leisurely dragon

Chapter 299 Creating Dragonborn Angels

Chapter 299 Creating Dragonborn Angels

"I'm here this time to ask you for help." Arthur stopped joking.

"The bastard Archimonde is indeed a bit tricky, and it is not safe to rely solely on those mortal races."

"I would like to ask you to join me in suppressing or killing Archimonde in case something goes wrong."

Arthur was afraid that he would not be able to do Archimonde, but he was afraid that he would be taken advantage of by Gracia, the lord of hell.

It would be much safer if Li Ge shot together. He knew very well the strength of this Dragon God.

"Okay, call me when there is something to do." Li Ge didn't mind making a move at a critical moment, so as not to really mess up this timeline.

Seeing Li Ge's immediate agreement, Arthur also had confidence in his heart, and the two gods joined forces, so they don't have to be afraid of playing it off.

"By the way, Li Ge, are you interested in going to Ulduar?" Arthur sent another invitation to Li Ge.

"There are many achievements of Titan technology in it, which are also useful to the gods."

Li Ge leaned his head on the chair and replied, "I'm not interested, you can go and play by yourself."

At this stage of Li Ge, the main pursuit is the law, those so-called Titan technologies, there are a lot of them in the mall, and he can't afford them.

"Those guys on Titan are insidious and ruthless. They always leave backdoors in technology, upload data, and restart the world. Are you sure you can use it?"

Hearing what Li Ge said, Arthur also felt that it was meaningless. Titan really liked playing this game.

Algalon, the true observer of Ulduar, is an example. If you really want to use the Titan's technology, you can't stand a backstab at a critical moment.

"I still hope to get some Titan technology and create some guardians, Vrykul, earth spirits and other servants." Arthur looked very disappointed.

But he quickly turned his attention to Li Ge, "Li Ge, you have made friends with many gods in the multiverse, do you have any technology like making angels?"

Leaning on the chair, Li Ge replied casually, "Of course, this is a technology that the true gods must master in the multiverse, but there are differences between high and low."

When Li Ge became a god, several friendly dragon gods had sent similar technology, and it was a relatively high-end one.

When he adjusted the dragon blood elves, he also referred to these techniques, so that he could use the ancient dimensional tree to breed creatures like dragon blood elves.

Arthur rubbed his hands in embarrassment, "Li Ge, for the sake of our friendship, give me a copy."

This guy's face is getting thicker and thicker, and Li Ge is a little speechless, "Yes, but only some low-end technologies are free."

"Those high-end servant manufacturing technologies that can multiply into a higher life population by themselves have to be purchased with crystallization of divine power."

Arthur chuckled a few times, "I don't need those race manufacturing technologies that have the ability to reproduce on their own, just have that kind of beautiful and powerful angel biological weapon manufacturing technology."

Li Ge finally understood what this guy was thinking. It turned out that he just wanted to order some beautiful soldiers.

Compared with those technologies for manufacturing high-level family members, this is indeed much easier, and there is no need to consider too many details.

Li Ge casually condensed a light ball of knowledge, flicked it with his fingers, and it fell towards Arthur's hand, "This is the angel manufacturing method you need, ten crystals of divine power."

Arthur took the light ball of knowledge, with a bitter expression on his face, reluctantly took out ten crystals of divine power again, which was his hard work for half a year.

If it weren't for the surge of believers in the past two years, it would be impossible for him to have so much divine power in reserve.Even so, it emptied most of his inventory.

When Arthur finished absorbing the information in the light sphere of knowledge, his face was still pale, "Li Ge, the divine power and soul origin consumed by making angels is too much."

Li Ge sneered, "What do you think, the lowest angels have the power of almost legends, and the upper angels are even closer to demigods. How can they be created without any investment, otherwise, the gods would not be invincible."

Arthur looked a little unlovable, and the remaining crystallization of his divine power was only enough to make a dozen adult angels, and it would be used up.

This is also the reason why Li Ge didn't make angels. It was too expensive, and the input and output were out of proportion.

Therefore, Li Ge is willing to use the ancient dimensional tree to accumulate strength to conceive, and then slowly cultivate the dragon blood elves to grow. Anyway, the true god has plenty of time to wait.

"Is there really no other way?" Arthur looked at Li Ge with some embarrassment.

Li Ge rolled his eyes, the past two years were not in vain, when he comprehended the laws of good fortune and Yogg-Saron's power of the ancient gods, he realized a similar method of refining Dao soldiers.

"I have recently gathered the great achievements of many gods' methods of making god servants, and sorted out a set of methods for making dragonborn angels."

"As long as there is a creature with dragon blood, you can use this method to transform into a dragon angel. The talent and appearance are not much worse than the angel you want."

"However, the strength of the dragonborn angel is related to the strength of the dragonborn participating in the transformation and the resources invested."

As soon as his words fell, Arthur exclaimed in surprise, "This is good, this method is good."

Now Arthur has subdued the black dragon princess Oni, and the black dragon prince Nefarian, and has taken over the strength of Deathwing. There are as many as [-] adult black dragons. It is not easy to get dragon eggs and dragon descendants.

Li Ge saw Arthur doing so well, and immediately became interested. He planned to conduct a wave of experiments with Arthur's men first, to see how his comprehension results were.

Arthur immediately ran away and disappeared, and when he came back half a quarter of an hour later, he held Oni in one hand and a bag full of dragon eggs in the other.

"Lige, can you use these dragon eggs to transform some dragon-born angels first?" Arthur was not stupid, and planned to experiment with some dragon eggs first.

Li Ge understood what he was thinking, so he didn't expose it immediately, took out a dragon egg, and drew a magic circle driven by divine power on the spot.

When drawing the magic circle, Li Ge explained to Arthur and Oni one by one in detail, and directly taught the method of refining dragonborn angels.

"The method is like this, put the dragon egg in the middle, Arthur, you can add some powerful materials. The stronger the power added, the stronger the dragonborn angel will be. You can try it yourself."

Li Ge directly gave up the position to Arthur and asked him to refine it himself, which was equivalent to avoiding suspicion.The angels of the true god are the most trusted armed force, and no other gods are allowed to intervene.

Arthur took out several earth crystals in one go, and placed them on the magic circle, which was sponsored by his good neighbor, the stone mother, Therazane "friendship".

In the end, Arthur cut his finger in distress, dripped a drop of precious blood on the dragon egg, and activated the magic circle with divine power.

(End of this chapter)

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