leisurely dragon

Chapter 283 Andashir's Rebirth

Chapter 283 Andashir's Rebirth

The newly born sacred tree is born with the blessing of the mother tree, and is extremely sensitive to dimensional space and void.

Countless roots followed Andashir's original traces and entered Yogg-Saron's prison.

"Stupid mortals are starting to plant trees again." In the prison of Titan, the voice of the ancient god Yogg-Saron sounded.

The powerful ancient god's power was absorbed along the roots of the sacred tree, "Suck it, suck more, my power is endless."

Li Ge didn't hear the voice of the ancient god Yogg-Saron, but he has observed that the branches of the ancient tree of dimension are transforming a large amount of the power of the ancient god into nourishment for growth.

"Hmph, Yogg-Saron, let's see how much power you can convey." Li Ge was very proud.

By the time the ancient god Yogg-Saron found out that something was wrong, it might be too late.

The other part of the roots directly entered the Emerald Dreamland, connecting to the original projection of Andashir.

With the strengthening of the branches of the ancient dimensional tree, Li Ge could feel that in the Emerald Dream, the original projection of Andashir had been assimilated by the branches of the ancient dimensional tree.

The power of the Emerald Nightmare caused by the pollution of the ancient gods is constantly being absorbed by the sacred tree.Some weaker nightmare creatures were sucked out of their power and turned into ashes on the spot.

Li Ge can even feel the branch of the ancient tree of dimension, already has a vague spiritual wisdom, and is expressing his closeness to Li Ge.

"It's an unexpected situation to have an independent spiritual intelligence." Li Ge was a little surprised.

Even in the lair where Li Ge's body is located, the ancient tree of the dimension only has basic spirituality, which is far from producing spiritual intelligence, and it is usually hosted by Li Ge's consciousness incarnation.

Li Ge's thoughts entered the body of the Divine Tree, and that bit of hazy intelligence surrounded his thoughts, full of joy and close feelings.

Why this happened, Li Ge did not understand.When there is wisdom, there will be unexpected situations.

After thinking for a while, Li Ge made a decision, "If you have wisdom, you are a life, so I will help you."

Li Ge raised his sharp dragon claws and cut a long wound on his chest, and the divine blood flowed down like a waterfall.

"Brother", Li Yue shouted anxiously, and was about to step forward, but was stopped by Xi Liya.

"Liyue, don't worry, Li Ge must have his own plans", even though he said so, the knuckles of Xi Liya's small hands turned white.

Shenshu's thoughts became flustered, as if he didn't understand why the master wanted to hurt himself.

"Don't be afraid, absorb my divine blood quickly, and grow up quickly, so that you will not be afraid of the whispers of the ancient gods." Li Ge's consciousness passed the words to the spiritual wisdom of the sacred tree.

A root of the sacred tree probed and absorbed a little blood of the dragon god.Then, as if eating something good, countless roots grew out, constantly absorbing the blood of the Dragon God.

The divine power of Li Ge's incarnation was continuously transformed into divine blood, which continued to be sprinkled down.

As if taking a big tonic, the sacred tree grew violently, and the leaves and branches made rustling sounds.

Almost in an instant, the height of the sacred tree broke through a thousand meters, and it was still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The veins of the leaves also turned bright red, as if they were stained red by the blood of the Dragon God.

The spiritual wisdom of the sacred tree obtained a large amount of knowledge contained in the blood of the dragon god, and quickly became mature.

Li Ge's golden dragon incarnation continued to output divine power to transform the blood of the dragon god, and his body length gradually became smaller due to the loss of a lot of divine power.

It wasn't until the end that the golden dragon's body length had been reduced from 500 meters to 300 meters, and Li Ge's wounds began to heal.

This time, the avatar lost most of its power.However, when the system was promoted to a weaker level of divine power last time, the connection became much smoother, and it is already possible to try to transmit power from the multiverse body.

The sacred tree absorbed all the dragon god's blood on the ground, not even letting go of the fragrant blood in the air.

After receiving a large amount of Dragon God's blood from Li Ge, the sacred tree has become a divine plant.

The trunk of more than 500 meters, the diameter of nearly [-] meters, covered dozens of square kilometers of the crown, not inferior to the world tree Nordrassil that has not been destroyed yet.

Li Ge transformed into a human form, and Xilia and Liyue rushed over immediately, holding Li Ge's hand, "Li Ge, you left so much blood, are you okay?"

Li Ge laughed, "It's just that I lost most of my divine power, and I can replenish it slowly. Anyway, in this world now, no one can pose a threat to me."

Freya looked at Li Ge as if she were a monster. The 500-meter-long monster, the blood of the dragon god flowing down, could almost fill a small lake, but nothing happened.

A wisp of the divine tree's thoughts swirled happily around Li Ge, and Li Ge could almost feel any of its thoughts, as if a child surrounded his father.

"Since your intelligence has matured, let me give you a name," Li Ge said softly.

"Okay, master, please give me a name." A voice that was neither male nor female, but extremely clear and pleasant sounded.

"You absorbed Andashir's remains, fused with its projection in the Emerald Dream, and obtained my Dragon God's blood."

"Then, from now on, you will be Andashir, the ancient dragon's blood tree, inheriting the essence and mission of this world tree, and completely eradicating the pollution of the ancient god."

"Okay, I have a name. I am Andashir, the ancient dragon's blood tree." The branches and leaves of the ancient dragon's blood tree, Andashir, swayed and laughed cheerfully.

At this moment, among the furbolgs in the Grizzly Hills, those polluted members slowly woke up, and the power of the ancient gods in their bodies was cleared by the breath of the huge ancient tree Andashir.

"Ah, is that the world tree Andashir reborn?" Many furbolgs knelt down and prayed devoutly to the new Andashir tree.

"Lige, this tree is a little different from the ancient tree of dimension, and it has a better effect on the growth of our giant dragon." Xilia and Liyue felt the breath of Andashir with their faces full of intoxication.

"My dragon god's blood has modified Andashir to have this effect," Li Ge said with a smile.

"Originally, I didn't expect Andashir to develop spiritual intelligence. In order to prevent her spiritual intelligence from being polluted by the whispers of the ancient gods, I baptized her with the blood of the Dragon God."

"Andashir, take back your power."

"Okay, master," Andashir replied cheerfully, and then the mixed power of the dragon god's power and the breath of life in the air was withdrawn by the ancient dragon blood tree.

The power she exuded just now was for her to show favor to her master, or for the children to show off in front of their parents.

"Ah, why is there no power?" Freya, who was greedily absorbing Andashir's power, and the three adult black dragons woke up.

The three black dragons didn't dare to say anything, but the golden dragon Freya yelled.

 Sacrifice, friend Yunmengmeng's popular "Sword of the Immortal", the writing looks good after it hits the shelves!

(End of this chapter)

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