leisurely dragon

Chapter 369 Ambush

Chapter 369 Ambush
After Alex, who had fallen into the Abyss Dragon, reached a series of agreements with the Succubus Queen, Malcanthet destroyed one of the runes of the mithril chain.

"Giggle, Alex, with the strength of your Silver Magic Star, as long as these magic runes show a little flaw, I shouldn't be able to stop you."

Alex yelled, "You Bichi, do you think you saved me if you did such a trivial thing?"

He could break the Silver Dragon Clan's seal based on the flaws, but that would require a lot of strength and he had to be careful.

"Hoho, according to our agreement, as long as we can save you, the agreement will be considered completed. Remember, you swore on the abyss consciousness and promised me three conditions."

"Wait for my call, Alex", Malkanthet left with a strange smile.

"Bah, bitch, don't think that Uncle Alex is so easy to take advantage of. When I come out, I will fuck this bitch until she screams."

Li Ge and the elders of the Silver Dragon clan who were on the top of the mountain knew nothing about everything and could not imagine that a demonic dragon that could rival the true god was about to escape.

In the next few days, Li Ge and Li Yue also visited Dragon City for a few days.The Dragon Clan doesn't have as many taboos as humans, allowing Li Ge to wander around.

There are many silver dragons living in Dragon City, and some female dragons like to send their young dragons here to receive instruction from the elders of the Silver Dragon clan.

When these little guys faced Li Ge, in addition to being nervous at the beginning, after they became familiar with him, they followed Li Ge curiously and looked around. This was their first time seeing the Dragon God.

Some curious teenage dragons, young dragons, and even newly adult silver dragons would sometimes pretend to be in trouble, fly past Li Ge, and secretly look at the rumored young dragon god.

The elders of the Silver Dragon clan were originally afraid that the behavior of these children would cause Li Ge's displeasure, but they were relieved when they saw that Li Ge sometimes smiled and greeted the young dragons.

It was only now that they were truly sure that this dimensional lord, unlike Bahamut, had a special preference for golden dragons.

On the contrary, Li Ge has never had direct contact with the Council of Elders of the Golden Dragon Clan from his birth until now. At most, the Golden Dragon Clan showed some goodwill when they moved a group of metal dragons to Avada last time.

However, if you think about it, you can understand the thoughts of the Golden Dragon Clan. The Golden Dragon Clan has Bahamut's special favor and a very arrogant personality. How could it take the initiative to stick to Li Ge?

Perhaps in the eyes of the Golden Dragon Clan, Li Ge, the younger Dragon God, should take the initiative to show goodwill to the Golden Dragon Clan and win their faith.

It was the elders of the Silver Dragon Clan who had lived for tens of thousands of years that persuaded the Silver Dragon Clan to take the initiative to get close to Li Ge after Polynia's persuasion and revealing some of Li Ge's potential.

Now it seems that Polynia made the right move. Alod, the great elder, has also started to cultivate Polynia. Maybe in the future, her relationship with Li Ge will depend on Polynia. Nia maintains.

In the following days, the precious library of the Silver Dragon Clan was also opened to Li Ge, even the forbidden magic knowledge was no exception.

Li Ge and Li Yue dove into the library, eagerly absorbing the tens of thousands of years of wisdom crystallized by the Silver Dragon clan, and even used the power of artifacts to copy it.

At this time, Li Ge was simply making a lot of money. The wisdom of the Silver Dragon Clan was definitely not inferior to that of other major races, and there were even secrets about the starry sky dragon before it came to the material world.

"This is really a great favor. It immediately made up for my lack of knowledge." Li Ge secretly recorded the kindness of the Silver Dragon Clan in his heart.

Polynia was also there to help Li Ge, packing up some magic information suitable for Leia and her daughter. Anyway, the Silver Dragon Clan still had backups.

Li Ge stayed in the Silver Dragon Clan's library for more than a month, which enriched his knowledge reserve a lot, many of which were unique to the Silver Dragon Clan.

"Elder Aluode, thank you so much for the gift from the Silver Dragon Clan." After receiving the benefits, Li Ge did not hesitate to express his gratitude.Elder Alode chuckled and said, "Your Majesty Li Ge, the Silver Dragon Clan will always be your friend. We have always been sincere in our treatment of our friends."

This is indeed a characteristic of the silver dragon race. Generally speaking, silver dragons are not as unattainable as gold dragons, and they value their friendship very much.

Li Ge would not regard the Silver Dragon clan as an ordinary mortal race. Who knows if there are any silver dragons at the level of starry sky dragons? They are powerful creatures that are not inferior to the legendary dragon species.

After staying in the Dragon City of the Silver Dragon Clan for almost three months, Li Ge and Li Yue left the Dragon City after being persuaded by the Silver Dragon Clan to stay.

At the same time, Li Ge also rejected Polynia's request to use a magic battleship to send him away.

In that case, how could some conspirators with ulterior motives jump out?

After finally coming to the northern snowfield, Li Ge and Li Yue wanted to take a good look at this land where countless legendary heroic deeds were written.

The two powerful real dragons hide their figures and observe the creatures on this land.

White dragons are like wild beasts, hunting for prey in the ice fields. Only the adult white dragons can show some wisdom.

Frost giants and barbarians are fighting for control of the land, and occasionally greedy adventurers or caravans and slave-catching teams enter this forbidden land for wealth.

Li Ge even followed a crystal dragon to see how she stole the eggs of the white dragons.

Under a boulder in the snowfield, a fire was burning in the direction of the shelter from the wind. Li Ge used a sword to skewer a huge snow rabbit and turned it over, making sizzling grease and mixing it with fine spices. , the taste is particularly attractive.

Soon the plump snow rabbit was baked. Although it was not enough to fill the belly of the two giant dragons, Liyue still had a happy smile on her face.

"Okay, it's time to work after you've eaten." Li Ge patted his grease-stained hands, and Liyue cleaned them for him with a careful cleaning technique.

"Everyone, after following us for so long, should you come out and say hello?" Li Ge said casually.

"As expected of the Dragon God, how dare he be so bold when his incarnation is about to face death." A huge magic circle rose from the ground, sealing off dozens of square kilometers of nearby area.

A coquettish and beautiful succubus appeared, it was Mecanshut, "Lord of the Dimension, if you take the initiative to commit suicide, I can let your little lover go."

"This area has been sealed off by me using the devil's secret method. Don't expect anyone to save you."

Li Ge looked at Mecanshut with a crazy look, "You are just a demon lord, but you dare to intercept and kill me. Who gave you the courage?"

"Giggle, I'm not the only one, please come out, Alex, and Kostchurch, the King of Frost Giants."

Following Mecanshut's voice, a 500-meter-long abyss dragon and an ugly frost giant appeared.

Li Ge's face darkened. These three together were no longer easy to deal with, especially the abyss dragon, which was surprisingly powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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