leisurely dragon

Chapter 295 Resurrection of Wallstein Buck Helmet

Chapter 295 Resurrecting Valstein Staghelmet
"The body has been recast by me, and the soul is still missing. The laws of time and space on the planet Alas are relatively easy to break, and at most it is a waste of divine power."

Li Ge thought in his heart that several divine domains were fully opened, and the huge dragon claws traced back along time and space, heading towards the time period when Wallstein fell.

"I found it", Li Ge's eyes traveled through the timeline, and he happened to see a bug general smashing Wallstein to pieces.

The huge dragon claw clawed hard, and a weak soul fell into the dragon claw.

With a thought in Li Ge's mind, the divine power on the dragon's claw was aroused, breaking the barrier of the timeline, and forcibly bringing Wallstein's soul back.

This week's fragile laws of space and time cannot stop the power of a true god who is proficient in the laws of space and time.

It's just that Wallstein's soul, as the timeline recedes, is also stained with the imprint of time and becomes old.

"Hehe, thanks to Rihanna and Catherine, they enchanted part of their authority on the dragon suit, otherwise I would have to spend a lot of trouble."

Li Ge activated the sub-artifact dragon suit in his body, borrowed Rihanna's newborn domain and Catherine's blood and soul domain, and under the effect of divine power, the backlash suffered by Valstein Staghelmet's soul was quickly eliminated.

This is the greatness of the true god, who can do things that mortals can't do at all.

Li Ge is not a god in this world, and he doesn't care about the timeline at all. He has the ability to let the bronze dragon beat him.

It's just that Valstein Staghelmet's soul bears the imprint of Li Ge's divine power, which cannot be avoided.

In this way, after his resurrection, he will become a natural believer of Li Ge, just like a divine creation.

Under the eager eyes of Archdruid Van Gaal Staghelmet, Li Ge gently fused Wallstein's soul into his body, and a divine power activated the body's activity.

The eyelids of the young night elf moved and opened silently, "So I was really saved by the gods?"

The reborn Valstein remembers that when he died, a sacred golden dragon claw rescued his soul, and then he was resurrected now.

"Great God, I, Valstein Staghelmet, will always believe in you." The young night elf immediately stood up and knelt down to express his gratitude to the great God.

"Warstein, is it really you?" Van Gaal's tall figure appeared in front of the night elf boy, trembling with excitement.

The boy in front of him was exactly the same as his son, only younger, but there was nothing wrong with that.

"Father, I thought I would never see you again," Wallstein noticed his father, and tears welled up in his eyes.

When he died, the only thing he saw was his father's sad expression and angry roar.

The father and son hugged each other tightly, and after a thousand years, they finally felt each other's warmth.

"Valstein, let me take a good look at you," Fandral Buckhelm grabbed his son's arm and groped up and down to see if there was anything wrong.

"Father, I am fine. There is nothing wrong with my body, and even my strength is still retained." Wallstein felt a little shy about his father's concern.

Li Ge raised his head high, "Van Gaal, Buck Helmet, I have fulfilled your wish. From now on, you and I will not owe each other."

The deer helmet father and son quickly knelt down on one knee, and Van Gaal deer helmet said gratefully, "Your Majesty the great Dragon God, I swear that I will never think about Andashir again."

After the resurrection of his son, this stubborn archdruid's gratitude to Li Ge has surpassed the sky.

Wallstein lowered his head, "Your Majesty, I am willing to serve you forever and obey your orders."

Before Li Ge could reply, Van Gaal became anxious, "Warstein, won't you go home with me, your daughter is still waiting for you."

Wallstein shook his head, "His Majesty the True God revived me with great power, and my greatest wish now is to follow His Majesty around."

Van Gaal Staghelmet had just been reunited with his son, and he really didn't want to separate, so he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "Warstein, since you don't want to leave, then I'll bring your daughter here, and our family will live in seclusion here."

For the sake of his family, Van Gaal Buckhelm can give up everything, including high status and great strength.

Li Ge's heart moved slightly, it was useless for Wallstein to stay here, spending so much divine power, how could he not be allowed to play a role.

"Warstein, it's not suitable for you to stay here now," Li Ge's sacred voice sounded.

"The Cult of the Damned is about to summon the ancient demon, the leader of the Burning Legion, Archimonde is coming."

"The night elves are facing the crisis of genocide, you need to return to the ethnic group and do your part to save the world."

The deer helmets and his son turned pale with shock, and the druids beside them also turned pale. The name of the Burning Legion is still preserved in the memory of their generation.

This is the advantage of the longevity species. They will not forget their enemies after a few generations like ordinary people.

Wallstein saluted Li Ge, "Great God, please show me the way, how can I save my ethnic group."

Li Ge secretly rejoiced, and this kid really said, "Warstein, the devil is very powerful, you must unite all races that can be united, and unite to defeat the devil."

"The gods will not interfere with the development of the mortal race, you must rely on your own strength. But in critical moments, I allow you to call my god's name."

"I am the lord of the dimension, Rig Kraoz"

For the first time, Li Ge spread his divine name in front of mortal races in another world.

When a little divine light fell, Wallstein was refreshed, and then he was overjoyed that he had become the priest of Li Ge, the lord of the dimension.

"My lord, I will definitely spread your teachings well," Wallstein said gratefully.

Li Ge's dragon chant sounded, "Go, Wallstein, go and complete your mission."

"Fandral Staghelm, I allow you to borrow Andashir's power in the Emerald Dream to destroy those Emerald Nightmare."

Lu Helmet and his son accepted Li Ge's arrangement one by one, took a few druids, and left soon after saluting.

It wasn't until several night elves walked out of Andashir's domain that Li Ge turned back into a human form.

He was quite satisfied with the arrangement this time, and after spending a little divine power, he mastered an archdruid who held a high position among the night elves.

Moreover, it also indirectly interfered in the future battle of Mount Hyjal. It is estimated that Archimonde should be very happy to face the well-prepared joint army.

Freya watched enviously, "Wow, Li Ge, are you so good, you can resurrect a person who has been dead for so long so easily."

Li Ge rolled his eyes. After knowing his character, the golden dragon was no longer afraid of him.

Silia smiled and said, "Freya, you are in the multiverse, don't you often hear about the resurrection of mortals by gods?"

Freya tilted her head and thought for a while, "That's right, but the resurrection techniques performed by those priests are very expensive, and there are sequelae."

"If I can perform resurrection so easily, how much money should I make?"

For the fantasy of the golden dragon girl Freya, Li Ge can only wish her that one day her wishes will come true.

(End of this chapter)

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