leisurely dragon

Chapter 306 Dragonborn Angel Legion

Chapter 306 Dragonborn Angel Legion
Xilia and the three little female dragons have done a good job. These black dragons have long been convinced by Li Ge's powerful power, and they covet the power of Andashir, the ancient dragon's blood tree. None of them refused.

Some who hesitated a little, were stared at by Li Yue, and immediately shuddered, obediently daring not to have any further opinions.

After a month of busy work on Li Ge's side, he finally finished describing the magic circle that covers an area of ​​nearly one square kilometer.

"I'm exhausted, and I won't do this work myself again." Li Ge was very cautious about this first transformation, but he also exhausted himself.

These days, Andashir is also desperately extending more roots to the prison where Yogg-Saron is imprisoned, preparing for the large-scale absorption of Yogg-Saron's power.

Xilia gently massaged Li Ge's shoulders, "All the black dragons have agreed to transform, you are so tired, do you want to start again in a few days?"

Li Ge shook his head, "It's better not to delay this matter, it's better to work hard, and it will change if it's late."

"The last time I showed up on Mount Hyjal, it is estimated that many forces have already targeted us. Now that the greatest danger on the planet Aylas is temporarily lifted, many people will plan to attack us."

Xilia also understands this. Although she is not afraid of those forces, it would be annoying if she flies around you like a fly every day.

After resting for half a day, Li Ge began to prepare for the transformation ceremony.

"Xilia, the three of you must take good care of the magic circle, and don't let outsiders disturb it, or let the black dragon move around."

"I want to work with Andashir to draw the power of the ancient god Yogg-Saron with all my strength, and I cannot be cloned."

"Don't worry, Li Ge, whoever dares to make trouble, I will kill him." Xilia, who is usually gentle and gentle, also showed a murderous look in her eyes.

As for Li Yue, she immediately clenched the one-handed sword in her hand, revealing her vertical pupils, while Freya nodded hurriedly, not knowing what was going on in her mind.

Under the order and supervision of Xilia and others, three adult black dragons, five hundred black dragon cubs, and five hundred dragon eggs about to hatch were placed on the magic point.

"Attention, I'm going to activate the transformation circle." Li Ge dripped a few drops of divine blood on the transformation circle, and activated the magic circle with divine power.

The ancient dragon's blood tree, Andashir, immediately released a large amount of aura stored in it, wrapping all the black dragons and dragon eggs, forming bloody cocoons.

Seeing the magic circle activated safely, Li Ge breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately sat down and leaned against Andashir's tree trunk. His soul carried the power of the laws of good fortune, void, time, and dimension along Andashir's body. Rootbeard rushed into Yogg-Saron's prison.

Outside the domain of Andashir in the Grizzly Bear Hill, Gracia, who had received an order from Li Ge's soul, sent an avatar to hide to prevent accidents from happening.

Li Ge's soul went through countless twists and turns along the roots of Andashir, and entered a huge space seal.

"Who dares to break into the realm of the ancient gods?"

A huge, disgusting-looking monster with countless huge mouths, making annoying noises.

"Hehe, it's just a prisoner who was sealed by the Titans. He's really shameless. He regards the prison as his own domain."

Li Ge taunted loudly, commanding the roots that originally only absorbed the power of the ancient gods in the corner, and quickly plunged into Yogg-Saron's flesh and blood.

"Ah, it turned out to be you, you thief who stole my power," Yogg-Saron let out an earth-shattering scream.

Under the blessing of Li Ge's power of law, Andashir's countless roots quickly grew up in the flesh and blood of the ancient god.

A large amount of the power of the ancient gods was extracted by the roots, and continuously transformed into the unique breath of the ancient dragon blood tree, supplying the needs of the magic circle.

Yogg-Saron kept cursing, mobilizing the power of the void to launch a counterattack. Unexpectedly, Li Ge had a deep understanding of the power of the void.

The law of void is the first law he comprehended, and the degree of comprehension is not below the law of dimensions.

This unlucky thousand-throated demon fought for a long time, but found that Li Ge couldn't do anything about it.

In the past, the ancient gods relied on their huge size and the characteristics of the power of the void to crush their opponents.

However, when encountering an opponent who happened to be aiming at him, the huge immobile body became the most fatal weakness.

Andashir's roots had penetrated deeply into his flesh and blood, and it was impossible to get rid of them, and the power of the void could not corrode the roots protected by the power of law.

Finally, after a burst of rage and meaningless struggles, Yogg-Saron seemed to lie flat, allowing Andashir to absorb his strength.

"Ah, dear friend, you are a true God, and we can be friends."

"My body is almost as big as the entire Nordson continent. This power is nothing at all. I can give you more power."

Yogg-Saron changed his strategy and took the initiative to send a large amount of the power of the ancient gods for Andashir's roots to absorb, bewitching him endlessly.

"Dear friends, join me in the arms of the void!"

"You are also proficient in the law of the void, and you are on the same path with us. I can recommend it for you, so that you can see the greatness of the void lord."

Even though Yogg-Saron was babbling like crazy, Li Ge had a way to deal with it and ignored him.

Andashir absorbed Yogg-Saron's power hungrily, and there was still more to supply the magic circle.

So the ancient dragon's blood tree took advantage of this power, and quickly began to grow, and dragon blood fruits were formed among the branches.

Time passed day by day, and with the growth of Andashir, the intensity of absorbing the power of the ancient gods became stronger and stronger.

Yogg-Saron is not a fool either. Seeing that Li Ge ignored him at all, he stopped actively sending power.

No matter how stupid the ancient god was, he could guess that Li Ge and Andashir had a way to get rid of the pollution of the power of the ancient god, or the erosion of the power of the void.

It's a pity that Andashir's roots, under the power of Lige's law, covered Yogg-Saron's entire body like nerve vessels.

Even if the Demon of Thousand Throats wanted to cut off Andashir's way of absorbing power, he couldn't do it at all.

Fundamentally speaking, these ancient gods are only powerful, and their personality is lower than that of the true gods, and they cannot compete with the laws of the true god level.

"Damn true god, you wait for the void's revenge." Yogg-Saron was incapable and furious.

At this time, in the transformation circle, the three adult black dragons had already been transformed, their blood cocoons were broken, and three dragon-born angels, two female and one male, walked out. They had a perfect body shape, dragon wings on their backs, and possessed power close to that of a high-level legend.

The three dragon-born angels bowed silently to Li Ge who was fighting against Yogg-Saron, then stood behind Silia and joined the guard team.

According to the inheritance of dragon-born angels set by Li Ge, their status is lower than the two angels, Xilia and Liyue, so they consciously obey their leadership.

(End of this chapter)

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