leisurely dragon

Chapter 304 Arthur who likes to abuse food

Chapter 304 Arthur who likes to abuse food

"Hehe, the god who hid like a mouse has finally crawled out," Archimonde laughed.

Amidst his laughter, the fel energy fireball landed more violently, exploding on the divine shield, causing waves of ripples.

Many soldiers were pale, fearing that this thin shield of divine power would not be able to withstand the wildly bombarding fel energy fireballs.

However, to everyone's surprise, Archimonde stopped casting spells and ran towards the World Tree.

The faces of Malfurion and his wife changed, one spell after another, as well as countless sharp arrows chased after the great demon and shot at it.

It's just that under Archimonde's full run, the damage that fell on him was not much, and it was more than a mention compared to his height of nearly a thousand meters.

With his tall body, every step he took was one kilometer, and he came to the edge of the World Tree almost in a moment.

"Go away, you reptiles." Archimonde's huge mountain-like arm attacked several times in a row. The elite night elves guarding the world tree immediately suffered heavy casualties.

The great demon in the outbreak state can't last long, but the essence of the world tree and the small well of eternity are in front of him, and he is close to success.

Archimonde was elated, hugged the huge World Tree, and climbed up to the trunk. The subsequent attacks were irrelevant to him, and the World Tree had already begun to be stained with the miserable green of evil energy.

Evil forces have begun to pollute this ancient tree that has been blessed by the guardian dragon and brought eternal life and infinite glory to the night elves.

The situation had developed to an unstoppable point, and the last hope in the hearts of Malfurion and Tyrande was gone.

"Malfurion, blow the horn, and when this damned demon has absorbed the essence of the world tree, we will never have another chance."

Tyrande's face was full of sadness. Since the World Tree Nordrassil was successfully planted, in the 1 years since the World Tree was successfully planted, this ancient tree has entrusted all the honor and hopes of the night elves.

But today, they had no choice but to make a decision to destroy the world tree, along with the countless elves.

Malfurion raised the heavy horn and blew it with all his strength, "Woo...", the desolate and majestic horn spread across the entire top of Mount Hyjal in an instant.

Countless little elves wobbled out from the bushes where they were hiding, and flew towards the World Tree as if they had heard the order.

"It's so beautiful." Freya, who was a bit silly, looked at the little elves floating in the sky, and expressed her sincere admiration.

It's just that the night elves who know the inside story can't laugh. These little elves are said to be the souls of all the dead night elves, and they are inextricably linked with them.

Infinite elves are floating around the world tree, gathering more and more.Archimonde, who was absorbing the power of the World Tree and was so happy, also discovered this.

However, he then laughed mockingly, "What's the use of having more things that can be blown out in one breath", and continued regardless.

The sound of Malfurion's horn suddenly turned into excitement, and the elves heard the expectations of the tribe, and under the blessing of the World Tree Magic Circle, they suddenly swelled and glowed.

"Pfft" a little elf hit Archimonde's body and was annihilated without causing any damage.

As if they had received the signal to start, the elves swarmed up one by one, wrapping Archimonde into a huge human-shaped luminous body.

"What's the use of you little gadgets!"

"No, there seems to be something wrong, the number is too much, what do you want to do..."

Countless elves scrambled to land on the demon at almost the same moment, and crackling firecrackers sounded.

The subtle sounds of firecrackers gathered together, like thunder on the top of Mount Hyjal, drifting into the distance with the brilliant light.

Archimonde's screams also followed, and his huge body fell from the World Tree, with blood and flesh flying everywhere, and he remained motionless after a few convulsions.

"We succeeded, we succeeded," Malfurion shouted loudly. He paid a huge sacrifice in this battle, and finally succeeded in killing the demon.

All the soldiers of the coalition, including night elves, members of the Alliance and Horde, cheered loudly regardless of you or me.

In this war, they successfully saved the entire world and thwarted the plot of the Burning Legion.

"It's not right, shouldn't Archimonde be smashed to pieces?" Li Ge's vertical pupils flashed a divine light, and the demon hadn't completely died yet.

I don't know if it was due to the different timelines, but Archimonde was not blown to pieces.

Arthur was startled and then ecstatic, "Lige, you mean that Archimonde was seriously injured and is now playing dead?"

Li Ge nodded lightly, "If I'm not mistaken, Archimonde is taking the opportunity to recover, and I'm afraid he will really recover after a little later."

"I still want to catch my breath, it's okay." As soon as Arthur heard this, he lifted his footsteps and disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already not far from the World Tree, manifesting a divine body, several hundred meters high, with the power of the earth forming a golden armor, wrapped around the body, majestic, and very good looking.

"Archimonde, you dare to pretend to be dead, and let this god come to end your life!"

The voice of Arthur's huge avatar sounded like thunder in the sky, shocking everyone in the coalition army.

"Archimonde is not dead, the night elves' plan went wrong?"

Malfurion and Tyrande were even more shocked, "This is impossible, according to the plan, Archimonde will never survive!"

Believers in Alterac and the Earth Guardian Church cheered, and Oni shouted loudly, "My brothers and sisters, let's salute like a great god."

"The great true God has come, and He will definitely kill Archimonde completely and save the world!"

Countless prayers sounded, and a huge torrent of faith power directly blessed Arthur's incarnation, making his strength a bit stronger.

The faces of the other coalition leaders were as dark as the bottom of a pot. If Archimonde really didn't die, wouldn't their contributions have paved the way for the guardian god of the earth.

"Nimma, don't come earlier, come now to pick up the bargain!"

Many people slandered in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it outright. It's no fun to offend a true god.

Arthur strode towards the place where Archimonde fell, and soon saw Archimonde lying in the deep pit looking miserable.

There were not many good pieces of meat all over his body, faint green bones appeared in his limbs, and only a slightly heaving chest remained, indicating that he still had a breath.

Arthur was ecstatic in his heart, and jumped up, like a lion fighting a rabbit, and rushed towards the dying Archimonde.

"Today, Arthur, the guardian god of the earth, is about to achieve the great cause of slaying demons!".

Arthur's huge foot kicked towards Archimonde, with a "boom", the half-dead Archimonde opened his eyes suddenly, and hit Arthur's leg with his huge fist, avoiding the fatal blow .

(End of this chapter)

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