Chapter 346

"Rihanna, Catherine, don't get me wrong, it's all Gracia's nonsense, I don't have that in mind," Li Ge had to explain.

Otherwise, it would be a bit dirty to covet Arthur's wife and daughter in front of his own woman.

Li Ge took out something again, which immediately attracted the eyes of Rihanna and Catherine, it was a trace of divinity.

This trace of divinity is the priesthood of the dragon race extracted from the incarnation of the mother of dragons, Tiamat, a few days ago.

The two goddesses are both dragon gods, and now they can hardly move their eyeballs.

With a wave of Li Ge's hand, this trace of the divinity of the dragon race fell into Gracia's hands, making the three women a little puzzled.

"Gracia, the position of a hell lord may not necessarily attract Oni and her daughter."

"This is a trace of the racial divinity of the five-color dragon. Oni has already ignited the fire, but the priesthood has not yet been condensed. Presumably this trace of divinity is very attractive to her."

Gracia was overjoyed, "Master, with this trace of divinity from Tiamat, I guarantee that they will sign the contract obediently."

Li Ge didn't say any more, with such a bait in hand, Gracia would definitely make Oni and her daughter pay a huge price.

Opening a dimensional channel casually, Li Ge took Rihanna and Catherine with both hands, and returned to Andashir's God Realm.

Gracia's expression also became more relaxed. She pulled the chain of the artifact in her hand, "Lamb, be obedient and look after this place, don't let anyone take this land away."

The seven-eyed black goat let out a deep growl as a response, and then stretched out a large number of tentacles to take over C'Thun's domain.

Glacier returned to Hell happily, and began to dig Arthur's wall.

After all the movement disappeared, Arthur's incarnation, which had been hidden for several days, slipped over quietly.

"Fuck, I'm sick, how did this bastard Li Ge strengthen Titan's prison so much?"

Arthur touched his sore forehead and cursed loudly.

Next, he forced himself to circle around this dimensional space, but found no place to sneak in.

"Forget it, don't go in and look, as long as you can smoothly integrate this land into your own land domain."

Arthur, who was stumped and not proficient in the laws of space, had no choice but to give up in despair.

But then his face turned green with anger, "What the hell is Li Ge doing, why is there an ancient god down here?"

In his head, he couldn't imagine that the seven-eyed black goat inside was created by Li Ge himself, and it was put here by Gracia to disgust him.

This incarnation of Arthur had a tug-of-war with the seven-eyed black goat for half a day, and as a result, a lot of divine power was consumed.

Although it has the upper hand, it is unable to deal with opponents who can draw supplementary power from the planet.

"Bastard, is mine really inferior to Li Ge?" Arthur felt like he was going crazy.

Obviously, he has also promoted to a weaker level of divine power, and has occupied the power of the home field, but he just can't deal with this ancient god who doesn't know where he came out.

At the beginning, Li Ge relied on his own strength to subdue the more powerful Yogg-Saron. How come he can't do it when it's his turn.

It wasn't until he found that there was nothing he could do, that Arthur had to return to the Kingdom of God in despair.

This setback made him wake up from his dream of being the master of the earth.

It's just that things that he didn't expect are still behind.

In the palace of Alterac, there is a little girl who looks eleven or twelve years old, she looks very beautiful.It's just that haughty, defiant expression, which looks a bit unbearable.

"Sally, why did you come to play with mother?" Aoni, who was wearing a queen's dress, said casually.

This little girl is Arthur and Oni's daughter Sally, who is also a powerful hell dragon.

Oni's mother and daughter also uphold the consistent tradition of the black dragon mother's loving daughter and filial piety. Emotionally, they are like Sinestra and Oni, and they are distinguished by strength.

Arthur loves this daughter very much, and created Netherland, intending to let Sally condense the priesthood of death by herself.

However, Arthur's idea is quite beautiful, and it is extremely difficult to operate in practice. It is wishful thinking to condense the priesthood out of thin air.

Sally was baptized by the source of hell since she was a child, and inherited the cunning of the black dragon, and her heart is more cunning than ordinary devils.

Sally naturally pretended to be a good baby in front of Arthur, to make Arthur happy.

But in front of Oni, Sally didn't expect her mother to be fooled by her tricks.

It's just that Oni has already ignited the divine fire, and her power is stronger than Sally's hell dragon.

Therefore, Sally didn't dare to offend her, instead she maintained the friendship between mother and daughter on the surface.

Facing her mother's question, Sally curled her lips, "Father has always wanted me to run that Netherland, which is simply unrealistic, okay? I don't want to play any tricks with the ghosts there."

Saying this, the little girl came to Oni and took Oni's hand, "Mom, why don't you let me handle the government affairs of the Alterac Kingdom for you, I can help you manage the kingdom."

Oni squinted her eyes and looked at her daughter, "Sally, are you so anxious to seize power from your mother?"

"No, Mom, I just want to help you." Sally rolled her eyes and quickly denied it.

Aoni didn't bother to pursue further. She knew a lot about her daughter, who was only a few years old, and she had a strong desire for power.

When she rebelled against hell, it was Arthur who tempted her to help her create Netherland.Now seeing that it can't be realized, I come to play my mother's idea again.

"Heck, little Sally, why don't you come back and help your sister with work?" A familiar laugh came.

"Wow", Sally was startled and quickly hid behind her mother.

"My lord, why are you here?" Sally regretted it to death. If she knew that the Queen of Demons had been staring at her, she would never leave her father's kingdom of God.

Oni's eyes turned into vertical pupils, and her divine power exploded, "Gracia, what do you want to do, this is not your hell, Arthur will come soon."

Gracia's elegant figure emerged from the shadows, "Your Majesty Oni, don't try to lie to me, I have already blocked this space with my own domain, and no information can be sent out."

Seeing that Oni was about to explode, Gracia didn't want to tease their mother and daughter anymore.

"Don't be nervous, Your Majesty Oni, I'm here to cooperate with you."

Hearing the words of the Queen of Demons, Oni still did not relax, "Gracia, are you so kind, who knows if you are here to take revenge on us?"

Gracia sneered contemptuously, "Your Majesty Oni, it is Arthur I really want to take revenge on."

"You, a god who doesn't even have a priesthood, is not worth my effort."

Although the words are not pleasant, they are also true. Oni's vigilance has dropped a lot, but her mouth is still tough, "Don't you know our relationship with Arthur, and you say these things in front of us?"

"Hehehe", Gracia laughed.

"Your Majesty Oni, don't you understand that your position in Arthur's heart is not that important at all."

"What Arthur is now, including the foundation of his godhood, is actually obtained from your father Neltharion."

"He promised to help you ignite the fire, but in the end he did it by using your father's divine blood."

"You helped him to become a god and fought in all directions, but in the end you refused to share even a small priesthood with you, even if you gave birth to the most talented child for him."

"What Arthur loves most is actually his other two sons and wife. You and Sally are just tools for him to use."

"Sally has such a strong talent, but he threw it to me, and then she was tempted to do something in the underworld, and finally achieved nothing."

"His two sons were there to enjoy the riches, and Arthur even tried his best to win the inheritance of Lordaeron for his sons."

These words distorted the young Sally's little face, "Father is really unfair, how can those two trash get such pampering from father?"

The nature of black dragons and devils made Sally's jealousy reach its peak.

(End of this chapter)

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