leisurely dragon

Chapter 348 Rage

Chapter 348 Rage

In the kingdom of Alterac, Oni handed over the document signed by Arthur to Sally, and under the witness of the nobles, announced that Sally became the crown prince of the kingdom and acted as an agent of state affairs.

"Little Sally, mother's promise has been fulfilled, you should know how to deal with your father."

Hearing her mother's words, Sally showed a satisfied smile on her proud face, "Mom, don't worry, father won't do anything to me."

In the high sky, Oni recovered into a black dragon with a body length of hundreds of meters, followed by hundreds of black dragons, large and small, and nearly [-] dragon-born angels.

Over the years, under the leadership of Aoni, the Black Dragon Legion has been fighting everywhere, causing a lot of casualties. Coupled with the transformation of the dragon eggs of the dragon-born angels, the growth of the Black Dragon Legion has almost stagnated.

This is also a means for Arthur to take the opportunity to control the size of the black dragon army. Without enough black dragons, Oni's priesthood of the master of the black dragon cannot be condensed at all, so he can only be attached to him.

"Queen, we are going there this time." Nefarian looked at his sister who was twice as big as himself, without any intention of resisting.

"Nefarian, this time I want to take the Black Dragon Clan to create our homeland," Oni's tone revealed a sense of confidence.

Nefarian had a vague suspicion in his heart, but it was a good thing. As the Black Dragon Prince, he was already very dissatisfied with Arthur's intentional or unintentional suppression of the Black Dragon Army.

The huge black dragon army flew farther and farther in the air, and with Aoni's dragon roar, a void space rift opened.

"Give me all in." Under Oni's order, the Black Dragon Legion and five hundred dragon-born angels flew into the passage without hesitation.

Time and space changed, and Oni led her subordinates into a dark and vast space.

Nefarian has recognized from this familiar atmosphere that this should be the legendary hell. It seems that his ambitious sister has chosen to leave that bastard Arthur.

"Your Majesty Oni, I have been waiting for a long time." Gracia's figure appeared beside Oni.

Oni's huge dragon pupils stared at the Queen of Erotica, "Gracia, I have completed the contract, and what belongs to me should be handed over to me."

Gracia smiled coquettishly, "Don't worry, the position of Lord of Hell is yours."

As Gracia used her authority, a thick source of hell turned into a black beam of light and shrouded Oni in it.

Under the influence of the source of hell, the body of the Black Dragon Queen grew rapidly, and her body length grew from more than 300 meters to nearly [-] meters.

On the black dragon's huge head, two pairs of dragon horns grew out, combining to form a small crown.

The second hell lord of New Hell, Hell Dragon King Oni officially became the second person of New Hell.

"Your Majesty", the dragon king of hell Oni lowered her head and paid tribute to Gracia.

Oni, who received the information from hell, already understood the weight of Gracia's master of hell, and became more respectful than before.

"Giggle", Gracia laughed wantonly, and then handed over the racial divinity of the five-color dragon to Oni.

"Oni, Dragon King of Hell, you should understand the power of that contract by now. I don't need to take action, as long as you dare to betray, the master can easily kill you."

After becoming the lord of hell and completing the contract, Oni already understood the power of the contract in her heart, which was not at all what she had imagined before.

She felt that as long as she had the thought of breaking the contract, she would face a terrible threat.

Fortunately, the contract is relatively loose, as long as he can maintain his loyalty to the master, there are no other restrictions.

Oni swallowed the divinity of the five-color dragon race from Tiamat in one gulp with complicated emotions, and countless knowledge was added to her soul.

She chose the part that suits her according to the characteristics of the guardian dragon of Planet Aylas.

The priesthood domain that hadn't been condensed for a long time took shape at this moment.

A shining godhead spun in her mind, and the majestic dragon chant sounded.

"I, Oni, the dragon king of hell, hereby swear that I will be the protector of the giant dragon of Aylas, the lord of the black dragon, and the souls of all dragons and dragon descendants who have suffered from bad luck and death can rest in peace in my kingdom of God" .

The divine power belonging to the true god exploded, and all the members of the Black Dragon Legion, as well as those dragon-born angels, knelt down on one knee involuntarily to pay tribute to the newborn dragon protector.

Oni, regional dragon king, dragon protector, godhead level [-], priesthood is black dragon master, dragon protector, has two domains of evil and dragon, order and evil camp.

As Oni officially possessed the godhead, the hell level she was in, in accordance with her will, transformed into the kingdom of God.

Five hundred dragon-born angels were irradiated by Oni's divine light, and screamed one after another, and were transformed by Oni into a new type of devil, the dragon demon.

In the distant Nordson, countless dragon remnants who died in the betrayal of Deathwing thousands of years ago, as well as those frost dragons who were enslaved by the Scourge, were summoned at this moment, following the connection in the dark, Entered the divine kingdom of Oni in hell and got redemption.

The violent law fluctuations between heaven and earth made every true god-level figure aware of it.

"This hell dragon king, the dragon protector is not bad, and he knows how to redeem those poor dragon remnants." Rihanna and Catherine felt pretty good about Oni's move.

The avatar of Anveena who was playing here blinked, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "Wow, there is a good show to watch, that villain Arthur who once threatened to destroy the Sunwell is going to be pissed off."

Talking for a while, a picture like a water mirror appeared. For An Weina who is proficient in the laws of arcane magic, this should not be too simple.

Arthur also felt the fluctuation of the law caused by Oni in his own kingdom of God. The master of the earth who was watching the dance of the beauties of the kingdom of God almost dropped his jaw in surprise.

"What is Oni doing? Why did she go to hell?" A question circled in his mind.

But then, the five hundred dragon-born angels cut off their faith connection with Arthur in an instant, which directly made Arthur furious.

"Aoni, you humble female dragon, how dare you betray me!"

Arthur's eyes were red as if they were about to bleed, and Aoni left suddenly, making him feel that he had been greatly humiliated.

The next moment, Arthur's incarnation appeared in the palace of Alterac. Sally, wearing a delicate and gorgeous little crown, was carefully processing documents.

"Sally, why are you lying to me and betraying me?" Arthur's face twisted, his eyes were scarlet, and he shouted hoarsely.

"Father, what's wrong with you? I'm afraid." Sally's delicate face the size of a palm shrank into a ball with tears streaming down her face.

"Sally, stop pretending, are you playing daddy as a fool?" Arthur growled frantically.

"Dad, wow, I didn't lie to you, it's just that my mother didn't want me to tell you, she just said that she wanted to find a real home for the Black Dragon Clan, she didn't say that she wanted to betray you."

Sally was so frightened that she burst into tears, with tears and snot all stuck on her little face, looking extremely pitiful.

Arthur's expression softened, and after a long time, he wiped away the tears on Sally's face with his hands, and said in a voice that he thought was gentle, "Sally, did you really betray Dad?"

"No, Dad, Sally didn't betray you. Mom asked me to go with her, but I didn't go. I want to stay with Dad," Sally said, sobbing.

"It's okay if you don't, sweetie, daddy blamed you wrongly." Arthur finally felt a little better.

The father and daughter staged a scene of deep love between father and daughter, but they didn't know whether it was true or false.

As Arthur's avatar left, Sally's tense heart fell, and she finally got through.

The father and daughter are actually like mirrors in their hearts, but Arthur still has a trace of father-daughter affection.

Sally also didn't want to lose Arthur, her big backer. She knew in her heart that her father was actually more reliable than her mother, Oni.

No matter what the purpose is, the two of them don't want to break this tacit understanding, and it can be regarded as retaining the last trace of family affection.

In the turbulent void outside the plane of hell, Arthur's avatar waved his hand, and a golden divine power hit the crystal wall of the plane, causing ripples.

"Gracia, Oni, come out to me," Arthur's anger broke out unreservedly.

"Hey, isn't this the great ruler of the earth, His Majesty Arthur, why don't you come to my little hell plane when you have time?" Gracia's incarnation appeared outside the hell plane.

A huge black dragon also emerged, transforming into a black-haired beauty, wearing an exquisite black gold crown, with a hint of temptation in its divine beauty.

Arthur's eyes lost their focus, and then he was furious, "Oni, why did you betray me, and Gracia, are you behind this time?"

Oni no longer had the docile and sharp eyes of the past.Although her godhead is at the second level, but with the blessing of the lord of hell, her strength will not be much worse than Arthur.

"Arthur, you have to understand that you never gave me a definite status. After I lit the fire, I didn't get any authority in your kingdom of God."

"I'm just pursuing the power and status I want. If you can't give me what I want, I'll take it myself."

"You..." Arthur was speechless for a moment, unable to speak out angrily.

In this matter, what he did was indeed unethical. Oni, who ignited the divine fire, was equal to him in personality.

However, Arthur has always been vigilant and did not give Oni enough authority. To put it bluntly, he did not give enough respect to a true god at all.

"Even so, you can't take away so many of my subordinates." Arthur held back for a long time before saying such a sentence.

"Hahaha", Oni laughed wildly.

"Arthur, you have the face to say this. Even the foundation of your becoming a god is the earth guardian power of my black dragon clan."

"The Black Dragon Legion belongs to my power, and the Dragonborn angels are transformed from my dragon eggs and dragonborn subordinates, and all my collection of treasures is also used to subsidize you."

"Speak for yourself, how much advantage have you taken of my Black Dragon clan, and what have you given me in return?"

Facing Oni's questioning, Arthur couldn't think of any rebuttal for a while.

"Oni, if you go back with me, I can share the glory with you and give you enough status."

In the end, Arthur could only hold back such a sentence with a dark face.

(End of this chapter)

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