leisurely dragon

Chapter 286 The Inertia of History

Chapter 286 The Inertia of History

In the palace of the Kingdom of Alterac, the incarnation of Arthur, who was playing games with Oni, the new queen of Alterac, jumped angrily after learning the news.

"These incompetent mages, as well as the arrogant old man Antonidas, have clearly reminded them, but there is still such a big mistake."

Oni comforted Arthur who was about to vomit blood, and said, "Your Majesty Arthur, it seems that some things are inevitable, and we have to prepare in advance."

Arthur had told Oni about some of the problems that might arise in the future.Prince Alsace of the Kingdom of Lordaeron has become his key monitoring object.

It's just that he didn't expect that Kel'Thuzad, who was underestimated by him, would actually cause such a big mess.

"The possibility of Archimonde's arrival is very high. Oni, you must integrate the army of the Alterac Kingdom and the power of the Earth Guardian Church in time."

"This demon is too powerful. During the War of the Ancients, many demigods died at his hands, so we cannot underestimate him."

Arthur was actually a little uneasy in his heart. He couldn't face Archimonde with his real body. Once he died, he would really be finished.

If you only play as an avatar, you will most likely not be able to defeat Archimonde, the double-flowered red stick fighter of the Burning Legion.

On the mainland of Kalimdor, Hellscream is still fighting the night elves, and now the two sides are fighting hard in Ashenvale.

Arthur knew that if the fight continued, it would be time for Grom to drink the blood of the devil again and violently kill the demigod Cenarius.

If he doesn't care, the original plot will be played out, and the night elves and orcs will lose out.

Both sides will each lose a strong high-level leader, as well as a large number of ordinary soldiers.

"Your Majesty Arthur," Oni stepped forward and pulled his arm, helping him to sit down.

"I suggest not to worry about the affairs of those mortals. Too much interference as a god will only cause dissatisfaction on both the night elves and the orcs."

"We guardian dragons have known this problem before, so we never interfere in the struggle between mortals."

"The biggest shortcoming of the mortal race is that they never know how to learn a lesson. If you help them once, there will be a second time. They won't realize their mistakes until they have learned enough lessons."

Only then did Arthur suddenly realize that his time to become a god was too short, and he hadn't escaped from the thinking of ordinary people.

"Yeah, in the original timeline, the situation was much worse than it is now, and we survived. Aylas's local power is not so fragile, and he doesn't have to be a nanny all the time."

And Cenarius is not really dead, his soul has returned to the Emerald Dream, and the night elves will naturally revive him at that time.

Thinking of this, Arthur let go, whatever the hell the night elves and orcs are going to die.Just kill Archimonde in the final battle.

Even though he said so, Arthur still passed down an oracle, ordering some shamans in the Ring of the Earth to transfer to him, and always pay attention to the battle situation between the orcs and the night elves.

With Arthur's death, the situation in Kalimdor began to deteriorate.The war between the orcs and the night elves was in full swing, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.

Cenarius went down himself after the forest was devastated, and Grom's Warsong clan was decimated by demigods and night elves.

The momentary Grom Hellscream drank the blood of the demon again.

Stimulated by the evil energy, Grom and his men lost their minds and frantically launched a counterattack against the night elves.

Grom, who was a little confused, sent the careless Cenarius back to the Emerald Dream controlled by his adoptive mother Ysera, just like the original plot.

"Tsk tsk, this Grom is a bit fierce." Li Ge looked at the information sent by the hell lord Gracia.

Recently, his divine power has recovered a lot, and he doesn't need to worry about the cultivation of those black dragon hatchlings, so he is more concerned about the situation in the world of Aylas.

Compared with Li Ge's Xianyu, Gracia is very positive. The number of newly born devils keeps increasing, and they have planted their own eyeliner in various races.

Even Mal'Ganis, the dread demon king who had been staring at Alsace, was taken care of by Gracia's incarnation.

The restrictions on hell here are not as strict as the multiverse, and there are no pesky god restrictions.

Grazia's development here is like a duck to water, and aside from those nasty demons, the universe is perfect for her.

However, when Li Ge opened the new hell, he had already made restrictions.

The entire hell is now part of the great cycle of the universe, and its relationship with the main world is interdependent.Dao Xiaomochang, Daochang Moxiao, it is impossible to grow without limit.

Therefore, Li Ge does not have to worry about the growth of New Hell getting out of control, and Gracia also clearly understands this.This is actually a good thing, and it prevents Gracia from doing self-destructive things after she swells.

In order to please the master who controlled her life, Gracia spared no effort to collect information and sent it to Li Ge continuously.

Now Li Ge has not become blind to the situation in the world because of planting trees here.

Li Ge didn't care about the conflicts between these races.He is an outsider, so why bother with these shitty things.

Ever since the day when Andashir was successfully planted, Li Ge found that the moon in the sky became extraordinarily large every night.

It was obvious that this girl, the moon god Elune, was after her, but for some reason, she didn't end it herself.

"Hehe, you're so ruthless. My son was hanged by the orcs, so I don't care about it." Regarding the rumor that Cenarius is the son of the moon god, Li Ge didn't know whether to believe it or not.

If you dare to kill a son of a true god in the multiverse, then wait for this true god to come to you in person to settle the score.

Li Ge glanced at Kel'Thuzad's information again. The archmage recently sneaked around Dalaran, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"Isn't it because I wanted to summon Archimonde there?" Li Ge thought about it, and it was really possible.

There was also a lot of movement in Ner'zhul's place. Gracia's devil subordinates were always staring at his undead army.

The devil spies found that some high-level undead sneaked into the territory of Lordaeron in the Eastern Kingdom under the control of the Lich King.

"It seems that these human kingdoms are really lazy," Li Ge shook his head.

Obviously he had informed Varian of the Lich King's news a long time ago, and Dalaran and the major kingdoms had been arguing for a long time, but he didn't expect to make any moves yet.

"It's no wonder that's the case. Everyone has a fluke mentality and is unwilling to contribute money and effort." Li Ge sneered and stopped paying attention to these things.

When the Lich King sets off boundless catastrophe, then the master mage of Dalaran and the nobles of the human kingdom should cry.

(End of this chapter)

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