leisurely dragon

Chapter 296 Archimonde Arrives

Chapter 296 Archimonde Arrives
After Staghelmet and his son returned to the night elves, the elf troops who were in the tug-of-war with the orcs in Ashenvale began to ease their attacks.

The news they brought back was really scary. The last invasion of the Burning Legion almost destroyed the entire world.

Now it's time to do it again, and it's okay there, so the hatred with the orcs is not so urgent.

The young Prince Alsace has formed an independent army of his own.

The old king Terenas trusted his son very much and did not interfere with this matter.

With the great power of Frostmourne, Arthas is invincible in the battle against the Cult of the Damned and the undead.

No undead can block the power of that sword, and even be controlled by the magic sword, becoming the power controlled by the prince.

"This is the power I need." Satisfied, Alsace drove the controlled undead to attack those cursed sect believers.

Now, he has no regrets about losing the favor of the Holy Light.

Successive victories gave the young Arthas confidence in completely eradicating the Scourge.

On the Ashenvale battlefield in Kalimdor, Thrall managed to bring Grom Hellscream back to his senses.

"Thal, thank you." Grom Hellscream's eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body exuded the stench of evil energy.

"It was I who made the people fall into the control of the devil again, and I will use my life to make up for all this."

After Thrall and Grom Hellscream found the culprit Mannoroth, after a hard fight, Grom Hellscream won salvation for the people with his own life.

Thrall, the new orc chieftain, buried Grom in grief and engraved his achievements on the tombstone.

When Sal left, a beautiful woman appeared, who was the incarnation of Gracia.

She proudly pinched Mannoroth's soul, but this time she secretly picked up a big bargain.Such a powerful demon soul is very difficult to obtain.

Mannoroth's soul roared helplessly, but unfortunately he still couldn't get out of the predicament, and could only be taken to hell by Gracia in panic to enjoy the warm hospitality.

On the outskirts not far from Dalaran, in a hidden magic circle, Kel'Thuzad stood devoutly next to a tall demon.

"Lord Archimonde, the current situation is not very good. There is a dark force targeting us."

"Two Dreadlords have disappeared one after another, and there is no news at all. Lord Mannoroth has also lost contact."

Archimonde listened nonchalantly to the mortal mage's words, "Kel'Thuzad, no matter what kind of enemy it is, is vulnerable to me."

"The stupid guys like Mannoroth, Tichondrius, and Mal'Ganis should be resurrected in the Twisting Nether, and I will punish them well then."

It's a pity that the arrogant Archimonde didn't know that the souls of these high-level demons had fallen into the hands of a deadly enemy.

There are countless low-level demons in the Burning Legion, and it doesn't matter how many times they die. There are high-level demons like Ma Pang and the Dreadlord, and the death of one is a huge loss.

Archimonde's eyes looked into the distance, "In the north of this continent, there is a small source of magic power, and the power is not bad."

"On another continent, there is a small Well of Eternity, which seems to be covered by a giant tree, but this cannot be hidden from me."

The great demon looked to the farther north, which was the Nordson continent, where there was a strong will that made him unable to see the situation clearly.

"No matter who is there, once I seize the power of the small Well of Eternity and the World Tree, no one on this planet will be my opponent."

Archimonde squatted down, drew mysterious magic runes on the sand, grabbed a handful of sand with his big hand and sprinkled it, and the model of Dalaran Magic Tower appeared in front of him.

"Before seizing the power of the World Tree, let's teach these mages a lesson."

With Archimonde's big hand, the model collapsed, and the tall magic tower in the magic city Dalaran also fell down.

"The devil has come." Archmage Antonidas flew high into the sky, looking into the distance with a stern expression.

The collapse of the magic tower caused heavy casualties to the mages in Dalaran. Many mages were simply unable to save their lives before the sudden disaster.

Boundless remorse and anger rose in the heart of the archmage Antonidas, who had forgotten his original intention.

Over the years, he has been too involved in political exchanges with the major human kingdoms, and his magical attainments have stagnated for a long time.

But when the Book of Medivh was stolen, Dalaran's Council of Archmages did not take it seriously, and now they have tasted the bitter fruit.

Seeing that Archimonde destroyed another tall building, Antonidas who rushed over angrily cast arcane magic, trying to stop the demon's actions.

"Demon, stop! Go back to where you should be." A banishment fell on Archimonde.

It's a pity that this demon exile technique has no effect, and has no effect on this powerful demon at all.

"Mage, are you here to die?" Archimonde laughed, and a teleportation technique appeared beside Antonidas.

Under the blockade of this demon's power, the poor old mage couldn't escape in a flash.

Archimonde grabbed it with his big hand, and Archmage Antonidas was crushed into a pile of mud, and the powerful soul was sucked into his mouth by Archimonde.

"Sure enough, a powerful mortal soul is more delicious." Archimonde, who was a little satisfied, strode towards another continent in the distance.

Only one sentence was left, "Kel'Thuzad, tell Ner'zhul that little bug, if he dares to betray the Burning Legion, I will kill him myself."

Kel'Thuzad looked at Archimonde's retreating back respectfully, wondering what he was thinking.

"Your Excellency the Archmage, have you seen the true face of the devil? Like the clown Lich King, he will never give you what you want."

A beautiful Eriny appeared beside Kel'Thuzad, "Do you want to consider the conditions of the great Eriny Queen? The new hell needs people like you to join."

"Whether it is eternal life or profound magical knowledge, as long as you join hell, all of these are within your reach."

Erinyes handed Kel'Thuzad a contract document, made of devil's skin, with mysterious runes drawn around it.

"Sign it, Kel'Thuzad, and you'll get everything you want," Erinyes said seductively.

Kel'Thuzad read it himself, and found that the conditions were quite loose, as long as he obeyed the orders of the Lord of Hell.

Moreover, after becoming a devil, he has an immortal life, can maintain an orderly mind, and learn advanced hell magic.

(End of this chapter)

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