leisurely dragon

Chapter 270 Promotion of Weak Divine Power

Chapter 270 Promotion of Weak Divine Power
While Li Ge was busy devouring and comprehending the surging law information, the avatar of the gods in the multiverse also sensed the infinite law information of other worlds through the system connection.

The avatar of the god spirit is also desperately operating the godhead to absorb these laws, even if it misses a little bit, it will be a waste, and it will make him feel very distressed.

Once the creation runes in the soul and the laws of the other world are fused, amazing changes have taken place, releasing more comprehension of laws.

The godhead eagerly absorbs the power of these laws, and the fields of good fortune, void, time and space, and dimensions are also constantly growing.

This is a once-in-a-million-year opportunity. After Li Ge perfected a part of the universe cycle for the Elas universe, the consciousness of the universe began to catch him and feed him.

It doesn't matter that Li Ge is just a little guy now, and he may be stuffed to death by this bowl of rice.

After absorbing enough law information, the godhead finally changed and was promoted to the sixth level, and Li Ge was officially promoted to a weaker divine power.

The petitioners of the entire Kingdom of God also felt the joy of the gods and began to celebrate the promotion of the gods.

Originally, Li Ge was a weak divine power, and when combined with Rihanna and Catherine's divine kingdom, there was a little disharmony, but now it is finally perfect.

The two goddesses, Laiya and other female dragons also felt Li Ge's promotion.The Dimensional Ancient Tree also began to grow again when Li Ge was promoted to the weaker level of divine power.

After several expansions, the area of ​​the Dimensional Dragon's Nest has exceeded [-] square kilometers, enough to reach the size of the previous secular kingdom.

Under the leadership of Liya, the dragon blood elves began to pray devoutly to their father god under the ancient tree of dimension.

In the pantheon of the multiverse, in the area of ​​weak divine power, a golden throne shone with divine light, and suddenly squeezed into the area of ​​weak divine power.

This also made many true gods look sideways, feeling that this newly promoted dragon god is really a bit fierce.

But this is not a rare thing among the true gods.Only after being promoted to medium divine power can one be qualified to master a divine system.

Promoted to a powerful divine power, that is when the prestige spreads across the multiverse.

After becoming a weaker divine power, the speed of comprehending the power of the law more than doubled, and Li Ge's tense nerves relaxed.

At this time, the law information transmitted from the other universe also slowed down until it gradually stopped.

Part of the mystery of the system has been discovered again. At this moment, Li Ge's body can easily feel the state of the avatar, which is much better than before.

"Such a big happy event, it's time to celebrate it." Li Ge's true god body laughed, and tonight was another sleepless night.

In the Elas universe, the growth rate of the hell plane has become normal.

The torrent of laws sent down by the consciousness of the universe for the birth of hell also stopped, and Li Ge's consciousness just woke up in an epiphany.

Although it cost him a hundred crystals of divine power to open up the plane of hell this time, he got more than a hundred times more.

Gracia obediently stood aside, feeling that the master's power had grown deeper, even if it was just an incarnation, it made her feel deeply disturbed.

"Master, my devil's palace has been built, please go down and have a rest, master." Gracia carefully supported Li Ge with her little hand.

"En", Li Ge agreed, such a long period of comprehension made him mentally exhausted.

In the palace of the devil king, the high-ranking devils serve outside the palace.Li Ge sat on the large seat, and Glacia, the Queen of Desires, gently massaged him to relax.

"Gracia, I really didn't expect to get these benefits just by perfecting the big cycle of the universe."

"Since you have recovered your strength in advance and become stronger than your body, then you, the hell lord, will be responsible for all affairs in hell."

Gracia was very pleasantly surprised, she thought that Li Ge would manipulate hell and turn her into a puppet.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely manage hell well."

Li Ge was noncommittal, the location of the new hell had been determined, and he was not afraid of Gracia going astray.

"However, I want to warn you, don't be too obsessed with the greed of the soul for the devil's instinct control, otherwise you will never be able to surpass your father."

Gracia's heart tightened, and she kept the master's words firmly in her heart. She was very interested in surpassing her father.

After saying this, Gracia's seductive body stuck up, "Master, my body of a demon king is condensed from the new hell plane, so it's very special."

"I have many ways to relieve fatigue, master, do you want to try it?"

Li Ge's expression remained unchanged, "Just try it, if the effect is not good, you will be punished!"

Gracia giggled, lowered her head, and took a breath of air with a "hiss", and a melancholy sound resounded in the Demon King's palace.

In the sky above Pandaria, Li Ge turned into a golden dragon and spread his wings towards the Eastern Kingdom.

The plane of hell has become an independent medium-sized plane. Even if the world on this timeline is destroyed, the foundation of the new hell cannot be shaken.

It has been almost half a year since Li Ge left Lakeside Town.If it wasn't for Li Ge's explanation in advance, and the soul contract has never been a problem, Xilia and Liyue would have been looking for him all over the world.

When Li Ge entered the manor quietly, he saw Xilia and Liyue sitting in the garden, talking boredly.

"Xilia, Liyue, I'm back," Li Ge said softly.

The two girls ran towards Li Ge in surprise, and fell into his arms directly.

Feeling the warmth of the tender body in his arms, Li Ge felt a little apologetic, he didn't expect it would take so long, and as a result, Xilia and Liyue lost their backbone and worried for so long.

The female devil queen with Gracia is just playing around, it can't be taken seriously at all, who would really believe in a big devil.

The two real dragon girls in front of him are family members worthy of his treasure.

"Hey, you three think I don't exist," Freya yelled dissatisfied after being fed a mouthful of dog food.

"Xilia, Liyue, you two are really serious, Li Ge forgot me as a good sister when he came here."

Li Ge let go of Xilia and Liyue, and ignored Freya's complaints.

"Xilia, how is your time going, I wasted time because of a sudden incident," Li Ge said apologetically.

This time, if the cosmic consciousness had not suddenly sent down a torrent of law information in order to perfect the new hell, Li Ge would not have entered the state of epiphany and delayed it for so long.

"It's okay, I know you must have important things to do," Xilia was still so understanding.

Li Yue also clenched her fists, "Brother, don't worry, we have done a lot in the past six months."

(End of this chapter)

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