leisurely dragon

Chapter 379 Preparing for Resurrection

Chapter 379 Preparing for Resurrection
Since being promoted to hell, Li Ge has almost completely let go of control over Gracia, and all internal affairs of hell are decided by her.

Therefore, Queen Azshara, the new Hell Lord, is the first subordinate Hell Lord who fully belongs to Gracia.

Even though Gracia is completely loyal to Li Ge, she is still very happy to see her power further expand.

Azshara didn't give up her hope either, and soon led most of the Highborne's forces into Hell.

The space in hell is now very large. Azshara used her authority to occupy a territory almost equivalent to the Eastern Kingdom and established her own kingdom.

The curses on countless high-borne elves were lifted and their elves were restored.Among them, Queen Azshara's confidants were promoted to devils and had eternal life.

Most of the upper elves have also become devil believers who believe in Azshara, the lord of hell.

The remaining few naga were left in the deep sea by Azshara to control the forces in the sea and search for N'Zoth's lair.

Even though N'Zoth did save the lives of many highborne elves at that time, the vengeful Azshara would never forget the pain she had suffered for thousands of years.

Now that she has strength, Azshara can't wait to teach this most cunning ancient god a profound lesson.

A huge hell black dragon crossed the border and hovered over the country of Azshara. Many upper elf devil believers were so frightened by the power of the black dragon that they fell to the ground.

"Oni, how dare you come to my country to provoke me?" Azshara was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. Before she could take action, the black dragon came to her door.

"Hoho, Queen Azshara, I'm here to congratulate you on ascending to the throne of Hell Lord." The black dragon quickly fell to the ground and turned into a black-haired beauty.

The surrounding upper elves who had just been promoted to devils did not dare to block Oni's approach.

According to the hierarchy of hell, only Queen Azshara has the right to talk to Aoni on an equal footing.

Aoni originally wanted to fight for the throne of the third Hell Lord for her daughter, but she didn't expect to be cut off by Queen Azshara, so she naturally felt unhappy.

Queen Azshara wanted to kill the black dragon on the spot at this moment, but this was no longer the era of the ancient elven empire, and she had to abide by the rules here when living in hell.

"Hell Dragon King Oni, very good, you have angered me." Queen Azshara's beautiful face was covered with frost.

"If it weren't for the restriction of the master's will, I would immediately let you know the pain."

Aoni was not scared, "Ms. Azshara, you are old, and this is no longer the era of the Elf Empire."

"You have taken the position that originally belonged to my daughter Sally. However, the position of the Lord of Hell is not static. I am waiting for the day when you are ousted."

"Boom", huge magic power bombarded the position where Oni was standing, but there was no one there.

Oni's proud laughter was left in the air. This time she came specifically to taunt her opponent.The third lord position that she thought was a sure bet turned out to be gone.

Oni didn't dare to go to Gracia, the Lord of Hell, so she only came to provoke Queen Azshara and vent her anger. Anyway, the Hell lords were also fighting against each other.

Queen Azshara was already surprisingly angry, but Aoni was right about one thing.There is indeed one rule of hell. If the lower-level devil seizes the loophole, there is indeed a slight possibility of overthrowing her, the lord of hell.

In this way, the original upper elf nobles can no longer be completely trusted, and they must find new subordinates to check and balance them.

In the days that followed, in the ancient highborne city of Elre'Thalas, the surviving highborne were summoned by the former Queen Azshara.

Under the Queen's promise, Prince Tortheldrin abandoned the power of demons and led his subordinates into the embrace of hell.On the distant Broken Shore, in the seemingly prosperous city of Suramar, some highborne elves were surprised to find that old friends they once thought were dead had reappeared.

Under the temptation of these old friends who had fallen into devils, and under the influence of Queen Azshara's reputation, a hellish cult that worshiped devils was quietly established.

Li Ge didn't pay attention to these fights in hell. Since he chose to believe Gracia, he would not break his promise and meddle in others' affairs.

Now that the situation on the planet Aras is basically clear, N'zoth, a cunning guy, is too late to hide in the face of so many true gods, and he will not stand out at all.

The more influential Moon God still looks aloof from the world.The constant appearance of the true god Aras has not shaken the foundation of the Moon God's belief among the night elves.

Others, such as the Loa gods of the trolls, were placed in a corner and were basically not a threat.

Pandaria's four guardian gods are only interested in maintaining their own territory.Since the Sha demons left by Y'Shaarj disappeared, the pandaren tribe has also begun to grow and develop.

As for the Mogu clan, the treasures of their ancestors had long been secretly swept away by Arthur, and the God of Thunder had no chance of being resurrected, so they couldn't afford to make any waves at all.

Due to the disappearance of the Heart of Y'Shaarj, the mantids no longer have the influence of the power of the ancient gods. In addition, Gracia deliberately caused trouble among them in order to please Li Ge. At this time, the interior was in chaos and there was no trouble at all. Thoughts.

In the divine domain of Andasil, only Li Ge was left alone, as well as some dragon-born angels who served the gods.

Rihanna, the incarnation of the two goddesses Catherine, and six energetic female dragons have already gone to the outer lands at the invitation of Xia Wei and Liya.

It was said to be an invitation, but in fact it was just that these female dragons were panicking and went to play in the outside world on the pretext of helping the dragon-blood elves.

However, the fragmented world of Draenor is indeed more suitable for the star dragons living in the void.

It was rare for them to go out to play alone, so Li Ge stopped joining in the fun. Now he had more important things to do.

In the Kingdom of Gods in the multiverse, Li Ge's true god body extracted a drop of his own divine blood. After experiencing several separations, he finally purified the little bit that was originally integrated into his bloodline, Brittany Oli's. Bloodline.

"Haha, great. I'm really afraid that Brittany's bloodline has been completely replaced by metabolism." Li Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, a star dragon with the strength of Brittany Oli has super active blood, otherwise not even a single cell would exist.

As an important assist in Li Ge's rise, the bloodline of the dimensional dragon also played a huge role in his process of becoming a god.

Li Ge's superficial priesthood is the dimensional priesthood, and his real name also contains Brittany's name.

The two dimensional dragons are separated by nearly 10 years, but their relationship is so inseparable.

Brittany Ollie did not set any traps or make any demands in the inheritance of her bloodline. It was purely for the inheritance of her bloodline.

Strictly speaking, it is not an exaggeration to say that Brittany Ollie is Li Ge's half-mother.

Now that Li Ge has the ability, resurrecting Brittany Oli is a must, otherwise he will feel uneasy.

"Catherine, Rihanna, please come to my temple." Li Ge's dragon roar sounded in the Kingdom of God.

In a moment, Rihanna and Catherine arrived one after another. Of course, Li Ge summoned their true bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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