leisurely dragon

Chapter 268 Opening Up Hell

Chapter 268 Opening Up Hell ([-])

Silently operating the power of the dimension, Li Ge directly tore open a passage, turned into a human form and walked in.

The exit of the passage is a huge underground palace, each of which is more than a kilometer in length, width and height.

The most eye-catching thing is a heart like a hill, exuding an astonishing evil spirit, and it is still beating non-stop.

This is far bigger than Xiaohou's heart that can fit in a handcart. Imagine an ancient god that is a fraction of the size of a continent, but the heart is only so small, the proportion is simply ridiculous.

This heart was exactly what Li Ge was looking for. He reached out and took out a dark ball of light, and his divine thoughts penetrated into it, activating Gracia's thoughts.

"Master, is this in a different universe?" The black light exploded, and a stunning beauty appeared, "giggling" coquettishly.

Before Li Ge could answer, Gracia saw the huge heart, and suddenly her eyes couldn't hold anything else.

"What a perfect heart, the flesh and blood condensed by the power of negative emotions of countless creatures, this is really amazing", the saliva of the Queen of Demons was about to flow out.

"Humph", a cold snort interrupted Gracia's dream, and Li Ge looked at her with an uneasy expression.

Gracia hurriedly withdrew her gaze, her life was still in the hands of this person, so it was better to be honest.

"Master, is this the delicacy you prepared for me? I will definitely serve the master well." Gracia's delicate body leaned up, stroking Li Ge's arm toweringly.

Now the Erin Demon Queen has a little understanding of her master's character, and to put it bluntly, she is a bit sullen.

As long as I don't go too far, the master can tolerate me.It doesn't matter if the dragon god looks down on her now, as long as she works slowly, sooner or later she will succeed.

Li Ge didn't know what Gracia was thinking, and said to himself, "Gracia, I didn't bring you here for dinner."

"In this different universe, there are gods, holy light, void, order, chaos, life, and six forces of death."

"There are even countless demons born in the twisting void, but there is no hell."

"I brought you here to open up hell, and you are the master of hell I have chosen."

Glacia's delicate body trembled with excitement, "Master, you are so kind to me."

Then he said sharply, "The demons are everywhere, and now that I'm here, their end will come."

As the lord of hell and the great devil, the queen of erotic demons hated demons from the bottom of her heart, and both sides wanted to drive each other out.

Li Ge continued to speak comfortably, "Gracia, I know that you, as the lord of hell, have a deep understanding of the origin of hell."

"But the hell I imagined should be the existence that accommodates the negative atmosphere of the universe. A world has not only positive but also negative, and the combination of the two can form a complete world."

"I brought you here to open up hell, not just to harvest souls, but to perfect the great cycle of the universe."

"As long as you can understand the laws of the entire universe from it, you don't need so many souls to grow into a powerful existence like your father."

Gracia smiled coquettishly again, getting closer to Li Ge, and her little hands began to feel restless.

"Master, you are really amazing, you actually understand the laws of the universe so deeply."

Li Ge rolled his eyes, this flattery was too straightforward.

Glancing at the triumphant Erin Demon Queen, Li Ge continued with a straight face, "Gracia, having said so much, you still need to pay some price to build hell."

Hearing this, the Erin Demon Queen stopped her restless hands, "Master, I'm just a clone, and I don't use much power at all, so I shouldn't be able to help much."

Li Ge stared at the delicate body of the erotic queen for a long time, which made the erotic queen a little scared.

"I need to use your origin as an introduction, so that it will be much easier to open up hell." This is indeed the case. With the origin of hell as an introduction, it is much easier to transform the attributes of the opened hell plane, and copying homework is much more comfortable than writing by yourself.

Gracia's pretty face froze all of a sudden, and she couldn't help scolding Li Ge in her heart, this is killing my old lady.

Li Ge stared at the Queen of Desires with a half-smile, "Gracia, you probably forgot how powerful the enslavement rune is."

Following Li Ge's thought, the Erin Demon Queen uttered a scream, fell to the ground, curled up and rolled on the ground.

"Master, don't, I don't dare anymore," Gracia screamed and begged for mercy.

Li Ge was unmoved, and he stopped the soul punishment only when he knew that the Queen of Demons was in pain and could not move.

The nature of the devil is like this, no matter how nice you are to her, you should betray her.

On the contrary, Astimos, the lord of hell, suppressed the entire hell with his strength and power, and no big devil dared to resist.

Looking at Gracia, who was showing fear, Li Ge said expressionlessly, "I'm not asking for your life, your consciousness will still be preserved, as long as the plane of hell is strong enough, you, as the master of hell, will It can be easily transformed."

"Master, I understand, I will definitely dedicate my origin honestly," the Erin Demon Queen said pitifully after having learned the lesson.

Li Ge nodded, ignored the Queen of Desires, and began to run the law with all his strength, deriving everything needed to open up the hell plane.

Introduced by Gracia's source of hell, based on Y'Shaarji's heart, with the law of void and order as the skeleton, it attracts the negative breath and evil souls in the entire universe to grow.

Use your own laws of creation to adjust the laws of the newly born hell plane to ensure that you don't get out of your control.

Li Ge closed his eyes and thought about it for almost a month, and Gracia honestly didn't dare to do anything.

"It's done." Li Ge's eyes shot out two divine lights, indicating that the basic idea has been completed.In terms of details, the laws of the universe will be perfected by themselves. If the settings are too detailed, problems will easily occur and it will be thankless.

With a thought in Li Ge's mind, a hundred pieces of divine power crystallized into majestic divine power, filling Li Ge's whole body.

"Hum ha", Li Ge shouted loudly, the law of good fortune was in full swing, and the infinite power of good fortune turned into divine thunder and bombarded Y'Shaarji's heart.

After making such a big commotion, Li Ge was not afraid of being known at all. The guardians left by the Titans died, rebelled, and some were imprisoned. No one came to disturb his actions.

Gracia also wanted to see how Li Ge opened up the plane. Unexpectedly, when Li Ge's god of good fortune came out, she just glanced at it, and the thoughts in her soul were almost defeated, and her mind went blank. It took a long time recover.

The terrified Erin Demon Queen turned pale with fright, and her fear of Li Ge became stronger.

When this thunder strikes, even her real body will be completely obliterated, and even her rebirth will be impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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