rebuild the kingdom.

The future world, Sa, should be adopted by Blackmoore now, and there should be some time before the outbreak of the Battle of Hyjal.

But Li Ge doesn't want to meddle in these nosy things, after these days of understanding.With the power of his god, Li Ge discovered that some annoying dragons had lost the ability to interfere with this timeline.

After thinking about it carefully, Li Ge understood that it should be the personality of the system that prevented these bronze dragons from spying on this timeline.

This is a good thing. Although Li Ge is not afraid of these bronze dragons as a true god, it is good to have less trouble.

Around the lakeside town where the war had just ended, there were still many Blackstone orcs harassing nearby, and the surrounding gnolls often attacked ordinary civilians.

Xilia, Liyue and Freya, the three giant dragon girls, had a heart of justice and helped the common people fight those Blackrock orcs and gnolls.

"Li Ge, we have subdued a tribe of gnolls and some tribes of murlocs today," Xilia reported excitedly to Li Ge.

"There are too many of these monsters. I found that it is much easier to subdue some monsters and use them to fight other monsters."

Xilia even began to spread Lige's beliefs to these monsters. Liyue was very interested in this and actively assisted Xilia.

Freya is also busy enforcing justice in this new world, and those orcs and monsters still have some treasures to collect.

Li Ge didn't care about their playful behavior.Anyway, this time I came to see the different laws of Elas.

Even if he doesn't practice very hard, Li Ge can still feel the mysteries of different laws of the universe every day.

In the eyes of the god Li Ge, life, death, order, chaos, holy light, and void, the six forces of the original are as dazzling as the sun.

Li Ge's law of good fortune and the law of void have new progress every day.The time and space of different universes, as well as the structure of planes also benefit the laws of time and space and the laws of dimensions.

"It's really worth it this time." He felt that the old ancestors in the previous life said "read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles", which is really too wise.

In the information given by Oni, Li Ge also found information about the continent of Pandaria.

Ordinary mortal races don't know this, but how could the dragon race that has lasted for thousands of years not know.

Greeted the three of Xilia who were having fun, Li Ge turned into a dragon and flew towards the sea.

It is still very safe for the time being, no force can pose a threat to Xilia and Liyue, these two high-level legends.

As giant dragons, they only need to adapt to different environments a little bit to recover most of their combat power.

At an altitude of [-] meters, a huge golden dragon flew fast.Li Ge feels that the continent of the Eastern Kingdom is very large, not the big fart place in the previous game.

Li Ge initially estimated that the population of the Stormwind Kingdom after the war was no less than tens of millions.

Li Ge's speed was super fast, and he traveled nearly [-] kilometers in half a day to reach his destination.

A layer of faint mist formed a phantom array to protect the entire continent.Although it is more than enough to stop ordinary people, it is of no use to Li Ge, a god.

Jinlong lowered his altitude and plunged into the mist, his eyes suddenly opened up.

What you see is the Great Wall stretching for hundreds of miles, which has the charm of ancient Yanhuang.

Li Ge hid his figure and went straight to the Valley of Splendid Blossoms. The heart of a powerful ancient god, Y'Shaarji, was sealed in the underground palace by Lai, the guardian left by the Titan.

The magic protection left by the guardian, after countless years, even the later goblin craftsmen couldn't defend against it, so how could it stop Li Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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