leisurely dragon

Chapter 321 Revenge

Chapter 321 Revenge
"More and more gods have descended and incarnated to the plane of Fein," Catherine said, looking at another divine light descending from the sky.

Rihanna rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Those gods think they are the sons of destiny, hoping to get the priesthood of desire and become a powerful god."

Adding up these days, the incarnations of gods who have come to the plane of Fein are close to one hundred.

This is not a small number, and there are only a thousand true gods who can leave a seat in the Pantheon.

Li Ge was about to speak when suddenly a dim divine light flew towards the north of Fein Continent.

This divine light, Li Ge will never forget that breath until he dies, "Soliem, the god of frost giants, you have finally come out."

Li Ge gritted his teeth and said word by word.

Since he became a god, Li Ge has been staring at Solem, the god of frost giants, and Abbathor, the god of greed of the dwarves.

One of these two gods personally plotted regardless of face, and the other obstructed Bahamut's rescue of Li Ge, and forged a life-and-death enmity.

As for Tiamat, the mother of dragons, Li Ge arranged for the Queen of Demons to stare at the damned mother dragon.

"The incarnation of Solem has come out, Li Ge, let's deal with him together", Rihanna was also furious, and almost lost her lover at that time.

"Yes, teacher, let's beat him together," Catherine waved her white and tender fists.

One on each side, Li Ge held two beautiful goddesses with both hands, "Haha, okay, let's go together as a family to deal with this hateful frost giant."

The next moment, three bright rays of light shot up into the sky, directly breaking through the magic circle of Boang City.

"Who dares to be so arrogant in the eyes of the gods?" Many people paid attention to the incarnation of the gods here, gloating.

Several incarnations of powerful divine power were also furious and wanted to step forward to question them.

Just the next moment, a golden dragon with a body length of 700 meters appeared in the air.On both sides, there is another 600-meter-long female golden dragon with a graceful body, and a 600-meter-long red dragon shining with dreamy colors.

Three mighty dragons let out three angry roars, and the majestic and beautiful dragon chants echoed each other, shaking the air in the sky and creating waves visible to the naked eye.

Several incarnations of powerful divine power immediately stopped, looking at me, I looked at you, and finally Woking, the goddess of wealth, stood up.

"Your Majesties, these three dragon gods are all from the ancient gods, and they will not covet the priesthood. I think they are angry because of the appearance of Solem, the god of frost giants. They didn't intend to destroy it, so let's just forget it."

With Wojin coming forward, even Bane, the god of tyranny, the rebellious dark god, would not want to trouble Li Ge and the other three because of this.

Don't look at these three as weak divine powers, but together, powerful divine powers may not be able to defeat them.

What's more, behind these three young dragon gods, it is not that there are no other dragon gods.

Dragon God, the guardian of the treasure house plane, Bahamut, the god of good dragons, and Ruby Dragon God, will not sit back and watch the powerful divine power of other gods to deal with Li Ge and them wantonly.

"The lord of the dimension is still too young to hold his breath, young god, he is so angry, you can forgive him." Pei Luo's avatar smiled and stroked his long white beard.

"Hoho, you don't dare to trouble those three-headed dragon gods?" A tall, thin god wearing a cloak sneered and mocked. This god was Cyric, Prince of Lies.

This time, in order to deal with the so-called foreign gods, the righteous gods and evil gods cooperated together.

To put it nicely, it is to maintain the safety of the multiverse, but in fact everyone knows why.

"Cyric, you have the ability to do it yourself, you want to provoke us, you are still young."

Before the righteous gods could say anything, Talos, the Lord of Storms, taunted loudly.

"We are not like you lunatic, who like to do some meaningless things." Ben also knocked on his iron glove.

The evil gods with powerful divine power already disliked each other, and now they are even more mocking.

"Just wait and see", Cyric's figure disappeared into the void, leaving only a cruel sentence.

The three incarnations of the dragon god roared and flew towards the far north, leaving some incarnations of gods who were also trapped here to watch the fun.

"Look, this is the dragon god, take this opportunity to lose your temper, those powerful divine powers, it's hard to say anything."

"Yeah, not to mention that these three are the ancient gods of law who have just been conferred gods. If you really don't give face to those powerful gods, it's not impossible."

"Hehe, let's talk slowly here, I'm going to see how Solem, the god of frost giants, was beaten."

"Go together, go together!"

Some gods who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement are in a hurry. Anyway, the priesthood of desire will not be in their hands, so it's better to go and watch the excitement. It's rare for the three dragon gods to attack at the same time.

More than a dozen divine lights followed Li Ge far away, and these were all guys who planned to watch the fun.

Li Ge also noticed that these incarnations of gods were hanging behind him, and with a thought, the power of the dimension covered the three incarnations of dragon gods.

Suddenly, Li Ge took Rihanna and Catherine into the dimensional rift.

"It's really worthy of being the master of the dimension. Traveling through the dimensional space is as simple as eating and drinking water."

Several incarnations of gods with weak divine power levels, only Li Ge and the three dragon gods disappeared, and they couldn't even see a shadow.

In the far north of the Fein Continent, there are vast wilderness ice fields and frozen forests.

This is the place where various powerful creatures such as frost giants, white dragons, and winter wolves are widely distributed. Barbarians and orcs have also established their own tribes or kingdoms in this land.

Solem, the god of frost giants, only just learned the news from other gods after paying a high price.

The "desire priesthood" is such a thing that attracts the gods. Solem couldn't restrain the greed in his heart, and hastily descended to the Fein Continent with a large tribe of frost giants who believed in him as the coordinates.

"Meet my God", an elderly frost giant priest with gray hair and beard, led more than 1000 tribesmen, and bowed down to the incarnation of the frost giant Solem standing in the center of the square.

Solem, the god of frost giants, had cold eyes, "Use all your power immediately to find out everything about false gods for me."

The old frost giant priest had never heard of any false gods, but he didn't dare to ask.

At most, it would be better to use the relationship of the human merchants who traded with the frost giant tribe later to inquire about it.

Asking what is going on in front of Solem, the god of frost giants, is courting death. Solem is not a good-tempered god.

And it would be of no use to ask Solem, he didn't even know what was going on, otherwise he wouldn't let these servants who usually look down on him help.

(End of this chapter)

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