leisurely dragon

Chapter 320 False God

Chapter 320 False God
Gracia is smart, and Li Ge nodded, "The many powerful divine powers of the human pantheon deliberately restrict us, the gods with weaker divine powers, from participating in this matter."

"Although I have no idea about this priesthood, this attitude makes me very uncomfortable."

Gracia snorted, "Those trash gods, where do you know the true power of the master."

"Master, I'll help you vent your anger, we devils are best at disrupting the situation."

Li Ge glanced at Glasia unexpectedly, this devil must be too good, but he really felt from the enslavement runes that the Queen of Erinia had completely surrendered.

In fact, it's not that Gracia didn't want to find the rune of lifting slavery.

She even went to the collection of her father Astimoth, the Lord of the Nine Hells, and looked through those ancient and precious books, only to find that even with powerful divine power, there was no way to enslave a hell lord like this.

Gracia was really convinced at this time. After thinking about it, it is not bad to follow such a powerful and mysterious master.

At least from the information sent by her avatar, she knows that her avatar is no worse than the main body, controlling a plane alone, which makes her main body envious.

Naturally, Li Ge didn't know what Gracia was thinking, "Yes, I am very satisfied with your attitude, I need to give you a little reward."

"Master", the eyes of the Erin Demon Queen seemed to be dripping water, and the soft voice made the bones of the person's body crisp.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Ge finally decided on a reward for Gracia.

He operated the power of the law of good fortune and the law of the void, and strands of void power came from the void and fell into Li Ge's hands.

Under the action of the law of good fortune, it turned into a group of flesh and blood embryos.As more and more void power was absorbed, the flesh and blood embryos became bigger and bigger.

Finally, after a few quarters of an hour, with a sound of "baa", the flesh and blood embryo broke open, and a black goat with seven eyes and countless dancing tentacles came out.

"This is a pet I created for you based on an ancient god from another universe. It is good at controlling the power of lust in the soul. It should be very suitable for you hell lords."

Li Ge was a little proud, which was the result of his efforts to comprehend the law over the years.This seven-eyed black goat can even be said to be a new breed of ancient god cub, but it was created by him.

"What? I thought it was that kind of reward after they were all prepared," Gracia murmured softly. Her legs were already weak, but Li Ge came up with this trick.

"What did you say?" Li Ge raised his eyebrows.

"I didn't say anything," Gracia said quickly, she didn't dare to resist the master now.

She carefully touched the head of the seven-eyed black goat, and she could feel that this so-called pet had an extremely terrifying power in her body, but it was still relatively weak.

"Don't be afraid, when I created this seven-eyed black goat, I already restricted it, and now it's just your pet," Li Ge said.

When Gracia heard this, she became more courageous, and immediately began to experiment with the various abilities of the seven-eyed black goat.

Excited after this test, the prototype of the seven-eyed black goat is Y'Shaarji, the ancient god of the different universe, and the ability it controls matches the power of the seven deadly sins of hell.

Gracia was overjoyed, and took out her divine weapon long whip, turned it into a chain, tied the seven-eyed black goat, and completely stamped her own mark.

"Master, how do you want people to thank you?" Gracia twisted her delicate body and stuck it up.

"Just do your job well. Be careful not to let the Seven-Eyed Black Goat get out of control, or you can handle it yourself."

Li Ge's spiritual incarnation disappeared from reality to emptiness, and Gracia rushed to nothing, her eyes became resentful.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that Li Ge had really left that Gracia began to study the Seven-Eyed Black Goat again with great interest.

Li Ge's incarnation in Bonn City showed a slight smile, and he didn't expect Gracia to make any big disturbances, as long as he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Sometimes it is precisely this kind of harassment that is more disgusting, so he just waits to watch the show.

Rihanna and Catherine, the two goddesses saw Li Ge's appearance and knew that he had a plan.

"Li Ge, it seems that we really only have a good time this time," Rihanna said with a smile.

If you don't want to turn against those powerful divine powers, that's the only way.

In the civilian area of ​​the outer city of Bonn, a sleazy gangster entered a very dilapidated house after turning around a few alleys.

"Boss, the task you entrusted to me has been completed, see if it's that..." The little gangster rubbed his fingers.

A man wearing a hooded cloak who couldn't even see his face clearly took out a few gold coins and threw them to the gangster without making a sound.

"Remember, this matter is not allowed to tell others."

The little gangster quickly nodded and bowed, "Don't worry, boss, my mouth is the strictest."

After the gangster left, the boss wearing a hooded cloak sat on a chair, but his soul fell into an unexplorable space.

"My lord, all the items contaminated with the mark have been distributed, do you want to dispose of all those little bastards?"

"Jie Jie, no need, those gods will never find it in my artifact space. The more people touch the mark, the stronger my power will be."

"Unless those gods kill millions of people in the whole city, they can find me in the human heart space."

This mysterious voice is the false god of another world that the gods are looking for.It's just that these powerful divine powers didn't expect that this false god possessed a spiritual artifact.

If it wasn't for the excessive movement caused by entering the multiverse, he might have successfully condensed the priesthood and became the true god of the multiverse.

"Jie Jie, when I succeed in becoming a god, I want those bastards to look good."

With the help of the spiritual artifact, this false god successfully collected the power of human desires and condensed the priesthood, which aroused the vigilance of all powerful divine powers.

These powerful divine powers do not have the priesthood proficient in the spiritual aspect, and there is no spiritual artifact hidden in the sea of ​​human consciousness.

Moreover, the false gods are still constantly distributing items with the imprint of spiritual artifacts, linking more ordinary people's spiritual consciousness seas.

People like that little gangster do this kind of work, and there are quite a few people like that, anyway, they don't know what they are doing.

The gods have not noticed this situation at all for the time being, even though they are well-informed, they have never seen this special spiritual artifact.

Li Ge, Rihanna, and Catherine didn't care about so much, they just played in Bonn City on their own, not to mention how cool it was.

Gracia in Hell split into an incarnation, and quietly brought her little pet, the seven-eyed black goat, into the plane of Finn.

(End of this chapter)

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