leisurely dragon

Chapter 297 Restructuring the Alliance

Chapter 297 Restructuring the Alliance
"I have one more request, and I will sign it only if you agree to it," Kel'Thuzad's dead fish said while looking at Eriny.

Erima was a little puzzled, did this mage discover something, but he still smiled and said, "Your Excellency Kel'Thuzad, if you have any conditions, just say, hell is very important to a talent like you."

Kel'Thuzad turned around and picked up a kitten, "I request that you also give Bigglesworth eternal life."

Ermen's beautiful face was stunned for a while, and then she smiled coquettishly, "Master Kel'Thuzad, this is not difficult."

She took out a quill and added the name of the cat Bigworth to the contract document, full of ups and downs, and cursed in her heart, "Damn cat slave, you scared me to death."

Kel'Thuzad's dead fish eyes glanced at the contract document again, and he readily signed his and Bigworth's names.

The contract document spontaneously ignites without wind, and disappears into green smoke. Kel'Thuzad has obtained the power of hell and turned into a devil

The little cat Bigworth also turned into a hell creature, possessing an immortal life.

But after accepting the inheritance of devil knowledge, Kel'Thuzad's young face was ashen.

He looked at the glamorous Erinite, gritted his teeth and said, "You deceived me, those runes on the contract documents are a kind of mysterious words, and they are all clauses that bind me."

Erinite laughed loudly, her graceful delicate body trembling, which was extremely eye-catching, but Kel'Thuzad had no intention of admiring the beauty in front of him at all.

"Kel'Thuzad, you'd better make it clear to me, you are my subordinate now, if you dare to offend me again, you will know the rules of hell."

"However, as long as you can make great achievements, the great Erin Demon Queen will promote your status, and maybe you will become my boss at that time."

"Now, you continue to collect information about the devil for me, don't keep the Queen waiting for long."

Erinia's figure disappeared with the sound, and Kel'Thuzad's gloomy expression became strange.

"Hahaha, you are just a little erotic demon, sooner or later I will trample you under my feet."

After being angry, Kel'Thuzad's heart also began to transform into a real devil.

In his opinion, these additional conditions are nothing as long as he makes a big contribution and gets promoted.

The devil's contract will only restrain the weak, even if it is so unequal, it is much better than the conditions of the devil and the Lich King.

The knowledge of magic in hell is far stronger than that given by the Lich King Ner'zhul.

The most important thing now is to make great contributions to hell and prove your ability.Freshman hell was starving for talent, and Kel'Thuzad had the perfect time.

Ner'zhul, the Lich King who was far away in Nordson, became the best gift Kel'Thuzad, a new devil, offered to hell.

However, under the protection of the Scourge, it is not easy to defeat the Lich King.

Kel'Thuzad quickly gathered those who were loyal to him in the Cult of the Damned, abandoned those idiots who only knew how to make trouble, and secretly hid himself to carry out his own plan.

Alsace was surprised to find that those believers became disorganized and collapsed at the touch of a button.

This made the young prince very happy, which showed that the Cursed Sect was on the verge of collapse, and the Kingdom of Lordaeron was about to win this war.

On the continent of Kalimdor, Thrall looked at a crow in front of him and said respectfully, "Your Excellency, thank you for your guidance, the orcs can build a new home here."

The crow turned into a man with a hood and a cloak, unable to see his face clearly, "Thal, the crisis is not over yet, Archimonde, the leader of the Burning Legion, has arrived."

"His destination is the world tree of Mount Hyjal in Kalimdor. Only when the orcs unite with the night elves can they survive in Kalimdor."

Thrall's face changed drastically. The orc tribe, who had just started to recuperate, could not resist the powerful Burning Legion at all.

Even if you add the Darkspear troll who just joined the tribe, and the tauren tribe you have made friends with, it won't work.

He wanted to ask again, but the prophet had turned into a crow and flew away again.

Thrall pondered for a moment, and finally made a decision. Now is the moment of life and death for the orcs. The Horde must unite with the night elves.

At the moment when Archimonde arrived, the Church of the Guardian of the Earth also sounded the alarm, and Arthur, the God of Guardian of the Earth, passed down an oracle.

"The Burning Legion has struck again, and the world of Aylas has reached the brink of life and death. All forces must be united to protect the world."

The urgent magic communication was sent to the major human kingdoms, and it was put on the desks of the kings immediately.

The remaining mages in Dalaran also sent news of Antonidas' death in battle.

The Kingdom of Alterac controlled by Arthur has been mobilized immediately, and the coalition forces of the Earth Guardian Church and Kingdom have long been prepared.

During this period of time, Nefarian, the black dragon prince, had surrendered to Arthur, and he could not resist the power of the earth at all.

Under Arthur's order, the Church and the Kingdom joined forces, headed by Queen Oni, Nefarian as his deputy, and the Black Dragon Legion as the main force, preparing to reshape the image of the Black Dragon Guardian Legion.

In the palace of Lordaeron, the kings of the seven human kingdoms gathered together through magic teleportation. The archmage of Dalaran died in battle, and Ronin attended as a representative.

Magni Bronzebeard, the hero of the dwarven kingdom of Ironforge, also attended the meeting in person.

Even Quel'Thalas, the kingdom of high elves that had withdrawn from the alliance, also sent Prince Kael'thas to attend.

The power of the Burning Legion, the high elves are much clearer than humans.Once the war is lost, no race can survive.

In the hall, the atmosphere was dull, and every king had a bad face.This time, it was no more than an orc war, and there was no possibility of surrender at all.

Either successfully expel the demons and defend the world, or die with the world, there is absolutely no other choice.

King Terenas of Lordaeron tapped the table with a wooden hammer to signal silence.Arthas stood behind his father, carrying Frostmourne.

"Everyone, now is the time to re-establish the alliance. No one can escape this crisis, and there is no need for a kingdom to deal with it alone."

As soon as Terenas' words fell, King Varian of the Stormwind Kingdom immediately stood up and pressed his hands on the table, "The Stormwind Kingdom agrees to rebuild the alliance."

"I join the alliance in the name of the guardian god of the earth, the favored one, and the queen of Alterac," Oni also agreed to rejoin the alliance.

Today's Oni represents two forces, and has the backing of the true god. Her statement has a great influence.

Dalaran was attacked by Archimonde and suffered heavy losses. The only way to join the alliance was to rejoin the alliance.

Admiral Daelin, King of Kul Tiras, and House Trollbane of Stromgarde, have always been supporters of the Alliance.

Only Greymane of Gilneas, this cunning and rebellious old wolf, also understood that it was not time to make trouble, and reluctantly agreed.

The dwarves of Ironforge have a close relationship with humans and love this world, so they agreed to form a coalition without saying a word.

Only the high elf representative of Quel'Thalas, Prince Kael'thas, was a little embarrassed.

Before the Orc Wars that had just passed a few years ago, the high elves and humans had already had a very unpleasant dispute.The elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas no longer continued the millennium covenant with humans and withdrew from the alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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