Chapter 319
"This is going to break the sky," Li Ge muttered to himself.

It's not just breaking the sky, it's probably not just the human gods, I'm afraid all the gods will be shocked.

Although the priesthood of various emotions has been divided, if anyone grabs this priesthood, it will not be easy to achieve powerful divine power.

Now this priesthood that condenses desire is just a false god from another world, so whoever grabs this priesthood will own it.

Even if this is just the priesthood of desire in the human pantheon, there are still a lot of true gods who can switch races for this priesthood.

Anyway, for the true god, the race is just a piece of skin, as long as you are willing to pay the price, you can do it.

"In fact, more and more gods are getting news now, and even the tentacles of Baator Hell and the endless abyss have reached in."

Woking seemed very helpless, and this priesthood of desire had a great influence on her, although as long as there were transactions and commercial activities, her basic position would not be shaken.

But the desire for wealth is also a part of desire. If the priesthood of desire is snatched by that true god, maybe the goddess of wealth will fall from the throne of powerful divine power.

"But with so many powerful divine powers attacking together, that false god will definitely not be able to escape." Li Ge thought about it, and expressed deep sympathy for this false god who didn't know whether it was lucky or unlucky.

Wojin, the goddess of wealth, sighed softly, "On the contrary, this false god hides quite deeply, and dozens of incarnations of gods have not found any trace of him."

"Most of the false gods from different worlds have some special abilities. The gods are opposed to each other, and maybe the false gods took advantage of the loopholes."

Hearing Woking's words, Li Ge calmed down from the shock.

"Your Majesty Woking, if you want to come to the priesthood of desire, it is only just condensed and not perfect. Even if that false god successfully ignites the divine fire, he is not a match for your powerful divine power."

Rihanna also realized that the situation was actually not as serious as she imagined. Instead, the three dragon gods seemed to be being led by the nose.

"Your Majesty Woking, the three of us have just become gods for less than a hundred years, and we haven't even fully comprehended our own laws. The matter of this false god should be handled by your powerful gods. We have to have a good time this time. Only then."

Rihanna took Catherine's little hand, "Sister Catherine, didn't you say that you are going to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the most romantic city in Fern?"

Catherine also understood, and smiled sweetly, "Yeah, sister Rihanna, I almost forgot."

"Your Majesty Woking, if there is nothing else, we will take our leave first."

Woking stood up and smiled when he heard the words, "This is a top-level VIP card made by me. Any store that has contacts with the Temple of Fortune can get a [-]% discount. I wish you a happy time."

Under Woking's personal farewell, Li Ge, Rihanna, and Catherine left the headquarters of the Goddess of Wealth Church.

After leaving the temple area, the three of Li Ge entered the bustling high-end commercial area.The prosperity of commerce here is far better than that of the capital of the Rhine Empire.

Not to mention the elves, dwarves, half-orcs, and the natives of Finn, such as the Sea Race, and even the creatures of the heavens, you can occasionally meet one.

Even the three of Li Ge saw a store opened by a businessman from the plane of the wind element demigod, which was an eye-opener.

Except for those gods, no one could tell the identities of Li Ge and the three of them. Rihanna and Catherine were also very interested and bought a lot of things.

After wandering around for a few hours, the three of Li Ge stayed in a high elf hotel, which was more comfortable and closer to nature than a human hotel.

In the independent villa of the hotel, after taking a bath, Rihanna and Catherine were wearing silk pajamas, next to Li Ge on the left and right, watching the drama on the magic projector.

Li Ge's divine domain has silently enveloped the house, and no one can detect the situation here.

"Li Ge, it seems that those powerful divine powers have already regarded this priesthood of desire as their possession, and do not allow other weak gods to get involved," Rihanna said, leaning on Li Ge's shoulder.

"That is, those powerful divine powers are too bullying. The Goddess of Wealth is probing our thoughts, and she is so happy to hear that we don't intervene."

Catherine said angrily, although Woking treated each other with courtesy, it still made people uncomfortable.

I can decide whether or not to want this thing, but if you force me to make a decision, it's annoying.

Li Ge chuckled, "We don't intervene, but it doesn't mean we can't disrupt the situation, just wait and see."

Rihanna kissed Li Ge heavily on the face, "Those powerful divine powers are too arrogant, they are allowed in and not allowed out, Li Ge, please help me teach them a lesson."

Catherine sent a kiss on the other side, "Yes, we must teach them a lesson."

Li Ge must satisfy the requirements of the two delicate goddesses.But, before that, you must be full, and the room is full of spring.

In the kingdom of God, a trace of anger flashed across the face of Li Ge's body. Although the powerful divine power is stronger than the weaker divine power, the true gods are the same in personality.

No true god would be happy in such a situation, let alone a dragon god with an arrogant temper.

Presumably, the bodies of Rihanna and Catherine were also angry at this time, and they played in their avatars in a decent manner, but they were manipulated by those powerful divine powers.

Although he didn't specifically target the three of them, Li Ge wouldn't suffer for nothing if he had the ability.

"Although I promised the goddess of wealth, Wojin, not to intervene in this matter, other people are not included. Gracia, the Queen of Desires, is a very useful tool."

A ray of divine thoughts from Li Ge's true god body followed the soul connection with the Queen of Desires, and descended into the Demon King's Palace on the sixth floor of hell.

Gracia, the queen of desire demons, was in her bedroom, wearing a purple gauze dress, she immediately beamed with joy when she saw Li Ge's spiritual incarnation.

"Master, you think of me," Gracia said resentfully.

Li Ge gave the devil a cold look, obviously when his avatar came back, he also sent a copy of Gracia's avatar information.

Seeing Li Ge's expression, Gracia understood Li Ge's character, and knew that this was a serious matter, so she didn't dare to be a monster anymore.

"Master, is there something important for you to come this time?" She quickly asked Li Ge to sit down.

Li Ge nodded, and sat directly on the large and soft bed, "Do you know about the priesthood of desire and that false god?"

Gracia's eyes lit up, "Of course I know, and I have sent many subordinates to Fein. Does the master want my help?"

(End of this chapter)

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