leisurely dragon

Chapter 318 Invitation from the Goddess of Wealth

Chapter 318 Invitation from the Goddess of Wealth

The Rhine Empire had never done such extravagant things, so it was no wonder Catherine was so surprised.

"This is rare in the secular plane, but compared to the floating city in the Arcane Empire period, it is nothing." Rihanna is well-informed and high-minded. This simple magic circle can be seen through at a glance. Still can't get into her eyes.

Magic is also widely used in Bonn City. Magic carriages shuttle on the streets, and high-end shops also use magic signs.

There were buildings with different styles that could not be seen at a glance. The three of Li Ge called a magic carriage and went straight to the inner city.

Both the Temple District and the Noble District are in the inner city, which is the closest area to the royal palace. The Mage District and the most prosperous high-end commercial district are also in the inner city.

The practice of finding secret information in civilian areas is basically useless, and the real big secrets will not be circulated among ordinary people.

The carriage arrived at the destination smoothly, and the three of Li Ge got out of the carriage and paid a gold coin for the carriage plus a tip.

"There are at least a hundred temples here." Catherine's beautiful eyes are dizzying. Since she became a god, she hasn't had much contact with other gods.

The same goes for Rihanna, who basically doesn't go to the banquets between those goddesses. The two goddesses are more diligent and hardworking.

The temples in the temple area are the tallest with several powerful gods. The temples of the sun god Pelor, the goddess of love Sune, and the goddess of wealth Wojin are like a stand out from the crowd, and they are particularly conspicuous.

In particular, the huge golden statue on the square in front of the Goddess of Wealth Woking Temple, you can feel the aura of local tyrants hundreds of meters away.

"His Majesty Woking is really rich. Such a big statue needs at least a thousand tons of gold," Catherine said enviously.

"Those two huge eyes and the magic gemstones used are also rare treasures. I have never seen such a large top-quality magic gemstone before." Rihanna, the always rich and powerful queen of the red dragon, was also amazed.

Li Ge chuckled, "His Majesty Woking is one of the most powerful divine powers in the human pantheon, and this little wealth is nothing to her."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Three Dragon Gods, for your praise. These are just the wealth of mortals, and they are not very valuable to our true gods."

Before the three of Li Ge knew it, a goddess with golden eyes, wearing a gown made of gold silk, and covered in jewels appeared beside them.

"Your Majesty Woking", when Li Ge saw this goddess, he naturally knew her identity.

Wojin smiled, "I don't know what the three dragon gods are doing here, why don't you go to my temple?"

Li Ge and Rihanna, Catherine looked at each other and nodded slightly, "It is our honor to be invited by His Majesty Woking."

As one of the most powerful true gods, the incarnation of the Goddess of Wealth personally invited them, which really gave them face. The relationship between Li Ge and the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth is also good.

Under Woking's magic, the believers coming and going in the temple turned a blind eye to Li Ge and the others, allowing them to enter the rest room at the back of the temple.

As the headquarters of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth in the plane of Fein, there is a palace here for the avatar of Woking all the year round.

Entering this lounge, as if entering another plane, Li Ge understood that it was Woking who opened up this place as her divine domain on the ground.

There was no one else in the lounge, and Wojin greeted the three true gods of Li Ge to sit down, and said with a smile, "The three dragon gods are coming together, but is there anything important?"

Li Ge glanced at Rihanna, this Woking is very talkative, and she is a goddess, so she and Catherine will deal with it.

Rihanna's elegant voice, which was hinted by Li Ge, sounded, "Your Majesty Woking, we actually don't have any important things. We just want to come down to play and see why so many gods have come to the plane of Finn recently."

The goddess of wealth Woking smiled, "I really envy you ancient gods who don't rely on beliefs, you don't have to worry about beliefs, you can do whatever you want."

Catherine blinked her big beautiful eyes, "Your Majesty Woking, as a powerful divine force, you should have comprehended the law to a very deep level, and the power of faith should not be able to limit you."

Woking smiled bitterly, "My powerful divine power is subject to many restrictions, far less comfortable and powerful than Corellon and His Majesty Pei Luo."

"I am just the goddess of wealth for human beings, and the wealth priesthoods of other races are in the hands of the major gods."

"Once there is a big problem with the human god system, my powerful divine power status will be lost."

The three of Li Ge looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't expect this seemingly beautiful goddess to have such troubles.

"The human pantheon is in full swing, His Majesty Woking doesn't have to worry," Rihanna kindly comforted.

Woking shook his head lightly, "Okay, let's not talk about these things, in fact, the matter that the gods are concerned about now has little to do with you ancient gods, it is mainly an internal matter of the human pantheon."

"The reason why this matter has not been spread is that it is suppressed by the powerful divine power of the human gods and does not want the gods of other gods to interfere."

Li Ge three gods felt relieved, since this matter has little to do with them, that's great, Li Ge doesn't want to be involved in these matters anyway.

A bright smile appeared on Rihanna's face, "Your Majesty Woking, thank you for your answer. If this is the case, then we will not participate in this matter, and just treat it as a lower world to play."

"It's not that simple," Woking's face became serious.

"From the moment you came to the plane of Fein, you have been involved in this matter"

"In other words, during this period of time, all the incarnations of gods who came to Fein were involved in this matter."

"Several powerful divine powers united to block the plane of Fein. Before this matter is over, all the incarnations of the true gods in Fein are allowed to enter and not to exit."

"It's a big game now," Li Ge thought in his heart, and Rihanna and Catherine looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Sister Woking, what happened to make these powerful divine powers so nervous?" Catherine couldn't help asking this question.

"Actually, this incident was caused by a false god." The Goddess of Wealth frowned slightly.

"Your Majesty the Sun God Pelor, Your Majesty the Earth Goddess Chauntea, the God of Death Kelenvor, the God of Tyranny Bane, the God of Storm Talos, the Prince of Lies Cyric, the Goddess of Love and Beauty Sune, and I Inside".

"We found that a false god from another plane broke into Finn, and this false god was hidden among humans."

"If it's just like this, it's okay. The key is that this false god has condensed the priesthood of desire in advance."

"The priesthood of desire," Li Ge cried out aloud.

This is not a joke. Many gods in the human pantheon, many of them only control part of the emotional priesthood, are already very powerful, such as the goddess of love and beauty, Sune.

Just controlling this priesthood has easily become a powerful divine power.

Woking sighed softly, "That's right, it's the priesthood of desire you're thinking about now."

(End of this chapter)

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