Chapter 282
The Earth Guardian Church stands on the cusp this time.For some reason, their god was unwilling to be hostile to the fleeing orcs.

This aroused dissatisfaction in Lordaeron. Bishop Calia hurriedly explained to her father after communicating with the gods.

Arthur is also forced to do nothing. The new tribe will deal with the Burning Legion and the ancient gods in the future. It is impossible for him to help humans kill these orcs who have escaped the control of demons.

Despite such an explanation, the relationship between the church and the human kingdom has become flat from the previous fiery.

However, the princess of Kul Tiras, the genius mage Jaina of Dalaran, admired Arthur's ideas very much, and came to the church every now and then to discuss the doctrine with Calia.

Medivh, the revived astral mage, came to the Eastern Kingdom silently and witnessed the battle between orcs and humans.

For a certain purpose, this archmage with the heart of atonement led Thrall to lead the new tribe to the sea and march towards a strange continent.

But it angered a grieving father, Admiral Daelin of Kul Tiras.

The admiral of the alliance lost his eldest son, Prince Drake, the heir of Kul Tiras in the orc war.

The grieving father, with a deep hatred for orcs, became a hardliner in the League.

Due to the changes in the history of the eastern kingdom, the sect of the curse suffered a major blow, and there was another true god.

Medivh had already fallen into deep confusion, and had no other actions except guiding the orcs out to sea.

Jaina, the archmage, has no move to lead the civilians who have lost their homes to find a new home.

"Great God, please tell me, how can I calm down my father's anger and stop continuing this war"

With the help of her friend Calia, Jaina began to pray to Arthur.

Arthur in the Kingdom of God rolled his eyes angrily, wondering why everyone was so worried.

Meow, if he hadn't been on the broken ship of Aylas now, he wouldn't bother to care about these shit.

But Jaina's serious prayer looks a bit interesting. This god is already planning how to pry the corner of his friend in the mortal period.

Finally, under Jaina's prayer, Arthur sent an envoy to guide Prince Drake's soul, which could not rest because of resentment, into his own kingdom of God.

General Dai Lin, who witnessed all this, had tears in his eyes. Under the persuasion of his beloved daughter, he reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​chasing the escaped orcs.

However, for those orcs who were still in the eastern kingdom, General Dai Lin still sent the marines to join the team to eliminate them.

History has become different step by step, and the changes caused by Li Ge and Arthur have become more and more influential.

Li Ge didn't care about the changes in Elas's history at all, as long as he didn't delay his comprehension of the law.

"It's finally finished." After more than half a year of transformation, Li Ge successfully transformed the branches of the ancient dimensional tree he brought over by relying on the laws he had comprehended.

The ancient tree of dimension already had the ability to absorb the power of the void, and Li Ge specially strengthened this, so that this branch could absorb the power of the ancient god.

The personality of the ancient god is not higher than the ancient tree of dimension, and after Li Ge spared no expense in the transformation, spending [-] crystals of divine power, the transformation was finally successful.

Li Ge was very proud. According to the calculation of the system, it would cost fifty divine power crystals to transform directly from the system.

Doing it himself not only gave him more understanding of the application of the laws, but also saved twenty divine power crystals, not to mention the sense of accomplishment it brought.

Seeing Li Ge happy, Xi Liya and Li Yue couldn't help being happy for him.

The golden dragon Freya seemed to be doing nothing. The nearby monsters were all subdued, and now she was unable to carry out justice.

"I'll take you to plant trees," Li Ge said enthusiastically.The war between humans and orcs has nothing to do with him, he has done enough.

"Does planting trees count as contribution?" Freya got excited, she was bored now.

Li Ge had nothing to do with this golden dragon, "Forget it, as long as you are willing to help."

There is nothing to clean up here, a small church has formed there for the monster believers.

In more than three years, Xilia has taught these monsters, learned to plant, fish and hunt, and can survive without harassing humans.

These monsters are also intelligent creatures, and after being enlightened by divine power, they can easily enter the age of civilization.

Silia simply packed up her belongings, ordered the dragon servants to take care of the manor, and arranged everything.

At night, Li Ge took three real dragons and three native black dragons loyal to him, soared into the sky and left Lakeside Town.

Li Ge had already thought about the place to plant the tree, and that was Nordson's Grizzly Bear Hills, where the former world tree Andashir was located, which is now Vordassil.

The druids of the night elves planted a branch of the world tree Nordrassil here in ancient times to purify the Saronite here.

Without the blessing of the guardian dragon, the newly born World Tree Andashir was polluted by the ancient god Yogg-Saron after accidentally breaking through the prison that imprisoned the ancient god Yogg-Saron.

After the ancient god polluted this new World Tree, he entered the Emerald Dreamland, and slowly corrupted many places in this dreamland world, thus the Emerald Nightmare was born.

On the former Grizzly Bear Hills, a huge wreck of the World Tree fell on the ground, looking extremely desolate.

After the world tree was polluted, the druids had to reluctantly cut down this ancient tree in order not to cause devastating consequences.

Andashir also became Vordassil, and Li Ge keenly sensed the lament of nature and Andashir's painful echo.

A huge golden dragon with a length of 500 meters descended beside the wreckage of Vordassil. Looking at all this, he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Okay, here it is", Li Ge's dragon chant sounded, and a branch of an ancient tree with a height of more than ten feet appeared in his dragon's claws.

Compared to the ancient dimensional tree like a mountain, the branches of these tens of feet are just a small section.

Xilia, Liyue, Freya, and the three black dragon servants stood a little further away so as not to disturb Li Ge.

Li Ge put the branch on the wreckage of Andashir, took out the ten liters of water of life he brought from the ancient tree of dimension, and poured it on the branch.

In an instant, under the action of the water of life, the branch transformed by Li Ge quickly took root and grew.

The roots, like living creatures, greedily absorbed the water of life, and in just a quarter of an hour, they grew to a height of [-] meters.

After the water of life was exhausted, the new dimensional ancient tree branched and rooted its roots into the wreckage of Andashir.

Under the sufficient nutrients provided by this huge world tree wreck, the branches of the ancient dimensional tree grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The power of the ancient gods inside the wreckage could not resist the power of the branches of the ancient tree of dimension, and was converted into the force that could be absorbed.

Several days passed, when Andashir's wreckage was completely absorbed by the branches of the ancient dimensional tree, a new sacred tree stood on the polluted land instead of Andashir.

(End of this chapter)

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