leisurely dragon

Chapter 305 Picking up the cheap Gracia

Chapter 305 Picking up the cheap Gracia
Two powerful figures at the level of gods are fighting together at this moment.

Archimonde is powerful, but unfortunately he was seriously injured, and his strength is not one in ten.

Arthur's strength is slightly weaker, but his strength is at its peak.

Therefore, Arthur's incarnation quickly gained the upper hand, and regardless of his demeanor, he rode on Archimonde's body and output crazily.

Many coalition soldiers in the distance were stunned, "So this is the battle of the gods, it's really... so powerful."

Archimonde, who was about to die, couldn't hold it anymore, "Despicable god, when I return to the Twisted Void to resurrect, I will definitely come back to seek revenge on you."

Arthur laughed loudly, "Archimonde, I don't know how many years it will take until you are resurrected and regain your strength. By then, I can crush you to death with one hand."

Then there was an old punch, taking away the last drop of Archimonde's blood, and the number two of the Burning Legion was completely punished.

Just when Arthur was about to stand up in satisfaction, he was startled suddenly and turned over, only to see a long whip whipped towards him.

"Gracia, what are you doing?" Arthur roared angrily, if he hadn't dodged quickly, the whip would have hit him.

He didn't believe that the hell lord would give him good fruit.

Seeing Arthur dodging, the long whip rolled along the trend, pulling Archimonde's soul and body together into a space crack.

"Heck, Your Majesty Arthur, thank you for your kindness, I will help you deal with this devil's soul and body."

Gracia didn't even show her face, she took Arthur's booty and ran away.

"Fuck, Gracia, just wait, I will definitely deal with you well." Arthur's nose was crooked in anger.

He finally picked up a big bargain, but he didn't expect to end up following Gracia's way, and he didn't get any benefits.

Li Ge, who was in the distance, was also stunned. He really didn't expect Gracia to dare to do this, although he had never restrained the hell lord.

On the contrary, the soldiers of the coalition army in the distance didn't know what happened. Seeing Arthur's victory was a burst of carnival.

In any case, the crisis is finally over.

Li Ge didn't explain anything to Arthur. Anyway, he didn't plan this matter. Let's wait for Gracia to resolve it with Arthur.

Facing the flattery of the leader of the coalition forces, Arthur dealt with it with a stiff face, and then returned to the Kingdom of God with Jia Liya.

Then there were all kinds of aftermath of the coalition forces. Li Ge didn't want to see these trivial matters, and they had nothing to do with him.

Celia opened a portal casually and returned to Grizzly Hills with ease, thwarting anyone who wanted to get close to the priest who cast the holy rain.

On the contrary, Varian, the young king of Stormwind City, has a deep impression on Li Ge, but he is not a talkative person.

Li Ge didn't want to be in the limelight, there must be his reasons, Varian couldn't make Li Ge unhappy in this matter.

Xilia and Liyue were quite happy when they came out to relax this time, but Freya looked sad and lost at least tens of thousands of gold coins this time.

Those high-level medicines were accumulated by Freya over the years, and she usually used magic to protect them carefully to prevent them from becoming invalid. I didn't expect that they were all used up after using them this time.

Seeing the stingy look of this little female dragon, Li Ge felt it was funny, "Freya, you have already earned a crystal of divine power from me, do you feel sorry for these little money?"

"Isn't small money money? I collected it so hard, it's very commemorative," Freya muttered, and went to work obediently.

Li Ge looked at the back of the golden dragon girl, and touched his chin, "This chick works very hard, do you want to find a way to keep her?"

He will definitely not stay on this planet for a long time in the future, so there must be a trustworthy subordinate guarding here.

Otherwise, someone will definitely come to attack the ancient dragon's blood tree. This is a good treasure.

It's just that this matter needs to be planned slowly, and it is not an easy task to gain Freya's trust.

Since helping Arthur transform into a dragon-born angel, Li Ge has perfected this method and improved it to be more perfect than before.

In the newly discovered method, the dragon-born angel can maintain the two forms of angel and dragon, plus the law runes analyzed from the runes that bound Gracia, so there is no need to worry about loyalty.

Arthur's dragon-born angels respected him very much because they joined the blood of God, but they were not 100% loyal, and they all had their own little thoughts.

The most important thing about this new method is that the loss is greatly reduced. It only needs a drop of Lige's divine blood as an introduction, and other powers can be supplemented by the power of the ancient dragon blood tree Andashir to absorb and transform Yogg-Saron, which is very saving the god level. Material.

"This matter should be done sooner rather than later. After those young dragons grow up for a while, their minds will become more complicated, so it will take more effort."

Li Ge thought about it in his mind, at this time, no one would bother him, and then he would start planning to clean up the ancient gods, and he didn't have so much free time.

"I've finished what I need to say. The three of you are responsible for appeasing the young dragons and letting them cooperate with the transformation. I'll be in charge of the magic circle."

Li Ge did what he said, and summoned the three real dragons, Xilia, Liyue and Freya, and explained his plan.

"There shouldn't be any young dragons who would be unwilling, right? It has an extra powerful form, and it can also greatly increase its strength. This is a benefit," Freya said curiously.

"Hehe, what they get is strength, and I get their loyalty." Li Ge chuckled and didn't intend to hide it from Freya.

"It's nothing. Isn't that what the true gods in the multiverse do? To accept the power of a god, you must pay the price of loyalty."

The Golden Dragon Girl can accept this point, any power has a price.However, there are quite a few creatures on the side of Planet Aylas who are rebellious, and it would be better to add one for insurance.

The three little female dragons went to work separately, and only Li Ge was left in the field of Andashir preparing to transform the magic circle.

This time, Li Ge didn't want to transform one by one, he planned to do it together.

Three adult black dragon servants, five hundred black dragon cubs, and five hundred dragon eggs were transformed together.

If Arthur was here, he would be so frightened that his legs would weaken. The last time he transformed the dragon descendant under Oni, his body was already a little bit weak.

The transformation that Li Ge is preparing to transform this time is all giant dragons, which are much higher grade than his dragon descendants, and the power and resources that will be consumed are even more frightening.

Of course, if the conversion is successful, Li Ge will also get rich rewards.A powerful army of dragon-born angels will make Li Ge one of the most powerful forces on this planet.

The transformation circle to be described this time is quite complicated, and every magic node must be correct, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

However, with the calculation ability of the true god, it is not difficult, what is needed is time and energy.

(End of this chapter)

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