leisurely dragon

Chapter 378 Queen Azshara

Chapter 378 Queen Azshara

In hell, since being promoted to a large plane, there is one more place for the hell lord.All the great devils tried their best to win Gracia's favor.

As the Lord of Hell and supported by Li Ge, Gracia is now very satisfied.Even the second ranked Hell Lord, Hell Dragon King Oni, had to respect her.

"Master, why do you want to help those three dragon kings become gods? As long as you give me time, I can conquer the entire dragon clan."

As the protector of dragons, Oni could easily feel that the appearance of the three new dragon gods posed a threat to her faith.

Gracia's smile immediately turned cold, "Oni, are you questioning the master's decision?"

Seeing Gracia's ugly face, Oni's heart tightened, "Master, I dare not question the master. It's just that Alexstrasza and the others will not completely surrender to the master like me."

After hearing Oni's explanation, Gracia's face looked a little better.

"You only see your own interests, and the master is thinking about this world. These three can also be regarded as the master's allies. With them here, the master can free up his hands to develop other worlds."

"Also, don't try to test the master's thoughts again. Just abide by the contract and be loyal to the master. Otherwise, I can deal with you without being punished by the master."

Aoni was a little scared and quickly reassured Gracia many times to eliminate Gracia's suspicion.

After Oni left, Gracia showed a contemptuous smile.Who is Aoni? How dare you have such thoughts.

Among the people who have a contractual relationship with Li Ge, several spouses are considered to be at the highest level. They are almost equal to Li Ge, and the feelings and thoughts of both parties can influence each other.

Gracia is a complete slave, similar to a loyal servant. He is a trustworthy existence, and his life and death are completely in the hands of his master.

As for Oni, a long-term worker with a salary, once she voluntarily gives up her position as the Lord of Hell and returns her divinity, her contract with Li Ge will be over.

Therefore, the relationship between Gracia and Li Ge is far better than that of people like Oni.

Gracia can manipulate Oni at will, just because Oni cannot give up the glory of the true God and the position of the Lord of Hell.

Arthur, the other true god who came under the control of Gracia, has completely resigned himself to his fate.Even his life is in Li Ge's hands, but he doesn't think as much as Oni. Now he works wholeheartedly and strives to obtain some benefits for his wife and children.

It is definitely impossible to give the position of the third hell lord to Sally. Oni has been planning for her daughter recently, but how could Gracia let go.

"There seems to be someone who can be the candidate for the Hell Lord." The Queen of Desire Demon already had a plan in her mind.

Due to Li Ge's restrictions, the new hell is not completely evil like the multiverse, and dares to do anything for the soul.

Gracia has also experienced some benefits. After restraining some of her desires, she has a better understanding of the laws of hell and no longer mindlessly satisfies her own ambitions.

Letting go of your nature does not mean indulgence. Blind indulgence will only make you fall into the abyss of desire and be unable to extricate yourself.

But this is just Li Ge's request for Gracia. Regarding the candidates for Hell Lord, there is no need to be so strict, as long as they can work.

At the bottom of an unknown deep sea, countless Nagas were walking back and forth in a palace wrapped in a magic barrier.

Since the Well of Eternity exploded thousands of years ago and destroyed the entire center of the continent, the upper elves have followed their queen into the deep sea.

At the critical moment of life and death, Queen Azshara, known as the light of light and with countless honorific titles, accepted the power of the ancient god N'Zoth.

From then on, the entire upper elves, under the curse of the power of the ancient gods, transformed from noble elves into ugly naga.

Their beautiful bodies sprouted scales, several arms, and snake-like tails.

Perhaps the descendants of these Nagas have begun to accept this situation, but the original generation of high elves are always thinking about restoring the glory of the high elves.

Queen Azshara tried her best to get rid of this ugly appearance.The magic that the upper elves are proud of is not enough in the face of the power of the ancient gods.

"Pa", there was a crisp sound, and a precious magic mirror was thrown to the ground by Azshara.

Even after 1 years, this noble queen still cannot accept the reality.

As the Queen of the High Elves, she was worshiped and loved by countless elves, and countless magisters were obsessed with her beauty and were willing to prostrate themselves under her skirt.

But now, this peerless beauty that has fascinated countless people has turned into an ugly monster.

For Azshara, every time she wakes up, it is the beginning of a nightmare.

Her character became violent, hating the dark titan Sargeras who deceived her, and the ancient god N'zoth who seduced her.

All this was decided by Azshara herself, but how could the proud queen admit her mistakes.

Every day, Azshara fantasized about how to escape N'Zoth's control.

Under her orders, Fasiqi led a group of Nagas and took refuge in Illidan, a rebel.

What happened on the mainland was also passed to her ears through the intelligence system.

After breaking a magic mirror, Azshara's anger subsided somewhat.

At this time, the royal maids dared to come in and clean up the glass fragments on the ground. This has become a routine program performed every few days.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, Azshara looked at the empty table with dull eyes.

Just now, she once again tried to use magic to restore her appearance, but as expected, she failed again.

"Can it be that I, Azshara, the Queen of the Elf Empire, will never escape the control of the Ancient God?"

Different from the previous soliloquy that no one heard, Azshara just finished speaking when a chuckle rang in her ears.

"Who are you?" Looking at the beautiful woman wearing a purple dress that appeared in front of her, Azshara didn't panic at all. "Queen Azshara, I wonder if you have ever heard of the plane of hell." This woman is the projection of Gracia, the ruler of hell.

"Plane of Hell", Azshara's eyes became sharper, and the devil's figure began to appear in the deep sea recently.

These devils dare to go anywhere for the sake of performance, and some have even begun to find new worlds in the vast universe.

Naga, a high-quality race, is naturally within their business scope, so Azshara is no stranger to devils.

"You are Gracia, the Lord of Hell." Azshara's attitude became wary. She had also heard of the devil's tricks.

"I, a member of the upper elf clan, have nothing to do with hell. What are you doing here?"

Seeing Queen Azshara's vigilant look, Gracia directly revealed the purpose of her trip. Don't try to use deception when negotiating with such people, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"Queen Azshara, do you know that my hell army recently destroyed the lair of the Dark Titan Sargeras, and Sargeras himself was also repulsed."

Gracia raised her head and said, although this is bragging, it is also true. Her master is the actual controller of hell, so of course it is okay to say that he is a person from hell.

"What, you can actually do this?" Azshara could hardly believe it. The snake's tail under her body kept shaking, showing the shock in her heart.

"Also, two of the ancient gods that you have been unable to deal with have been suppressed by hell."

"Enzos is a guy who is afraid of death. Even if I, the Lord of Hell, am in his sphere of influence now, I don't even dare to show my face."

The more Gracia spoke, the more powerful she became, "Now the hell plane has been promoted to a large plane, and its status is the same as the planet Alas."

"Ugracia, as the Lord of Hell, invites Azshara, the Queen of the Upper Elves, to join Hell."

Hearing this, Azshara's heart calmed down. She was not afraid that others would miss her, but was afraid that she would not be used at all.

"Your Majesty Gracia, what can I gain by joining Hell, and what do I have to pay?"

Seeing Azshara start bargaining, Gracia had a smile on her face. This was a sure sign.

"Queen Azshara, if you join Hell, I can grant you the position of Lord of Hell, just below me, with the power to establish your own kingdom in Hell."

"As for giving, you and your people only need to be loyal to me and not betray hell."

Azshara felt something moving in her heart, but she was unwilling to let go, "The price I have paid is too great. As the Queen of the Highborne Elves, I cannot surrender to anyone."

"Cackle", Gracia laughed loudly.

"Queen Azshara, do you know the dignity of the hell lord position. As a hell lord, you have the same status as the true god, and share eternity with the hell plane."

"Moreover, by using the power of hell, the upper elves can get rid of the curse of the ancient gods and restore their noble status."

"As the Lord of Hell, I will not interfere with your actions, you just need to respect me."

After saying that, Gracia made a swipe of her hand, and a devil's contract made from the origin of the hell plane was placed in front of Azshara.

As the Queen of the Highborne, Azshara is also the most powerful magister.She carefully checked the contract over and over again and found that there were no deceptive terms.

"Gracia, you didn't deceive me, but some of the terms need to be discussed carefully." Azshara took a deep breath, and the towering body wrapped in scales continued to rise and fall.

The rest of the time was spent by the two ladies carefully reviewing the disputed clauses one by one.

In the end, Azshara finally wrote her real name on the contract with her own blood.

The devil's contract turned into a black light and merged into Azshara's body. With a scream, Azshara's scales, arms, and snake tail continued to degenerate.

In ancient times, Queen Azshara, the queen of the upper elves and a peerless beauty among the elves, officially returned.

"Master, thank you for your gift." Queen Azshara saluted Gracia with a complex expression.

Gracia did not lie to her, but she also did not tell her that the authority of the Lord of Hell would be so great.

Azshara's plan to seize the opportunity to take over the throne, overthrow Gracia, and dominate Hell was already bankrupt before it even started.

"Azshara, the authority has been given to you. If you want to achieve a higher status in hell, it's up to you." Gracia achieved her goal and returned to hell with satisfaction.

"Queen, what's the matter?" The royal maid heard Azshara's scream and rushed over.

But when I saw Queen Azshara's beautiful and noble appearance, I couldn't help but scream, "Queen, did you succeed?"

Seeing the performance of the royal maid, Azshara was extremely satisfied, "Yes, I have escaped the control of the ancient gods.

Go ahead and gather all the upper elf nobles, I have something to announce."

Watching the royal maid rush to deliver the order, Azshara carefully understood the authority of the Hell Lord and felt very satisfied.

Being able to stand in the same position as the True God has always been Azshara's dream, and now she finally got her wish.

"Oni, the Dragon King of Hell, haha, it's just a black dragon."

"I can't fight against the Lord of Hell, so why can't I deal with you?"

Azshara has absolute confidence, but she has retained a group of elites from the upper elf. This is her foundation, and she has no problem dealing with the black dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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