leisurely dragon

Chapter 372 Redemption

Chapter 372 Redemption
"Hahaha, I finally don't have to die anymore," Alex grinned stupidly.I was already prepared to die generously, but I expected a turn of events.

"Lord of Dimension, don't save that bastard, let him die."

In the void, an unknown god pinched his nose and changed his voice to shout.

"Who is it? Tell me your name if you have the guts. Uncle Alex must make you look good." Alex jumped angrily.

However, this god obviously just wanted to curse out loud and ignored the clamor of this bastard dragon.

"Ancestor, do you think we should go back to Dragon City first? It's a little inconvenient to talk here." Arold, the great elder of Dragon City of the Silver Dragon Clan, appeared with a group of elders.

The moment Alex got out of trouble, Alode hurried to the underground cave, only to see a message from the ancestor of the silver dragon asking him to collect the body.

As a result, when a large group of elders from Dragon City rushed over, they saw Alex pointing at the sky and cursing.

"Grandson, I hope you came just in time." Asex glanced at the group of juniors.

Alode and the other elders couldn't laugh or cry. They were indeed the grandsons of the silver dragon's ancestor. Even the strongest Alode was no match for Alex in terms of strength. Just pretend that his grandson didn't hear this. .

"Your Majesty Li Ge, Your Majesty Rihanna, Your Majesty Catherine, Your Highness Liyue, thank you for saving our ancestors." Alold turned to express his thanks to Li Ge.

He heard clearly what Li Ge teased Alex just now.If Alex is cured, the Silver Dragon Clan will have a big backer.

"Li Ge is my cousin. There is no need to be so polite between us brothers," Alex interjected.

"Alold, go pick out some beautiful little female dragons from the tribe and send them to my brother."

Li Ge rolled his eyes. Arold and other Dragon City elders also pretended to be deaf and dumb. This bastard dragon had no clue.

Looking at Li Ge's appearance, Alex became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke. Suddenly he felt a chill on his back. When he turned around, he saw three female dragons looking at him unkindly.

"I don't think I can beat these female dragons, so I'd better not mess with them." Alex consciously closed his mouth.

The magic battleship came in handy again, and Li Ge and his party boarded the battleship and headed towards the Dragon City of the Silver Dragon Clan.

Because Alex is still in the abyss dragon state, in order not to affect the young dragons, this group of dragons went directly to the cave where he was originally imprisoned.

Looking at this familiar place, Alex sighed, "I was the one who suggested imprisoning myself in the first place, just because I was afraid that one day I would be unable to withstand the curse and fall directly."

Alode immediately answered, "We will always remember the contribution our ancestors made to the Silver Dragon Clan."

"You guys, stop saying nice things, you have tortured me so much over the years," Alex said angrily.

"Ancestor, you have misunderstood us. If it weren't for our efforts over the years, the curse would have broken out long ago," Alode said with some depression.

Li Ge looked at the surrounding environment and frowned, "Elder Alode, please send someone to tidy up this place, clean it up, and improve the lighting. Exorcising the curse will not take a day or two."

Without saying a word, Arold immediately handed over the task of assisting Li Ge to Polynia, who was told that she was related to Li Ge.

"Alex, it's best to keep you suppressed to facilitate our treatment and research."

After hearing Li Ge's arrangement, Alex agreed despite some reluctance.

Arold and other elders had to get busy and re-enchanted the mithril chain, locking up Alex who had transformed into an abyss dragon.

In the days that followed, Li Ge, Rihanna, and Catherine became busy. It was rare to have a research subject of the level of the Starry Sky Dragon, so why not make good use of it.

In the underground cave, which was already brightly lit, almost like daytime, a 500-meter-long abyss dragon was tightly locked by a mithril chain, lying on the ground and sleeping soundly.

Alex, this bastard dragon, kept talking nonsense at first, but then everyone was too lazy to pay attention to it, and he found it boring and went straight into a deep sleep.

"Your Majesty Li Ge, how is the research going?" Elder Arold came down this time and saw that Li Ge and the other three Dragon Gods were no longer busy and were sitting there drinking tea.

"The research has been basically completed, but it may be more painful during the implementation process." Li Ge took a leisurely sip of tea. This magical plant drink cultivated by the Silver Dragon Clan is really good.

Arold was overjoyed that his ancestor was saved. Except for Alex's nasty mouth, he was pretty good in other aspects.

"Your Majesty Li Ge, please feel free to act. Alex's ancestors have gone through so many hardships, a little pain is nothing," Arold assured, patting his chest.

"Okay then, you elders will strengthen the suppression runes together. The treatment process is very delicate. Don't let Alex struggle and spoil the big thing." Li Ge agreed when he saw Alode's head full of agreement. his request.

Next, all the elders of the Dragon City Council and nearly ten extremely powerful ancient silver dragons cast spells together to add countless magic runes to Alex, who slept like a dead pig.

"Okay, these runes are enough." Seeing that these elders seemed to regard Alex as an experimental subject, Li Ge quickly stopped him.

Only then did Arold stop, "Your Majesty Li Ge, do you need our help here?" The Great Elder Silver Dragon made a good calculation. Such a high-end ceremony is not easy to see. No one has ever tried to put a The Abyss Dragon of the Abyss Lord level came to the rescue.

Being able to witness this unprecedented experiment has an indescribable attraction for these power-seeking Silver Dragon elders.

"You can stay if you want, but make sure Alex doesn't struggle at all." Li Ge didn't care. How much they can learn depends on their abilities.

Everything was ready. Li Ge and the other three dragon gods stood in front, surrounded by a group of silver dragon elders. In the middle was Alex, who slept like a pig and didn't know that he was going to be in bad luck.

"Let's start", Li Ge gave the order.

Rihanna waved her hand, and the flame artifact turned into a fire lotus, wrapping Alex who was sleeping, and an earth-shattering roar sounded.

The unlucky Alex was trapped tightly and his mouth was locked, leaving only his eyes wide open and the pain was driving him crazy.

However, Alode and several other Silver Dragon elders watched it with great interest.

Rihanna's artifact flame is the nemesis of the abyss' breath. Under the purification of the divine fire, the abyss' breath in the abyss dragon's body is rapidly decreasing.

At the same time, Catherine also used the blood and soul realm to constantly repair the body and dragon soul damaged by the divine fire.

Under the tug-of-war, the abyssal aura in Alex's body and dragon soul continued to decrease, making Arold and other great elders smile with joy.

"Her Majesty Rihanna's flame artifact is truly infinitely powerful. It has also benefited me and other Silver Dragons who are not very proficient in the law of flames."

"Your Majesty Catherine, your research on the Law of Blood and the Law of Soul is beyond our reach."

"Yes, look at Alex, ancestor, he is still full of energy, which shows that his brain has not been burned out. He has great control."

Alex felt so painful that he wanted to curse. He had never suffered such pain in hundreds of thousands of years.

Just now, I was happily meeting the beautiful dragon in my dream, but I was suddenly awakened to find that I had fallen into a sea of ​​fire.

A group of his descendants are still pointing fingers, completely ignoring the suffering of their ancestors.

As time went by, the pollution in Alex's body and soul had been almost eliminated.

The most important thing left is to clean up his contaminated divinity, otherwise Alex will fall sooner or later.

Rihanna and Catherine became even more careful, pushing the rules almost to the extreme.

But even so, Alex, whose divinity was burned by divine fire, had already begun to roll his eyes and was almost dead.

With a tap of Li Ge's finger, the vitality of the law of creation fell on Alex's body, instantly reviving his consciousness.

"Sister Rihanna, with Li Ge protecting Alex's sanity, why don't we increase our efforts," Catherine said, blinking her beautiful big eyes.

"Okay, I've been a little impatient for a long time," the hot-tempered Rihanna also replied happily.

Suddenly, the power of the divine fire increased several times, Alex's huge dragon eyes were filled with blood, but his mind was protected by Li Ge, and he felt the soul-eating pain of the divine fire without any reservation.

But the starry sky dragon, who was firmly suppressed, couldn't even say anything at the moment, "No, you should take your time, it will hurt Uncle Alex to death!"

It was unknown how long Alex's soul had been experiencing pain. Just when he had become numb, a voice sounded like the voice of heaven.

"The purification has been successful, Great Elder Alode, you can release the suppression array," Li Ge's voice sounded.

Immediately, a force of vitality, like sweet rain, circulated throughout Alex's body.

New silver dragon scales immediately grew on the surface of the body that had been burnt to char, and the dark dragon horns also detached, and the new dragon horns quickly took shape.

Feeling that the magic circle and magic runes on his body had been expelled, the starry sky dragon, which had been unable to hold back for a long time, stood up suddenly.

"Ho ho ho", a hearty dragon roar resounded in the underground cave. Alex had not been so happy for a long time since he suffered the life curse from the ancient demon lord.

All the pain I had just endured, now that I think about it, I feel it was worth it.

Under the huge roar of the dragon, the stones in the cave were shaken and fell off.

All the dragons let Alex vent his tens of thousands of years of agony.

After a long time, the dragon's roar stopped. Alex's figure quickly shrank and turned into a high elf young man, but this time it was no longer black.

(End of this chapter)

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