leisurely dragon

Chapter 287 Changes in Alsace

Chapter 287 Changes in Alsace

"Alsace, don't blame yourself so much, you've done enough," Uther comforted his best disciple.

The members of the Cult of the Damned who have changed their behavior, as well as the high-level undead lurking in, frequently create small-scale plagues in the territory of Lordaeron, making the Knights of the Silver Hand exhausted.

At the beginning, Alsace led the paladins passionately, strangling those evil undead believers.

But as more and more people in the kingdom were persecuted, Alsace had to pick up the hammer in pain and kill those innocent people who were once his own people.

Every time he killed a child who became an undead, Arthas felt more guilt in his heart.

As the future king of the kingdom, he was supposed to protect his people from evil, but he was late every time.

Even sometimes, I have to watch those cute children change from living human beings to brainless ghouls in front of my eyes.

And he had to end their miserable lives himself, so that these poor people could rest in peace.

The holy light that Alsace usually relied on couldn't play any role at this moment.

The scorching holy light can be used to purify the filth, but it cannot save those poor lives.

"Teacher, I will adjust my mentality well. Everything is the conspiracy of that hateful Kel'Thuzad." Alsace accepted the comfort of his teacher Uther, and then deeply hated the evil mage who led all this.

Uther patted Alsace on the shoulder, "Alsace, you have participated in many battles recently. According to the usual practice, you should take a break so that you can reunite with your family."

Alsace turned around and smiled wearily, "Thank you teacher, I will go and ask my father about the problem."

He understands that Uther has seen his confusion, and taking a rest is to let him enjoy the warmth with his family and dispel those negative emotions.

The evil Cult of the Damned is now all about small-scale destruction.In his absence, other paladins can also complete the task well.

Therefore, Alsace handed over the task, rode on the Holy Light Horse and headed for the king's capital of Lordaeron.

At this moment, he had many questions in his mind, and he wanted to ask his father.

The dusty prince galloped all the way on his war horse, and soon returned to the home he hadn't returned for more than half a year.

"Alsace, my child, you haven't been home for too long, and your mother misses you very much." The old king Terenas' beard and hair were already grey.

Seeing the tired face of his son who had not removed his armor, Terenas was distressed, but still maintained his father's majesty.

"I'm sorry father, I'm really busy these days, I'm going to visit my mother soon," Alsace felt a little guilty.

After washing away the dust of the war, Alsace had a long talk with his father after having dinner with his mother, and did not return to his bedroom until late at night.

"Rule this country with wisdom and strength", Alsace silently read the words his father warned him, but he had a different opinion in his heart.

"Father, the kingdom is facing the current situation, no matter how strong the wisdom is, it is useless. Only a strong force can solve the problem."

He thought of his friend Arthur, who is now the guardian of the earth.

It was with great power that this god eliminated Deathwing and successfully ascended to the throne of God.

As a result, under the power and majesty of the true god, Alterac's journey to restore the country was easy, and even his own father wanted to please the god.

Arthur and Oni, these two people did not publicly claim that they were Deathwing killed by Li Ge.Therefore, the outside world speculated that it was Arthur who moved his hands, and Arthur did not clarify.

"If there is a power as powerful as the true god, it will be easy to solve the curse sect," Alsace thought to himself.

Moreover, the kingdom is also facing the danger of the Lich King. Once Nordson's undead army marches southward, the entire eastern kingdom will face a crisis of life and death.

Faced with such a predicament, Arthas couldn't understand why his father, the king of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, had to bargain with those hypocritical politicians. Could it be that they didn't know that when the undead came, they wouldn't talk about politics with them.

"Father, your thoughts may have your reasons, but I will deal with these problems in my own way," Alsace made up his mind.

If there is a Dreadlord here, he may be able to find that now is a good time to lure Arthas to do whatever it takes to seize power.

It's a pity that Tichondrius and Mal'Ganis, the two dreadlords, have already been dealt with by the demons of New Hell.

Ner'zhul, the Lich King, is also very confused at the moment. These frightening demon kings simply don't take themselves seriously, and they disappear immediately when they are released.

At this moment, in Deep Rock Continent, outside the divine kingdom of Arthur, the guardian of the earth, a beautiful woman stood there, her seductive eyes revealing a dangerous light.

The incarnation of Arthur stepped out from the edge of the Kingdom of God, with a particularly serious expression.From this woman, he felt danger and evil power.

"Who are you, and why did you come outside my kingdom of God?" Facing this powerful enemy, Arthur did not dare to relax his vigilance at all because he was backed by the kingdom of God.

"Hehe", the beautiful and seductive woman let out a queen-like laugh, and the towering parts kept trembling with the laughter.

"Your Majesty Arthur, we are from the same universe. I am Gracia, the master of the new hell." Such a beautiful woman, the incarnation of Gracia, revealed her identity.

In the same world, they will have to deal with each other sooner or later. There is no need for Gracia to conceal her identity. Li Ge also allows her to develop freely and does not restrict her in this regard.

"Gracia, the lord of Baator Hell", Arthur's mouth twitched. How could such a true god-level figure suddenly come to the world of Aylas.

According to what she said, this great devil opened up a new hell by himself.

What's the matter, after that, I played some games, and when I thought of having another powerful opponent in the future, Arthur felt so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. This was simply a bad time.

"Gracia, you evil big devil, how did you come to this universe, what do you want to do?"

Despite his annoyance, Arthur had to ask, and he didn't expect the cunning hell lord to answer his question truthfully.

"Hehe, Your Majesty Arthur, you don't need to know how I came to this universe, you just need to know that I am the master of the new hell in this universe."

In the face of Arthur, a god who has just become a god, the arrogant hell lord is actually not very afraid.

When Gracia was in the multiverse, she often fought against those powerful divine powers.

(End of this chapter)

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