Chapter 347
Gracia's words greatly stimulated the young Sally.

But Oni, the black dragon who has lived for thousands of years and ignited the divine fire, is not so easy to fool.

"Gracia, if you just want to say this, then you can go." Oni's expression calmed down, and she couldn't see what she was thinking.

"Oni, I came this time to invite you to join hell, and I can promise you a position as the Lord of Hell."

"You don't know yet, I have suppressed C'Thun, hell has expanded to the peak of the middle plane, and it is fully possible to support the addition of a hell lord position."

Gracia's voice seemed particularly alluring, "As long as you swear allegiance to me, I will give you a high enough status without even breaking up with Arthur."

"Also, Sally, I can also forgive you for your betrayal last time. You can rely on your mother's status and enjoy the treatment of the princess of hell."

Sally was very excited, "Mother, I think you can consider the Lord Lord's suggestion."

But Oni remained unmoved, "Gracia, I have ignited the divine fire and will be able to gather the priesthood sooner or later. Why should I succumb to your subordinates?"

Gracia couldn't help laughing, "Oni, you have no way out. Do you think Arthur will allow you to escape his control easily?"

Oni's body trembled, Gracia's words pried away the heaviest worry in her heart.

She knows Arthur's nature too well, greedy and lustful, she won't trust anyone easily, especially she joined halfway like this.

Before giving birth to Sally, Arthur only regarded her as a pure bed partner, or a subordinate.

Even now, Oni has ignited the fire, but still cannot have an independent area in Arthur's kingdom of God, and the treatment is not as good as that of her own daughter Sally.

Seeing Oni's changing face, Gracia knew that she was right, but now she needs to add a little more leverage.

"Oni, if you are willing to surrender completely to hell, or to be my master, I can give you one more thing."

Gracia said that there was a trace of divinity in her hands, Oni and Sally both looked up, and they instinctively wanted to snatch this trace of divinity.

This is the instinctive desire for life, and it is completely irresistible. "What is this?" Although Oni had some guesses, she still asked Gracia for confirmation with a trembling voice.

Sally couldn't even control her rationality, her vertical pupils changed, and she roared in a low voice.

Gracia's face also became serious, "Oni, you have lived in the multiverse for a while, you should have heard the name of Tiamat, the mother of dragons."

Oni nodded, looking at the trace of divinity excitedly, "Could it be that..."

"Yes, you are right. This is a trace of the divinity of the dragon race from Tiamat, the mother of dragons. My master killed the incarnation of Tiamat."

"If you are willing to be loyal to me or my master, this trace of divinity is yours."

"I am willing", Oni couldn't bear the impulse in her heart anymore, Tiamat, the mother of dragons, was her idol.

With this trace of divinity, it is not even impossible to unify the Aras dragon race in the future and rival the Mother of Dragons.

For this goal, Arthur and everything will die.She Oni, in order to become the god who ruled the entire Elas dragon, she would pay any price.

"Gracia, I am willing to surrender to your master, but you must also give me the position of Lord of Hell, and my Kingdom of God will be established in Hell in the future."

Oni also made her own request. She wanted to submit directly to Li Ge and did not want to be Gracia's direct subordinate.

"Yes," Gracia sneered in her heart. As the master of hell, the hell lord born later will never have higher authority than her.

The addition of a god to Hell can strengthen the origin of Hell.As long as Oni becomes the lord of hell, she will never be able to withdraw. Gracia has many ways to deal with Oni.

Gracia quickly passed Oni's decision to Li Ge's body through the artifact imprint.

After a while, a contract purchased by Li Ge from the system mall was passed to Gracia.

This agreement is not Lige's unique soul contract, it is just an exchange of Oni's allegiance with the position and divinity of the lord of hell.

Aoni looked at the contract carefully and signed it with her soul. She was secretly proud, "There has never been a contract that can truly control a true god. At worst, you can just tear up the contract when you become stronger and pay some price."

Seeing Oni sign the contract, how could Gracia not know what the black dragon was thinking, "It is impossible to escape from the master's control. The power of the master's artifact is simply unimaginable."

The two sides have their own ghosts, and Oni is going to grab that trace of divinity, but Gracia avoids it.

"Oni, you still need to bring your power out. Do you still want to leave the Black Dragon clan to Arthur?"

"The divinity and the position of the lord of hell, I will give it to you when you reach hell and officially establish the kingdom of God."

Oni was upset, but what Gracia did did not violate the contract, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Gracia's figure changed from real to virtual and returned to hell, "Oni, Sally, I will wait for your arrival in hell."

"Mother, you've got all the benefits, I didn't get any of them." Sally's scarlet vertical pupils revealed jealousy and dissatisfaction.

Oni reached out and touched her daughter's little head. This little guy needs to be appeased, otherwise she would definitely do something to sue Arthur.

"Sally, my little baby, I only have you as my daughter. When I gather my priesthood and ascend to the throne of the lord of hell, you will be like a princess in my country, not much better than Arthur."

"The Kingdom of Alterac is mine, and I can also make you the crown prince. After I become a god, you will be the new queen. I believe your father will not embarrass you too much."

Sally's dissatisfied expression slowly faded away, "Mother, you must keep your word, or I will let you know the consequences of deceiving me."

Aoni was determined in her heart, knowing that this daughter could be comforted, "Dear little baby, mother will not deceive you, just wait for the day when many honors will be added to your body."

In the Divine Kingdom of Deep Rock Continent, Oni walked briskly through the palaces and entered the deepest temple.

Arthur forbids anyone to use spells and flying in this area of ​​the kingdom of God, even Oni, who has already ignited the divine fire, is no exception.

After some tenderness, Arthur's originally depressed mood eased a little.

"Your Majesty, I recently discovered an experimental base left by my father. There may be something useful to me in it. I want to lead the Black Dragon Legion to occupy it. I will also take part of the Dragonborn Angel Legion."

Although Arthur was surrounded by the warm fragrance of nephrite jade, his rationality was still there, "Aoni, what kind of experimental base needs so much power?"

Oni yelled, "Your Majesty, don't ask so many questions, it's all about our Black Dragon Clan's stuff, it's very important to me."

Arthur was still hesitant. Unexpectedly, Oni suddenly turned around and her voice became tearful, "Arthur, you are so heartless. I have helped you so much. From lighting the divine fire to becoming a god, I didn't I haven’t contributed anything, and now I make a small request, but you don’t agree to it.”

At that moment, the black dragon started arguing in the temple regardless of face.

Arthur's face was as black as charcoal. He wanted to get angry but felt a little guilty. He really felt sorry for the female dragon all these years.

"Okay, I promise you," Arthur, who was annoyed half to death, had no choice but to agree.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Oni immediately performed a stunt of changing her face.

"There is one more thing that His Majesty needs to agree to." Oni smiled like a flower and lay in Arthur's arms.

Arthur's face darkened again, the black dragon said endlessly, "Aonie, don't push yourself too far."

"Your Majesty, I am making this request for Sally, why don't you agree?" Aoni said pretending to be pitiful.

When Arthur heard this, his complexion improved a little, "Tell me, let me hear what's going on."

Oni also left Arthur, "Your Majesty, I have already ignited the divine fire, and I am not suitable for staying in the world for a long time. I want to make Sally the crown prince of the Kingdom of Alterac and manage the kingdom's affairs for me. This Although the child is young, he is extremely smart and will be able to manage the kingdom well."

"Didn't I hand over the newly created Netherland to Sally? Why don't you give Alterac to Lorraine's child, who is also Sally's brother?" Arthur said, frowning.

"No", Onie heard Arthur's words, and immediately raised her eyebrows.

"I don't care how much you dote on those two women and son, but I restored the Alterac kingdom by myself."

"Even if I abdicate, this kingdom can only be inherited by Sally. Let me tell you, Arthur, if you dare to hand over the kingdom of Alterac to your son, I will destroy the kingdom, and no one can get it." it".

Seeing Aoni's hands on her hips, looking angry, Arthur couldn't help having a headache, and the backyard caught fire.

However, Aoni is his right-hand man and the existence that ignites the fire, ranking among the true gods.

No matter how much he loved Lorraine and her son, he didn't dare to take the risk of falling out with Oni and forcefully seize the inheritance of the Alterac Kingdom for his son.

Oni, the female dragon, has inherited the madness and ferocity of the black dragon. If Arthur dares to do this, this female dragon that has ignited the divine fire will really do something to destroy the entire kingdom.

"Okay, I can make Sally the crown prince of Alterac." Arthur didn't want to provoke Oni who was in a state of anger anymore, and immediately signed the document.

Only then did Aoni proudly pick up the document authorized by Arthur and go to mobilize the Black Dragon Legion and some dragon-born angels.

But as she walked out of Arthur's temple step by step, Oni's heart became completely cold, "At this time, I, the true god who ignites the divine fire, is not as important to Arthur as the ordinary Human Woman".

"Arthur, you asked for this. I, the Queen of the Black Dragon, the future master of five-color dragons, absolutely cannot accept such humiliation."

The ambitious Oni and the equally arrogant Arthur are destined to part ways at this moment, and there is no possibility of fusion again.

(End of this chapter)

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