leisurely dragon

Chapter 373 Bloodline of the Star Dragon

Chapter 373 Bloodline of the Star Dragon

"Cousin Li Ge, thank you and your spouses for your help. I have never felt so comfortable in tens of thousands of years." Alex patted Li Ge hard on the shoulder, venting his joy.

"Ancestor Alex, congratulations on your rebirth." Before Li Ge could speak, Elder Alode and others came forward to congratulate him.

Without the interference of the abyss breath, Alex's character seems to have improved a lot, and his attitude towards these juniors has improved a lot.

"Alex, I also congratulate you. You are now free from the shackles and can travel freely across the stars." Li Ge also smiled and blessed.

It is basically impossible for Alex, the ancestor of the silver dragon, to stay in Dragon City.Not to mention that the gods will not allow such a balance-breaking existence to stay in the main material plane, even the nature of the starry sky dragon is more suitable for living in the starry sky.

"Haha, Li Ge, I know a lot of old friends. If that god dares to bully you in the future, I will be able to attract a group of old friends to surround his kingdom." Alex laughed wildly.

This is not entirely a boast. If we find out all those old dragons who are sleeping in that nook and cranny, it will probably scare a lot of true gods.

The Silver Dragon Clan's Dragon City held a grand celebration. Almost all of the hundreds of silver dragons who stayed in Dragon City participated in the grand celebration.

Almost one-tenth of these silver dragons are descendants of Alex's lineage.

Li Ge's bloodline was also announced by Alex at the grand event. Some Silver Dragons who originally had a rivalry with the Golden Dragon had a greatly changed view of Li Ge.

The giant dragons of Li Ge's lineage also come from the silver dragon on their father's side. In this way, Li Ge, the dragon god, can also be regarded as his own dragon.

In fact, Li Ge didn't care much about this. Metal dragons, especially gold dragons and silver dragons, often formed spouses.

Of all the silver dragons in Dragon City, no one dares to say that he does not have the blood of a golden dragon at all. Of course, the same goes for golden dragons.

After the grand meeting, Li Ge also took Rihanna, Catherine, and Liyue to say goodbye and left Dragon City.

Alex was very sorry. He wanted to take his newly recognized cousin to visit some old friends in the stars.

Li Ge didn't have time to fool around with Alex, he had serious business to do now.

The plan to lure the snake out of the cave was basically successful. The Spider Goddess Rose was finished in one incarnation, so she probably won't act rashly for a while.

The incarnation of medium divine power is no big deal. If an incarnation dies, the divine power, soul, and divinity will suffer a lot of losses and cannot be restored in a short time.

As for Melcanthet, the demon lord responsible for the planning, he would never have imagined that his incarnation would fall into the hands of a hell lord.

Now in the abyss, the Succubus Queen has become a laughing stock, and the Demon Lord is captured by a Hell Lord, something that has never happened before.

Malcantheat had already given up on that incarnation completely despite the damage to his soul.

"Bastard Alex, and the damn dimensional master, I will make you pay the price." The demon lord's shrill roars continued to be heard from the 570th layer of the abyss.

In Li Ge's Kingdom of God, all members with high-level authority have attended the meeting. Everyone is very curious about the specific information of this battle.

Catherine happily took the initiative to tell the story in detail, making everyone smile.

Even Xia Wei, who was far away in Ailas, was pleasantly surprised. Rose had caused a lot of trouble for her Silver Leaf Tribe back then.

"Li Ge, when you have any deal with the Elf God System, you can take out the core of Rose's divine power." Xia Wei gave Li Ge a suggestion.

Except for the indecisive Corellon, the other gods in the elven pantheon hated Rose deeply.Taking out Rose's incarnation of the core of divine power will definitely gain a lot of favor. "Yes, I will." Li Ge also carefully treasured this divine power core.

"Master, I repaired this bitch Melcanthet, and then sacrificed it to hell, but I got a lot of rewards." Gracia got a big deal this time.

"Gracia, do your job well. Maybe I will discuss with Li Ge in the future and give you higher authority." Rihanna warned the hell lord.

During this period, Gracia received too many benefits. Although there was no possibility of betrayal, she could not be too proud.

"Sister Rihanna, I will listen to you carefully," Gracia replied pitifully, no longer knowing what face was.

Having finished talking about other things, Li Ge was about to get down to business, "Everyone, what I want to talk about next is about the future development of everyone with senior authority."

Everyone fell silent and listened to Li Ge's speech, "I, Rihanna, Catherine, Gracia, and Andasil are already gods and have their own path."

"Xia Wei possesses the complete priesthood of the dragon-blooded elf race, and her path to becoming a god has been determined."

"Liya has comprehended the divine system of order on her own, and has a bright future. She can become a god on her own in the future or become Xia Wei's subordinate god."

After saying this, everyone looked at Liya, making this girl, who was participating in a high-level authority meeting for the first time, blush.

"Actually, it's not as good as dad said," Liya stammered. She looked so cute, which made everyone burst into laughter.

"Okay, Liya is embarrassed by everyone's laughter," Li Ge said with a smile.

"Liya, Elsa, Cilia, Yilin, Liyue, Selina, they are all considered divine dragons now, but this road becomes more and more difficult as it goes on."

"Divinity suitable for everyone is not so easy to find, or the price required is too high."

"As for becoming a god like us, it is extremely difficult, and the possibility of failure to ignite the divine fire is extremely high."

Laiya rolled her beautiful big eyes and shouted loudly, "Li Ge, is there anything you can do?"

The remaining female dragons all looked at Li Ge, full of desire. Who doesn't want to find a way forward?

Theoretically, even if professionals reach the extreme in their respective paths, they will not be inferior to gods. Some legendary arcanists even falsely claim that gods are just extremely powerful professionals.

But this road is almost an impossible dead end. Mortals are mortals. Except for the occasional amazing genius, it is impossible for others to break away from the shackles between gods and men.

The dragon is even more restricted by its own bloodline. After reaching the legend, the shackles of its bloodline are greater than those of other races such as humans.

Li Ge cleared his throat, "This time, when we were expelling the breath of the abyss for Alex, the ancestor of the silver dragon, we used artifacts to study the star dragon thoroughly."

Li Ge's voice stopped, and the hearts of several female dragons were beating fast. They had already guessed something.

"You guessed it right," Li Ge looked at the expressions of several female dragons.

"As long as I spend some more divine power to deduce it, I will be sure to evolve your bloodline into a starry sky dragon, reaching the same level as the true dragon ancestor."

"Ah", several screams rang out. These female dragons showed no restraint at all, and the soul projections of several people cheered here.

(End of this chapter)

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