leisurely dragon

Chapter 269 Opening Up Hell

Chapter 269 Opening Up Hell ([-])
The divine thunder bombarded the huge heart of Y'Shaarj, blasting the evil heart of the ancient god into a chaotic source of power.

The remnants left in the heart of Y'Shaarji, the ancient god, were completely wiped away by this thunder that seemed to open up the world, and there was no possibility of resurrection.

Under the guidance of Li Ge's power of law, a small dimensional plane was quickly formed, not only absorbing the power of the heart of the ancient god to grow rapidly.

"Gracia, quickly integrate the origin into the new plane and occupy the position of the Lord of Hell," Li Ge shouted loudly.

The Queen of Desires did not dare to neglect, this was related to her future future.

She turned into a ray of black light and penetrated into the new plane. The source and the plane merged, and she easily controlled the new plane.

After the attributes of the plane are fused with the origin of hell, under the control of Li Ge's power of law, it quickly transforms into the plane of hell.

Under Gracia's control, the newly born dimensional plane, like a long whale absorbing water, sucked all the powerful power of Y'Shaarji's heart into the plane.

With a single step, Li Ge stepped into the newly born hell plane, where earth-shaking changes took place.

The heart of an ancient god is where its essence lies, and the power inside is extremely huge.

With a bang, the newly born dimensional plane was promoted to a small independent plane in an instant, and hell was officially born!
At this moment, he seemed to feel the perfection of his own law system. The void among the six major forces of Eras universe, and the two major forces of order poured into the newborn hell like a flood.

On the continent of Pandaria, the Sha of Anger, Sha of Hate, Sha of Pride, etc. transformed from the essence of Y'Shaarji, as well as the infinite Sha Qi, seem to have found a container, and the infinite power is constantly flowing to In a new hell.

These evil demons tried desperately to stop them, but unfortunately they couldn't resist the attraction of hell transformed by the same source of power, and countless evil demons were annihilated.

Those souls who were attacked by the evil spirit also fell into the new plane in a daze.

"Why is the evil spirit on the mainland disappearing fast?" Several supreme gods found something was wrong, but unfortunately they couldn't find the reason at all.

The spiritual sense of several gods searched back and forth in the air, but they didn't find anything wrong.

"Forget it if you can't find it, it's always a good thing that the Shamo disappears."

"Yeah, from this point of view, the Sha of Wrath and the few sealed Sha Demons won't last long."

"I hope there will be no accidents. The creatures in Pandaria finally don't have to be tortured by the Sha Demon anymore."

Don't be angry, don't resent, don't be angry, otherwise it may lead to the corruption of the evil spirit, and everyone has had enough of this kind of life.

The four supreme gods only hope that there will be no more conspiracy in this incident, otherwise Pandaria really cannot bear this kind of turmoil.

Under the support of infinite power, the new hell plane was perfectly integrated into the great cycle of cosmic force under Li Ge's adjustment.

As if it was a reward, the infinite laws of the universe poured down, and Li Ge no longer cared about other things carefully, and absorbed the information of the laws wholeheartedly, otherwise he would regret it for the rest of his life if he missed this opportunity.

The force of the universe poured in endlessly, and the newly born hell plane grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Some souls attacked by the sha fell in, and under the infection of the breath of hell, they turned into little lemurs.

With the birth of the first devil, the plane of hell expanded rapidly as if it had been inflated.

Under the action of the force of the universe, the laws of the plane are rapidly perfected, and even Gracia, who is the Lord of Hell, cannot completely control it.

At this time, Li Ge had already fallen into an epiphany, and the several laws in his body were absorbing the information of the laws of other universes like gluttony, constantly evolving and transforming.

I don't know how long it took, but the plane of hell finally absorbed enough power, and the edge of the entire plane quickly extended to a new continent.

Gracia was ecstatic. This plane of hell has evolved into a medium-sized plane and has the capital to survive independently.

Little lemurs are also evolving rapidly. Little devils, bone demons, chain demons, erotic demons, horned demons, and even pit demons are being born.

Gracia's figure was also condensed again. She didn't expect that the new hell plane could evolve into a medium-sized plane all of a sudden, and it was still growing.

Indistinctly, evil spirits from other timelines are also slowly seeping in, becoming the capital for further promotion of the plane.

All the devils, regardless of their rank, knelt down to show their respect to the Lord of Hell.

The middle status of the devil is strict, and Gracia's current status as the lord of hell is enough to control all the devils, and her power is no less than that of the weaker gods.

It's just that this erotic queen, the new master of hell, looked at Li Ge who was still comprehending the law, with complicated expressions in his eyes.

What Gracia never expected was that the enslavement rune planted by Li Ge would grow step by step with the promotion of the plane after her original source was integrated into the plane.

Now it has been integrated into the origin of the entire plane, and it can no longer be taken out unless the entire plane is destroyed.

This also means that Gracia's life and death are still in the hands of Li Ge, and there is no possibility of escape.

The Queen of Desires glanced at Li Ge, and ordered all the devils not to disturb Li Ge's comprehension of the law.Since it is impossible to betray, it is better to please this master obediently.

Afterwards, the Queen of Desires arranged positions for these few devils according to their ranks.

The devil is a natural creature of order, and he doesn't reject this at all, and quickly arranges it in an orderly manner.

Next, Gracia will start planning future actions.

Only relying on the plane of hell to passively absorb the evil spirits of other timelines, the growth is too slow.

She decided to take action and start to attack, gather those fallen souls, and strengthen the power of hell.

When the hell plane grows into a large plane, Gracia can at least become an existence comparable to a medium-level supernatural power.

At that time, it was the moment when she, the hell lord, shocked the entire Eras universe. Now it is better to choose to develop secretly.

No creature can clearly understand how to grow up when it is not strong enough than the devil.

Now, there is only one enemy that Gracia needs to face, and that is the devil. This is a natural enemy, and there is no reason at all.

It may take a long time for people in the main world to know the existence of hell. This is a rare opportunity for growth.

From the evil souls who are still falling into hell, we can know that this universe is simply a good hunting ground for devils.

(End of this chapter)

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