leisurely dragon

Chapter 298 Arthur Visits

Chapter 298 Arthur Visits
After being notified by Dalaran and the Guardian Church of the Earth, the council of Silvermoon City exploded.

For the human kingdom, the high elves can be proud, they can take care of what they want, and ignore it if they don't want to.

But the Burning Legion is not easy to talk about. The ancestors of this group of high elves also fought bravely against the Burning Legion. With their toes, they knew that after the Demon Legion destroyed other races, they would never let off the descendants of their enemies.

So, the unlucky Prince Kael'thas had no choice but to come to the meeting and re-discuss joining the alliance.

Fortunately, the undead disaster has not yet broken out, Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas still exist, and the relationship between the two parties has not been used to the point of tearing apart.

The strength of the high elf kingdom is also very strong, no country is willing to offend this magic-proficient race out of thin air.

Looking at the faces of several kings in the alliance, Kael'thas began to make a big move, "The kingdom of Quel'Thalas will send the most elite troops to join the battle. Our magister troops will build large portals at any cost and send the troops Send to Kalimdor."

Several kings headed by Terenas looked at each other a few times before they were satisfied and agreed to join the high elves.

Such a large-scale portal requires a lot of precious magic materials, and there are only two people in the human kingdom who can produce such a thing.

Now that Archimonde has arrived, the most important thing is time, and the large portal just solved this problem.

The meeting ended quickly, and the kings immediately returned to their countries to organize elite troops to assemble.

This is a magical world. With the help of the Magister Legion of Quel'Thalas, the kingdom of high elves, it won't take long for the coalition forces to join forces.

On Kalimdor, the news brought by Fandral Buckhelm shocked the entire night elf tribe.

Many of the night elves headed by Tyrande are survivors of the War of the Ancients, and their memory of the Burning Legion is especially fresh.

"I will immediately wake up Malfurion and all the druids and order the Sentinels to go on alert."

Tyrande made a decisive decision and issued the order as the high priest.

This time the night elves were not as powerful as in the War of the Ancients.

First of all, the demigods must be resurrected as soon as possible, and the war with the orcs should also be stopped as soon as possible.

This coincided with Thrall's thoughts. The two sides had a tacit understanding to restrain the conflict between the troops and started contact negotiations.

The races on the two continents were busy, but Li Ge was enjoying the company of beauties leisurely.

There is a source of information from Queen Glacia, who knows the situation on the mainland like the back of his hand.

"It seems that Archimonde encountered even greater resistance this time, and he will definitely be finished," Li Ge said with a smile
Regarding the timeline of the planet Aylas, he has already talked to Helia and the three little female dragons.

Freya listened to it with gusto. The young dragons grew up a bit and understood a lot of common sense.With the management of three adult black dragons and the help of the furbolgs, there was no need for the golden dragon girl to pay attention all the time.

"Hey, what a pity, I still want to fight demons," Freya said regretfully.

"You can go, but I won't pay you," Li Ge laughed.

As a result, Freya rolled her eyes. She would not do anything that was not beneficial, and this was not her hometown.

Xi Liya covered her mouth and smiled. Freya could not get any advantage from Li Ge, but Li Ge was good to this golden dragon.

Liyue, who is usually the most combative, doesn't care much about fighting demons.What she cares about is things related to her brother. She doesn't want to care about the messy things in this world. Being with her brother is the most important thing.

"Lige, old friend is here, don't you want me to come in and sit down?" A sacred voice came from outside the domain of Andashir, which was more than ten kilometers away.

Li Ge raised his eyebrows. It turned out that Arthur was here, but he was sorry to force his way into Andashir's territory and was waiting outside.

"Andashir, let His Majesty Arthur come in."

The ancient dragon's blood tree Andashir let go of the authority, and Arthur's figure seemed to be slow but fast. Under the blessing of the earth domain, he came to Li Ge in a few steps like a land shrinking technique.

Li Ge smiled slightly, this kid's heart was soared after he became a god, and now he started to pretend to be critical in front of him.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and a root of Andashir quickly grew into an exquisite wooden table and chair, "Please sit down, Your Majesty Arthur."

Arthur grinned, and handed a space bag to Li Ge, "This is the last five hundred of the one thousand dragon eggs that I promised you."

Li Ge took the dragon eggs and handed them to Xilia and other three little female dragons. The girls also knew that the two gods had something to say, so they laughed happily to cultivate the dragon eggs together.

Arthur leaned back on the chair carelessly, and gave a thumbs up, "Brother Li Ge, you are really lucky, these three are stunning."

Li Ge smiled, cursing secretly in his heart, this sex critic, I don't know how many famous characters I have collected, and now I am still teasing him.

According to Gracia's information, Arthur brought the daughter of the Barov family, Ilucia, and the adopted daughter of the Mograine family, Sally Whitemane, to his church.

And I don't know when I went to Kalimdor and rescued the blood elf Valina.

He glanced sideways at Arthur, this guy has completely let go now, without the cautious look he had when he was a mortal.

"Your Majesty Arthur, now I can open the door at any time, do you want to send Princess Lorraine and the little prince over?" Li Gepi asked with a smile.

Arthur rubbed his nose in embarrassment, "Well, haha, let's wait a bit, I guess you know the current situation, it's not safe for demons to invade."

Since becoming a true god, Arthur has been having fun, but at this time the planet Alas is really dangerous.

After teasing each other for a while, Arthur said with a smile, "Li Ge, you are relaxed now. I am so busy that I will fall into this world if I am not careful."

Li Ge pointed at Arthur and chuckled, "Don't be ignorant, I'm suppressing a powerful ancient god Yogg-Saron right now."

"When I get rid of this ancient god, you can take advantage of it and take control of the continent where the ancient god is."

Arthur glanced at Li Ge angrily, "You have replanted Andashir here, how dare I extend the law."

Li Ge glanced at this dishonest guy, "If you say that, I will hand over Yogg-Saron to you to deal with."

"No, I'm just kidding," Arthur quickly smiled. If Li Ge kills Yogg-Saron, the entire land of Nordson, except for the Grizzly Bear Hills, can be covered by his land domain. The godhead level will naturally be promoted.

Since Arthur became a god for a while, the main body has not been idle in the Kingdom of God, and has been working hard to strengthen the control of the planet.

The person playing outside is Arthur's avatar, and they are all the same person anyway, working and having fun.

(End of this chapter)

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