leisurely dragon

Chapter 370 Reversal

Chapter 370 Reversal
"Gee, Melcanshut, didn't you agree to form an alliance with me? Why did you come here alone?" A hoarse mature female voice sounded.

The incarnation of the spider goddess Rose appeared in the magic circle, still looking like a beautiful drow elf woman, followed by a male elf, the incarnation of the drow elf warrior god Siventam.

The succubus queen's expression was a little distorted. She finally trapped Li Ge's incarnation. When she was about to harvest, there was another one grabbing the food.

Seeing that Malcantheut was defeated, Rose was very proud, "Malcantheute, without our help, you are not strong enough to leave the incarnation of the Lord of Dimension. The core of his incarnation's divine power must be left to me. I am very interested in the secret of the rapid promotion of the dimensional master."

Li Ge narrowed his eyes, and now it seemed that he was going to call Rihanna and Catherine for help. Rose was an old medium power who had fallen from strong power. No god dared to underestimate her, not to mention the helper Siventam.

"Boy Golden Dragon, hurry up and open a bloody road to escape with Uncle Alex." A mysterious idea came into Li Ge's mind.

Before Li Ge could react, the abyss dragon Alex roared, and a dragon's breath as black as ink engulfed the incarnation of Frost Giant King Kostchichi, and then swallowed all his bones in one bite.

"Alex, what did you bastard do?" the succubus queen roared. She didn't know what went crazy with this dragon, and Rose's incarnation was also stunned.

With a good opportunity, Li Ge activated the artifact projection, and the incarnations of Rihanna and Catherine were teleported over. Together with Li Ge, they transformed into the body of a giant dragon nearly a kilometer long. Three overwhelming dragon breaths swept the two drow gods away. The spiritual incarnation of the system was swallowed up.

Under the full attack of the three dragon god incarnations and the artifact, the weakest Siventam only had time to let out a scream, and was annihilated under the dragon's breath.

Rose's incarnation also suffered heavy losses, especially Rihanna's flame artifact, which gave her a hard blow when she was attacked by Catherine's soul.

"Time and space are imprisoned, dimensions are collapsed." Li Ge let out a violent dragon roar, imprisoning Rose's incarnation for one breath. The power of countless dimensions and spaces collapsing converged into one point and fell on the evil goddess.

"Lord of Dimension, you are so despicable, I will not let you go." Rose's incarnation left her last words and then died, leaving only a core of divine power.

She didn't take advantage of anything, and even hooked up with an avatar. Rose thought the dimensional master had set a trap specifically for her.

Li Ge was too lazy to listen to the evil god's last words and looked to the other side. Alex, the demon dragon, had already pounced on Mecanshut after swallowing the Frost Giant King Kostchurch.

"Mecanshute, you Bichi, Uncle Long has long said that you must look good when you come out," Alex yelled with a strange smile.

The Succubus Queen was trembling with anger and stepped forward to fight with the Abyss Dragon. However, since she was only an incarnation and in the main material plane, she was no match for Alex.

"Alex, you broke your oath, and you will definitely be punished by the consciousness of the abyss," Malkanthe said through gritted teeth.

She should never have believed in this damn dragon, which killed the helper she had managed to seduce from the very beginning.

"Jie Jie, you are such a big and brainless Bichi. Don't you know that giants and dragons are mortal enemies? How dare you let this annoying frost giant appear in front of me."

Malkanthet was furious, "You have already fallen, why are you still paying attention to the bad things between races? Don't you want to take revenge on that hateful golden dragon?"

Alex laughed loudly, "How can you, Bichi, understand what happened between me and those golden dragons?"

"A fight is a fight, but after the fight we are still good brothers. Laozi's grandfather is the ancestral golden dragon. How could he really regard the golden dragon as his mortal enemy?"

"Also, don't imagine that Uncle Alex will be punished by the abyss consciousness." "Even if I find a dragon god to purify me, I will not become a slave of the abyss consciousness."

Li Ge, Rihanna, Catherine, and Liyue watched with gusto. There was something interesting about this fallen powerful true dragon.

Just now Alex took the initiative to save the life of a junior like Li Ge, and Li Ge still needed this favor.

"Senior Alex, do you need my help?" Li Ge stood there leisurely and asked.

"Damn, Golden Dragon boy, you are still there watching the show, come up and help me, help me capture this Bichi alive, Uncle Alex said he must fuck her."

The Abyss Demonic Dragon laughed strangely there, pestering the Succubus Queen, preventing her from having a chance to escape.

The three Dragon Gods looked at each other and smiled, and took action together.

Catherine's best skill is the soul law attack. With one move, the incarnation of Malkanthet staggered, and the soul almost fell down in a trance.

Then a fire lotus wrapped the Succubus Queen, and under the blazing divine fire, the aura of the abyss quickly faded away.

"I will fight with you." Mecanshut was extremely desperate. If she had to fight head-on, any one of the four dragons could compete with or even defeat her. Now if they attack together, there would be no way to survive.

And if these four were captured alive, that bastard dragon Alex would not know how to humiliate her.

A broken Heart of the Abyss appeared in the hands of Mecanshut. New planes fell in the abyss every day, and naturally there would be planes destroyed due to various reasons.

Such a damaged heart of the abyss is the core of a destroyed abyss, and it is the trump card that Mecanshut prepared to deal with Li Ge.

"Hahaha, your avatars die with me, and Alex, the bastard, you can't escape either." The succubus queen frantically wanted to detonate the damaged core of the plane.

"Nima, this Bichi is really crazy." Alex's dark dragon face couldn't help but show a look of horror.

"The power of time and space, bless my body, I control the dimension, the infinite dimension, for my use." Following Li Ge's thought, the surrounding time, space and dimensions seemed to solidify.

The incarnation of Malcanthet maintained an angry posture, and even his soul was operating in an extremely obscure manner.

Li Ge gently took away the broken Heart of the Abyss from her hand, threw it into the depths of the artifact and sealed it.

"Tsk, tsk, golden dragon boy, it's not that simple." Alex transformed into a young high elf, but his skin color was like black coal.

After glancing at Li Ge, he smiled dryly and came to the incarnation of Mecanshute, rubbed his hands, "Haha, let Uncle Alex come and inspect the goods to see if this succubus queen is real. ".

Seeing Alex's black hand reaching for the Succubus Queen's peak, Li Ge couldn't help but roll his eyelids, "Senior Alex, it's a bit bad to do this in front of everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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