leisurely dragon

Chapter 300 Arrival of the Allied Forces

Chapter 300 Arrival of the Allied Forces
With the operation of the magic circle, the crystallization of the earth and the blood of the gods quickly merged into the dragon egg.In just a moment of effort, the dragon egg has grown in size, about half the height of a person.

With a "click", the dragon egg shattered, and Li Ge turned his head, allowing Arthur to take care of his first dragon-born angel in surprise.

Arthur, a narrow-minded guy, was very satisfied with Li Ge's initiative to turn around. The newly born dragonborn angel was a beautiful black-haired girl.

There was a pair of dragon wings growing on the girl's back. She was tall and exquisite. Arthur quickly put on a robe for her.

What pleased Arthur the most was that such a dragon-born angel girl had the strength close to that of a high-level legend, and she didn't waste a single drop of precious blood and crystallization of the earth.

After Arthur finished packing up, Li Ge turned around and looked at the dragon-born angel with interest.

"It's not bad, even if I didn't hand over the most essential part, it's pretty good to be able to reach this level," Li Ge thought in his heart.

Oni held Arthur's arm, and said in a charming voice, "Your Majesty, can you also improve his strength?"

Arthur was a little surprised, "Oni, do you also want to transform into a dragon-born angel?" This black dragon princess has always been proud of her identity as a black dragon.

Oni snorted, "Your Majesty has seized the power of the earth, and we, the Black Dragon Clan, can no longer turn back into the guardian dragon."

"Moreover, I can feel that Your Majesty doesn't like my black dragon body very much, and feels like I'm a monster, so I might as well transform into a dragon-born angel."

Listening to Oni's blunt words, Arthur's face was a little stiff, and he felt a little scumbag.No matter what happened before, Aoni is really completely subdued by him now.

"Okay, I'll use the top god-level materials to transform it for you." Arthur was a little embarrassed, and he hadn't done what he promised Oni back then.

In the next few days, Li Ge adjusted and optimized the magic circle according to the situation of No.1 transformed dragon-born angel.

Arthur still has a little conscience, insisting on pulling Li Ge to help Aoni transform on the spot.

For the sake of his own woman, Arthur spent all his money, pouring almost a bowl of divine blood, making this avatar half a foot shorter.

The result did not disappoint him either. Oni already had the strength of a high-level legendary pinnacle, but now she has reached the standard of a demigod in the wilderness.

Although Arthur's avatar had a weak breath, his heart was full of joy when he saw Oni who had become more beautiful.

"Lige, I'm going back to prepare for the Battle of Mount Hyjal, don't forget to promise me."

Arthur proudly returned to the Kingdom of God with two newly released dragon-born angels.

With the efforts of Quel'Thalas regardless of the cost, the coalition forces of various tribes in the Eastern Kingdom have used the portal to send nearly 20 elite troops to the foot of Mount Hyjal in Kalimdor.

At this time, Tyrande ignored the opposition of the tribe and released Illidan, who had been imprisoned for thousands of years, on the grounds of fighting against the devil.

The coalition command has already contacted the high-level night elves, and under the coordination of the high elves, the two sides immediately became temporary allies.

Archimonde also took the demon legion he summoned to log in to Ashenvale in Kalimdor, pushing all the way, and the local indigenous races were no opponents at all.

Arthur is now going back to deal with this situation, and at the same time, he is also preparing to transform the Angel of Dragonborn with all his strength to enrich his strength.

After Arthur's transformation example, Li Ge has basically perfected the manufacturing technology of dragonborn angels.

"Xilia, Liyue, do you want to see the coalition fighting against the Burning Legion?" Li Ge looked at them with a smile.

Xilia and Liyue's eyes lit up, but they didn't go out alone with Li Ge for some days.

Before they could speak, Freya yelled, "I'm going too."

Li Ge touched his forehead with a headache, how could he forget about this light bulb.

"Freya, there will be no housekeeper after you leave here," Li Ge tried to persuade the Golden Dragon Girl.

"I don't want to see, Andasil can take care of the house by herself. Anyway, she is a tree, and she can't go to other places." Freya immediately found the reason.

Xilia pursed her lips and pulled Ligue's arm, "Take Freya with me. She has worked very hard these past few years."

Seeing her good friend speak for her, Freya proudly raised her head, and Li Ge was so angry that she wanted to beat her hard.

Andashir's consciousness, in the past few years, has continuously learned from Li Ge, coupled with its powerful strength, it is not afraid of Yogg-Saron in the prison.

Five hundred young dragons and unhatched dragon eggs, with Andashir arranging three adult black dragons to take care of them, and fur monsters to assist them, it's not a big problem.

Therefore, Li Ge can safely take a few little female dragons to wander outside.

Celia has studied Aylas' arcane magic for many years, and opened the portal to Kalimdor with ease.

Opposite the portal is the base of the combined forces of the Alterac Kingdom and the Church of the Earth, and the current leader is the Black Dragon Prince Nefarian.

After getting the news from Arthur, Nefarian arranged for these distinguished guests attentively without asking any questions.

There is only another god who can be regarded as a friend by a god, and Nefarian felt the powerful breath of the same clan from the four of Li Ge.

At this time, the coalition forces of the Eastern Kingdoms were arguing with the orc army, and both sides disliked each other.

Even though the night elves were unhappy with the orcs, they had no choice but to mediate.

Archimonde's demon legion is close at hand, and if there is internal strife, then there is no need to fight, just wipe their necks.

This time, due to Li Ge's early notification and the hard work of Lu Helmet and his son, the World Tree's magic circle has long been arranged.

The coalition forces of the Eastern Kingdoms and the orcs did not trust each other and did not want to give their backs to each other.So the final result of the quarrel is that both are on the first line of defense, the alliance is responsible for the right wing, and the tribe is responsible for the left wing.

The husband and wife of Malfurion and Tyrande led the night elf troops in charge of the second line of defense.

It was the first time Li Ge saw the tribe's army, orcs, trolls, tauren and goblin troops, they looked quite sturdy.Even if it is a short goblin, the goblin technology is quite powerful.

But what's funny is that the Alterac army of the Alliance also includes the Blackstone orc troops controlled by Nefarian, and the goblin mercenaries formed by the high-ranking goblin Corgi.

The orc soldiers and goblins on both sides glared at each other. If it wasn't for the arrival of the demon army, they would all want to fight first.

Another sacred portal opened in the alliance army. Oni, who had become a dragon-born angel, wore magic armor, spread her dragon wings, and flew out of the kingdom of God with nearly a thousand dragon-winged angels.

"Queen Oni is so powerful, and this army is also very powerful. Is it the guardian of the kingdom of God, the guardian of the earth?"

As soon as the Dragonborn Angel Legion appeared, it shocked the strength of the three parties.Especially Oni, her strength can only be compared to those wilderness demigods.

"This fellow Arthur drained the blood of the gods, right?" Li Ge squinted his eyes in amazement.

Among the army of thousands of dragon-born angels, there are not a few who have legendary strength. How can Arthur, a poor god, have so many god-level materials, and it is estimated that more of them are replaced with divine blood.

(End of this chapter)

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