leisurely dragon

Chapter 284 Settled

Chapter 284 Settled
"Freya, this kind of power is Andashir's original aura, and if it exudes too much, it is not conducive to her growth," Li Ge said helplessly.

"Oh, is that so?" Freya's ears drooped, the girl is not an idiot, how could this precious power be absorbed by others without restraint.

Seeing the dejected Freya, Li Ge was a little amused, "Freya, next, I will start to get rid of the pollution in those dragon eggs and cultivate a group of forces that are loyal to us."

"If you are willing to help, you can continue to accumulate contributions, and at some point, I will let Andashir provide you with some power."

"Really, I am willing", Freya immediately came back to life. Golden dragons have an unusual obsession with power, which is the capital for them to be able to dominate ordinary dragons.

And for Li Ge, there are too few people available. The golden dragon Freya is much stronger than the three black dragons, and she works very hard.

"Next, we will make our home here. From now on, this will be our settlement in this world," Li Ge said with a smile.

In fact, according to his thinking, the best settlement is in Pandaria, which is closer to the ancient style of the previous life.

However, in order to understand the law now, I can only choose this place.

Using Y'Shaarji's heart before to open up a new hell brought huge benefits to Li Ge.

In his view, the ancient god is a large experience package that cannot be moved.

On the planet Aylas, the births of several main races, humans, dwarves, and gnomes are inextricably linked with the ancient gods.

Therefore, the mystery of the ancient god's own laws must not be underestimated.Capturing the laws of an ancient god can allow Li Ge to make greater progress in his own laws of creation, which is much faster than studying hard.

In this place of Nordson, except for the Lich King on the Frozen Throne and the undead army, which is troublesome, other places are not bad.

At least the land of Grizzly Hills, after Andashir purifies the pollution here, is definitely a good place to live, and no one has disturbed it yet.

Seeing that Li Ge wanted to settle down, several roots of Andashir came out of the ground, and quickly grew and entangled to form an exquisite and beautiful tree house.

The knowledge of these buildings was passed on by Li Ge to Andashir with the blood of the Dragon God.

"Thank you, Andashir", Li Ge gently patted Andashir's roots, and Andashir happily shook the branches and danced.

With a place to live, Li Ge, Xilia, Liyue, and Freya set up a hatching place for dragon eggs together.

With the help of Andashir, a simple lair was quickly built.The three girls took the black dragon servants and carefully placed the five hundred dragon eggs.

The roots of the ancient dragon's blood tree entrenched in it, constantly absorbing the power of pollution in the dragon eggs, and at the same time warming these dragon eggs with its own breath.

"Li Ge, let me take care of these dragon eggs." Freya rolled her eyes and came up with a good idea.

Li Ge could see that the golden dragon Freya wanted to vote for the breath of the ancient dragon blood tree that warmed the dragon eggs by the way.

"Well, it's up to you, as long as you look after the dragon eggs, it doesn't matter."

In fact, these dragon eggs are under the nose of Andashir and Lige, where they need to be guarded next to each other.

The Golden Dragon Freya triumphantly started to build a simple lair next to the dragon egg.

Xilia and Liyue started to get busy decorating the tree house.The whole room was filled with the fragrance of the original breath of the ancient dragon's blood tree, which made the two real dragon girls feel very comfortable.

Li Ge stayed here, and then he had to replenish his divine power from his body. This time, he suffered a lot of blood for the ancient dragon's blood tree.

In addition, he also needs to observe the reaction of the ancient god Yogg-Saron, in case this guy plays any new tricks, he can deal with it in time.

"Li Ge, there are a group of furbolgs who want to join us," Xilia said with a smile during the meal.

This group of furbolgs were all polluted. After Andashir was reborn, they were purified and their sanity became clearer.

Attracted by the ancient dragon's blood tree, these bear monsters decided to live in the ancient tree. Unexpectedly, the reborn Andashir actually had wisdom, and the bear monsters immediately surrendered.

Xilia and Liyue intend to return to their old business and transform these furbolgs into Andashir's guard force.

The power of this ancient dragon's blood tree is too attractive to other creatures. Li Ge and three black dragons alone will be annoying. It is better to be a little ordinary soldier.

"You can do what you want, and Andashir is not immune to resistance. Don't be too anxious, just take your time," Li Ge said with a smile.

Absorbing the blood of the dragon god, gaining spiritual intelligence, coupled with a strong body, Andashir's strength cannot be underestimated.

Time passed day by day, Li Ge and the others got used to the life here.

Those furbolgs who had been healed, after seeing the power of Andashir, Xilia and Liyue, were very obedient and had no other thoughts.

The environment of the Grizzly Hills quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.Affected by Andashir, many wild animals also came to settle nearby, which saved the hunting time of the three black dragons.

Some forest spirits and other creatures also gradually increased. They lost the influence of the ancient god's breath, and they also recovered their peaceful personalities.

In the Emerald Dreamland, an evil nightmare king, Sahavi, roared angrily, "Who stole the power of the ancient god?"

During this period of time, the power of the ancient gods that had been secretly flowing into the Emerald Dream was secretly intercepted by an unknown existence.

Even some weaker nightmares lost their strength and disappeared.

"If this goes on like this, those green dragons and nasty druids will wake up sooner or later, and Malfurion can't be trapped anymore."

Sahavi was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but unfortunately he didn't know what to do.Without the continuous blood transfusion from his masters, he would not be able to control so many powerful creatures.

Andashir's projection in the Emerald Dreamland also became taller and taller, exuding mysterious power, constantly absorbing those seeds of corrosion.

Li Ge's mind wandered along with the roots of Andashir, and learned many secrets of the Emerald Dream.

He even took a look at the prison where Yogg-Saron was imprisoned. This ancient god is still outputting power in different ways, but it is a pity that it has become the power of the ancient dragon blood tree Andashir to grow.

When this ancient god starts to weaken, it's time for Li Ge to start harvesting.

"Sure enough, the speed of comprehension of the law is faster in this way." Li Ge's thoughts grew with the roots of the ancient dragon's blood tree, and he had more new understandings of his vocation of good fortune.

Laws do not exist independently, and good fortune encompasses thousands of things. Every time you see a different landscape, you can bring some progress.

(End of this chapter)

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