leisurely dragon

Chapter 314 Jaina's Pleading

Chapter 314 Jaina's Pleading

After the five thousand night elves brought by Wallstein saw Andashir in reality, many followers of the moon god Elune sent letters to Andashir on the spot.

"That's right, now these powers are enough for Andashir to stand on his own," Li Ge said to Helia in relief.

Xilia gently took Lige's hand, "Actually, if possible, Andashir would most like to stay by your side."

Andashir's spiritual intelligence is actually very simple, without any complicated thoughts, and Xilia can easily see the mind of this local only.

"It's a bit difficult, but I will fulfill Andashir's wish in the future," Li Ge said bitterly.

Right now he is only a weak divine power, at least until he is as strong as Corellon, Pelor and other powerful divine powers before he can establish a god system that communicates with each universe.

"Brother can take his time, I will accompany him to the end," Liyue who was on the other side suddenly interjected.

"That's right, Li Ge, you have achieved such an achievement in just over 100 years, and you will definitely not be inferior to those powerful gods in the future."

Xilia's eyes are shining brightly. She has been with Li Ge from his weakness to the present, and she has full confidence in him.

"Haha, I'll take you on the journey together," Li Ge smiled, dispelling the depression in his heart.

"My time in the world of Aylas will come to an end temporarily, and the situation here will be maintained by Andashir and Gracia."

Li Ge held the little hands of the two girls and said softly, "We have had a good time here for a few days. We have been in this world for almost ten years, and we have never walked around this world with you."

"Hey, don't forget me," Freya yelled from behind.

"Follow if you want, anyway, this time your first dragon descendant angel legion will also follow me back," Li Ge said casually.

The situation in the multiverse is changing, and there is nothing good to do in the Eras universe for the time being.

With the two nails of Andashir and Gracia, it will be easy to come here again.

Li Ge was going to take a few girls to buy some souvenirs, and then go home. After all, it was a waste to put a powerful avatar here.

The first stop was naturally the famous magical city of Dalaran. In front of the famous wishing pool, several people watched with interest as the tourists threw coins with wishes into it.

Of course, Xilia and Liyue would not make a wish like ordinary people. The real gods are by their side, so why bother to look far away.

Freya's eyes were shining brightly. If it wasn't for the Golden Dragon's innate sense of justice, Li Ge could be sure that Dalaran would have an extra Thief from the Wishing Pool tonight.

"Are you Your Majesty Li Ge?" A beautiful blond female mage wearing a slim and exquisite robe and holding a staff looked at Li Ge and the others in surprise.

"You are Princess Jaina," Li Ge had seen the appearance of this beautiful female mage from intelligence.

I think my appearance was also revealed by Arthur, and I also showed my face in Mount Hyjal, and many people have seen me.

Jaina made a graceful mage salute, "Your Majesty Lige, I have heard your divine name from His Majesty Arthur a long time ago, please come and sit at my residence."

The beautiful female mage's eyes were pleading, and Li Ge roughly guessed what Jaina was thinking when his heart moved.

Celia looked at Jaina's expression, feeling a little sympathetic in her heart, but she knew about the entanglement between this mage girl and Alsace.

Li Ge saw Xilia's expression in his eyes, knowing that she was soft-hearted, "Okay, Princess Jaina, you lead the way", just to satisfy Xilia's sympathy.

Jaina has a small villa of her own in Dalaran, where every inch of land is precious. This was bought by Admiral Dailin of Kul Tiras for his beloved youngest daughter.

The female mage carefully brewed a cup of cool and delicious mage drink for the four of Li Ge, which was a treasure from the kingdom of high elves.

Li Ge took a sip lightly, "Princess Jaina, can you speak directly if you have anything to say?"

Jaina forced a smile, "Your Majesty Lige, is Arthas really fallen?"

Li Ge tapped the table with his fingers, "This matter cannot be described as pure depravity, Arthas is still the Prince of Lordaeron."

Jaina's eyes lit up, "So, is it possible for Arthas to escape?"

"I can't tell you about this. Arthas accepted the power of the Hell Demon God on his own initiative. Do you think he will give up this powerful power with his character?"

Li Ge shook his head. Alsace's character is easy to go to extremes. After tasting the power of the dark power, it is basically useless to give up.

Hearing what Li Ge said, the beautiful female mage's star-like eyes immediately dimmed.

As a girlfriend who has had close contact with Alsace, Jaina is very aware of Alsace's character. Since Arthur became a true god, the prince has been greatly stimulated.

Jaina also faintly saw Arthur's intention to use Calia's son to get involved in the succession of the King of Lordaeron.

Therefore, Alsace will not give up this kind of power that can fight against Arthur no matter what.

"Your Majesty, is there really no other way?" Jaina forced a smile.

"Yes, but even if the gods want to save him, they have to pay a huge price," Li Ge said lightly.

"Moreover, whether Alsace himself is willing to be saved is still a problem."

"All kinds of power in the universe lead to the same goal in the end, maybe he is naturally suitable for dark power."

Jaina was stunned, yes, saving Arthas was just her own wishful thinking.

Recently, Arthas has begun to accept part of the power of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and he doesn't even want to see himself.

Celia couldn't help interjecting, "Mage Jaina, please don't have too many fantasies about Alsace."

"Prince Alsace's personality is a bit extreme, and feelings are definitely not as important as certain things in their hearts."

"Maybe there is still affection between you, but sooner or later it will fade with the passage of time, and finally become a handle used by the devil."

"You are a wise and potential mage, I hope you can understand this."

Jaina has met Silia, and the female mage was deeply impressed when she performed the legendary magic "Holy Rain" on Mount Hyjal.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Excellency Angel", Jaina also asked Arthur curiously, knowing that Xilia and Liyue are Lige's envoys.

Celia's words are obviously an admonition to Jaina, whether she can listen to it or not depends on her own.

"I will make the appropriate choice", Jaina is a very assertive female mage, although somewhat idealistic.

Li Ge couldn't figure out what choice Jaina would make, and couldn't help but lament that Arthas had no luck, and a woman who loved him like this was willing to give up.

"This is an amulet made of Andashir's branches. In case of life-threatening, it can activate the earthly kingdom of God that quickly reaches Andashir."

Li Ge handed Jaina an amulet, and the experience of this female mage had something to do with him.

After all, Gracia is Li Ge's subordinate, and this amulet is used as compensation.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Lige," Jaina calmed down.

She held this amulet tightly. With this thing, it should be able to deal with the evil thoughts of Arthur, the guardian of the earth.

She is a smart beautiful mage, how could Jaina not understand what Arthur was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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