leisurely dragon

Chapter 271 The Little Thoughts of the Black Dragon Princess

Chapter 271 The Little Thoughts of the Black Dragon Princess

Next, Xi Liya prepared a sumptuous meal for Li Ge, and Li Ge listened to the three real dragon girls talk about what happened in the past six months while eating.

These days, Xilia and the others have also figured out the surrounding environment.

Stormwind City was being rebuilt, and the new king, Varian Wrynn, couldn't take into account the current situation of Redridge Mountain and Lakeside Town for a while.

The Blackstone orcs took refuge in Nefarian, the Black Dragon Prince of the Blackstone Tower in the Burning Plains, and often invaded Lakeside Town.The surrounding gnolls and murlocs were also killing endlessly.

The real dragons of Xilia couldn't stand it when they saw this situation, and they often helped out.

The monster army such as the murlocs and gnolls they subdued, under the command of Freya, began to fight against other monster tribes.

With the support of three powerful real dragons, these monsters were vulnerable and surrendered to Freya one after another.

The small church established by Xilia and Liyue has also achieved some achievements and developed many believers.

Li Ge also felt this, and there were indeed some ordinary believers' beliefs connected to him.

After unifying the surrounding monster forces, the only ones around Lakeside Town who can endanger civilians are those Blackstone orcs.

These Blackrock orcs, together with some dragonmen and black dragon hatchlings, are eyeing Lakeside Town and Redridge Mountain.

Oni, the black dragon princess who had been away from Arthur for a long time, stood up at this time and supported Xilia and others to eliminate those orcs and young dragons.

According to Oni, her ambitious brother Nefarian occupied the Blackrock Tower and was planning a big conspiracy.

If Shelia wanted to, she could send the adult black dragon and minions to help stop her brother's evil plot.

But Xilia's three-headed real dragon is not a fool. Although he is kind-hearted, he will not do everything for human civilians.

It is enough to deal with those chaotic monsters. The invasion of those orcs and young dragons is obviously a struggle between several forces, and they don't want to intervene.It is the responsibility of the Human Stormwind Kingdom to deal with these enemies.

And Oni, the black dragon princess, instigated them to deal with Nefarian too obviously, she really thought Metal Dragon was a bad guy.

Therefore, the three true dragon girls of Xilia didn't care about Oni's words at all, and restrained those monsters on their own, and didn't care about the affairs of the Black Dragon Prince's subordinates at all.

"That's how it should be," Li Ge couldn't help applauding Xilia, they didn't come to this different world to help others as thugs.

Hearing Li Ge's praise, Xilia showed a sweet smile, Liyue was also happy, only Freya was a little listless.

"Li Ge, those monsters are too poor. What I got from carrying out justice is not even enough to fund the action."

The golden dragon girl is very interested in everything in the other world, the only thing she feels uncomfortable is that she gets too little wealth.

Li Ge took out a crystal of divine power. This time he brought a total of [-] crystals of divine power, and he had used up one hundred and one of them.

"Freya, this divine power crystal is enough to exchange for [-] divine power gold coins. From now on, I will ask Xilia to record your credit, and you can get it when the credit is enough."

The eyes of the golden dragon girl were fixed on the crystallization of divine power, and there was nothing else in her eyes. She was indiscriminately agreeing to Li Ge's conditions, and she didn't hear what Li Ge said at all.

The wealth she has seen in her entire life may not be as much as this crystal of divine power, nor is it so precious.

It wasn't until Li Ge put away the crystal of divine power that Freya woke up.The girl patted her towering softness, "Li Ge, you have to keep your word, I will definitely make enough credit."

Xilia smiled and took Freya's hand, "Don't worry, Freya, I will let Li Ge fulfill his promise."

Only then did Freya feel relieved, and she was motivated again.

Li Ge and Xi Liya smiled at each other. Although Freya is smart, she is also very simple. She can be full of energy with a simple encouragement.

In the following days, while Li Ge was accompanying Xilia and Liyue, he was also digesting and absorbing the power of the law that he had comprehended some time ago.

His strength is also improving day by day, but his aura seems more flat instead.In the human form, it is almost an ordinary human youth.

A few days after Li Ge came back, Oni, who got the news, came back with her old lover Arthur.

Arthur seemed to be in high spirits. He probably had a good time. After seeing Li Ge, he was very enthusiastic and brought a small gift.

"Li Ge, you have been there to play during this time, and I have looked for you several times." Arthur also let go a lot now.

The dragon servants brought tea to several people one after another, and Li Ge leaned back in his chair leisurely, "Ani gave information that there are several ancient gods on this planet. I went to check it out, but I didn't get much. ".

Arthur frowned, he's been playing too much lately, he even forgot the reality that this world has always been full of disasters.

"Lige, have you encountered any strange things, such as encountering some nosy bronze dragons?" Arthur began to ask tentatively.

Li Ge raised his eyebrows, "Don't worry about this, since we entered this timeline, those bronze dragons have lost the ability to interfere with this timeline."

His personality is not just for fun, coupled with the establishment of a new hell plane, those bronze dragons can't even travel through this timeline now.

If you want to regain control of this timeline, even if the titan Aman'Thul comes in person, you may not be able to do it.

Arthur was overjoyed, and the black dragon princess Aoni beside him was also relieved.

This question has been on their minds for a long time, especially Arthur. Every day when he wakes up, he is afraid that a little dwarf loli will come to send him home.

The black dragon princess Aoni laughed, "Your Majesty Li Ge, the bronze dragon is almost like a waste now."

"I don't know if Your Majesty is interested in unifying the Dragon Clan. I am willing to assist Your Majesty with all my strength."

Li Ge glanced at the cunning black dragon, leaned back on his chair, "I'm not interested in doing this, if you want to unify the dragon clan, go by yourself."

The black dragon princess thought very well, Li Ge came out to dominate the dragon clan, and the final management power would have to rely on her, a native dragon.

In this way, she will be able to rule the entire dragon family in fact, becoming the black dragon queen of Aylas.

Tiamat, the mother of five-color dragons in the multiverse, is the goal of Oni's pursuit.

It's just that I didn't expect Li Ge to reject it outright, but Aoni was just testing it out.

The purpose of coming with Arthur this time is mainly to ask Li Ge about the bronze dragon.

Now that you have the answer, you can be bolder.

(End of this chapter)

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