leisurely dragon

Chapter 285 Young Dragon Mentor Freya

Chapter 285 Young Dragon Mentor Freya

In the dragon nest below Teldrassil, the golden dragon Freya lay on the ground, breaking her dragon claws and muttering there, "I have already accumulated one-third of my contributions, and soon that beautiful crystal of divine power will be mine. up".

"Freya, you have to work hard to become a rich and beautiful golden dragon!"

"Kacha", a crisp sound alarmed Freya who was thinking about it, and saw a dragon egg cracked a crack, and a small black dragon's head came out.

"Is the first baby dragon born?" Freya stretched out her huge dragon head, carefully observing the baby dragon who was trying to break out of its shell.

Thanks to the nourishment of the breath of the ancient dragon's blood tree, the black dragon baby was strong and powerful, and quickly got out.

The little black dragon baby tilted its head to look at the behemoth in front of it, then sniffed Freya's scent, and called "Mom".

"Ah, what are you talking about? I'm not your mother." Freya, the golden dragon girl who had never laid dragon eggs, shouted in panic.

The noise from the dragon egg hatchery soon alarmed Li Ge, Xi Liya and Li Yue.

When they came over, they saw this ridiculous scene. Freya was using her huge claws to grab the little black dragon baby, "Remember, I'm not your mother!".

Li Ge laughed out loud, and Xilia and Liyue also laughed until their stomachs ached.

Freya finally calmed down the black dragon baby, and then she looked at Li Ge, the three gloating guys.

"Not only are you not helping, you are still laughing at me here," Freya said angrily.

Li Ge managed to stop his smile, "I'm sorry, Freya. I didn't explain to you beforehand that the dragons on Planet Alas are different from those in the multiverse."

"The giant dragon of Aylas is born with only some blood magic, and the understanding of family and ethnic group is cultivated from the day after tomorrow."

"They are nourished by the breath of the ancient dragon's blood tree that contains my divine blood. You are a golden dragon like me, and you have been with them for so long."

"It is estimated that this is the reason why the black dragon baby will be regarded as a mother."

Hearing what Li Ge said, Freya breathed a sigh of relief, "It turns out that the memory of the giant dragons in the two worlds is different. I thought there was something wrong with the baby black dragon."

Seeing the black dragon baby still flopping around Freya, and the other 490 nine dragon eggs, Li Ge thought about it and came up with a good idea.

He looked at the golden dragon girl solemnly, "Freya, the parents of these black dragon babies were once giant dragons who were polluted by ancient gods and went astray."

"I'm not sure whether the black dragon babies hatched from these dragon eggs are affected by their parents' blood."

"So, this requires a righteous and powerful real dragon, as their mentor, to guide them on the path of justice."

Freya suddenly had a bad feeling, "Hey, Li Ge, why are you looking at me?" Li Ge's gaze made her a little uneasy.

Li Ge took a step forward and took out a divine power crystal, "Freya, you have performed very well during this time, these dragon eggs have been taken care of very well, this divine power crystal is given to you in advance, it is my reward."

With little stars in Freya's eyes, she snatched the divine power crystal from Li Ge's hand, and there was nothing else in her eyes.

Seeing Freya's appearance, Li Ge has a greater certainty about what to say next.

He took out another crystal of divine power and sent it to Freya, "I'll give you this crystal of divine power too."

Just as Freya was about to reach for it, she suddenly realized, "Hey, Li Ge, why are you so kind, a divine power crystal is worth [-] divine power gold coins, so just give it to me for nothing."

Li Ge laughed, "Of course it's not for nothing, I want you to be responsible for teaching these young dragons and guiding them on the right path."

"This is the remuneration for three years. I will give it to you in advance. This remuneration is very generous."

Freya glanced at the hundreds of dragon eggs in embarrassment, "But there are too many baby dragons, how can I take care of them?"

Xilia and Liyue smiled at each other, walked over and held Freya's hand, "Freya, our sisters can also help you."

Li Ge also smiled, "I will ask Andashir to give you some authority, and the three black dragon servants will also obey your orders."

"There are also those furbolgs who have come over, they will come to help, so you will be much more relaxed."

Freya thought about it for a long time, but was still attracted by this generous treatment.

She grabbed the divine power crystal in Li Ge's hand, "Okay, I will definitely work hard to help you educate these black dragon babies well."

When Li Ge first started, he was so entangled that he had no choice but to bring this golden dragon here.

It was discovered later that Freya was very serious in her work and never cheated or played tricks.He slowly recognized this friend in his heart.

Now this will come in handy. Although Freya promised to be obedient at that time, Li Ge will not really let her work for nothing.

In the past few years, Freya has contributed a lot to help Xilia and Liyue conquer the monsters in Red Ridge Mountain.

When there is a lack of trustworthy people here, Li Ge will naturally not treat Freya badly.

Xilia and Liyue would not be envious of this wealth, since Li Ge became a god, all kinds of resources in the Kingdom of God were open to them.

Moreover, when Li Ge promoted them to be envoys of God, he spent a lot of divine power, which was more than that.

As time passed, more and more baby dragons were hatched from the eggs, and Freya was very busy every day.

Thanks to the giant dragon's natural obedience to the strong, with the help of several adult real dragons, Freya managed to control the situation and trained the young dragons to be obedient.

The [-] young dragons quickly made a lot of noise in the tens of square kilometers of space under the canopy of Andashir.

In order not to delay Li Ge's participation in the rules, Celia discussed with Freya and moved these young dragons to the space outside the canopy of Andashir.

Only those young dragons who behaved better and were more tame and obedient were allowed to go in after a while to absorb a little breath of the ancient dragon blood tree as a reward.

The young dragons, who had been born for a while, also began to understand that Freya was not their mother, and that Andashir was the great existence who had truly saved them and nourished them.

Therefore, every young dragon regards being able to absorb Andashir's breath as the highest honor and reward.

As for Li Ge, these young dragons only know that he is an existence that even Andashir respects.

Li Ge lived here with peace of mind, but something big happened in the Eastern Kingdom.

The cursed sect that has become like a street mouse, unexpectedly under the leadership of Kel'Thuzad, the former Dalaran archmage, raided Dalaran and snatched the artifact Dalaran Book.

(End of this chapter)

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