leisurely dragon

Chapter 315 Temporary Return

Chapter 315 Temporary Return
Next, Jaina personally acted as a tour guide, taking Li Ge and the others to visit the scenery of Dalaran.

In the end, she thoughtfully copied a copy of the magic data that she could collect for Li Ge.

This made Celia very happy, and the gift she brought to her mother Leia was considered to be there.

Li Ge admired in his heart, as expected of being a princess, her social skills are pretty good, and Buwang himself gave her an amulet.

A few little female dragons also bought some souvenirs with their own money, planning to bring them back to the multiverse as gifts to relatives and friends.

In the next few days, Li Ge took a few little female dragons to play around the planet Aylas.

I have experienced the fairytale-like beauty of the high elf kingdom of Quel'Thalas.

I saw the peculiar natural scenery of Mogao Grottoes, and also enjoyed the hospitality of the hospitable Tauren.

In Pandaria, which has regained its vitality and is no longer troubled by the Sha, taste delicious food with the naive pandaren.

This was the most relaxing day for Li Ge after he arrived in the world of Aylas. He had no rest, no plans, and purely enjoyed the relaxation of his mind.

The last stop is Arthur's Kingdom of God in Deep Rock Continent. If you want to go back to the multiverse, you have to say hello.

"Li Ge, why do you have time to come here?"

Arthur was quite surprised, but he still enthusiastically opened the door to the Kingdom of God, and a team of dragon-born angels lined up to welcome him warmly.

Oni followed behind Arthur, revealing the majesty of the true god, "Your Majesty Lige, welcome."

"Your Majesty Oni, congratulations on igniting the divine fire." Li Ge was a little surprised. He didn't expect Oni to actually succeed.

In front of Arthur, Oni no longer had the ingratiating attitude she used to have, but instead looked like a hostess.

"Li Ge, Oni is now my concubine, and also the master of the black dragon in the future," Arthur said while rubbing his nose.

This woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Now that her own strength has increased greatly, and she has Arthur's daughter, it is estimated that Arthur will have a difficult life in the future.

It was Li Ge's first visit to the Kingdom of God, and Arthur was very enthusiastic. For the sake of face, he put all the good things on the top.

During these years of dating, Arthur also regarded Li Ge as a friend who could be talked about.

After drinking and eating, Li Ge got to the point, "Arthur, I'm going to return to the multiverse temporarily, do you have anything to do?"

"What, you're going back." Arthur's face changed drastically. He knew that Li Ge was going back, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Li Ge smiled, "The multiverse is a little nervous, and I have nothing urgent to do here."

"Now Andashir has been able to control the situation. I have also greeted Gracia, and I will not take the initiative to trouble you."

Arthur smiled wryly and remained silent for a long time, "Lige, I'm not strong enough, please help me send Lorraine and my eldest son here."

Arthur said this boldly, and it is definitely not at ease to leave his wife and children alone in another universe.

Although after coming here, there is no place to arrange, but the family reunion can be taken slowly.

Li Ge nodded lightly, "It's not difficult, I will send them to Andashir's earthly kingdom of God, and Andashir will notify you when the time comes."

Being able to make this decision shows that Arthur is not a scumbag, but he just hopes that his backyard will not catch fire.

After bidding farewell to Arthur, Li Ge and his party went straight back to Andashir's earthly kingdom of God, where he planned to open a passage.

With the increasing connection between the real body and the incarnation in the multiverse, with the help of the system, it is not impossible to establish a permanent trans-universe teleportation array.

Ontology has been calculating and perfecting the magic circle for a long time, and it has not been completed until now, which is why Li Ge wants to return now.

"Father God, let me build a magic circle for you. I still have a large amount of transformed ancient god power stored here, which can be used as a source of energy for transmission."

Andashir was still a little bit reluctant to leave Li Ge, and wanted to do something for his father.

Naturally, Li Ge would not refuse Andashir's request, and handed over the blueprint to Andashir, allowing her to develop on her own.

Unlike Li Ge who often portrayed magic circles, Andashir directly manipulated the growth of his roots to grow a magic circle.

Her roots are all excellent top-grade magic materials, and the growth lines are not bad at all.This operation made Silia, who is a legendary dragon mage, startled from ear to ear.

"Very good, Andashir, you did a good job," Li Ge couldn't help but gave a thumbs up in praise.

"It is Andahir's honor to be able to help Father God," the quiet man only smiled.

Teams of dragon-born angels waited in line under Freya's command, ready to follow Li Ge to the multiverse.

The remaining high-level dragon blood potions left by Li Ge were all left to Andashir.

There is a message from the real body of the multiverse that it is ready and can be transmitted at any time.

"Andashir, you can start now," Li Ge said softly.

Andashir closed his eyes, and the huge power stored in his body rushed towards the teleportation array like a tide, and magical lights flashed one after another.

"Father God, you have connected to the teleportation array on the opposite side, you can start teleportation."

Every second, Andashir had to consume a huge amount of energy to maintain the teleportation, and Li Ge did not waste any time, ordering Freya to enter the teleportation array with the Dragonborn Angel Legion.

Next is Xilia and Liyue, and Li Ge is at the end, "Andashir, as if there is an emergency, activate my soul imprint immediately, and I will do my best to rush over."

Andashir nodded slightly, and the next moment Li Ge's figure disappeared into the teleportation array.

Looking at the empty teleportation array, Andashir stopped the power supply and manipulated countless roots to cover the teleportation array, preventing anyone from approaching.

In the divine kingdom of Li Ge, the lord of the multiverse, the figures of Xilia and Liyue appeared, and Laiya, who had been waiting there for a long time, rushed forward and hugged her.

Yilin also followed, and it took a while for Laiya to let go of her daughter whom she hadn't seen for a long time, "Xilia, did you bring any presents for mom?"

"Yes", Xilia had expected Laiya's reaction long ago, and quickly took out gifts to share with everyone.

Liyue was not far behind, she also bought a lot of small gifts.

Although the gift is not very precious, Laiya, Yilin, Selena, Xia Wei, Elsa and Liya are still in high spirits.

Even if it was Rihanna and Catherine, the two goddesses were also there to join in the fun. They, Xilia and Liyue hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Freya commanded the Legion of Dragonborn Angels, stationed in the Kingdom of God, and took over some of the defense of the Kingdom of God.

These female dragons also knew her, but Freya was very serious in her work. She just said hello and went to arrange her army.

Li Ge's incarnation returned to the main body and re-integrated. All the big and small affairs during this period were taken over by the main body.

(End of this chapter)

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