leisurely dragon

Chapter 393 Ready to go

Chapter 393 Ready to go
Fang Xue merged with the power of the illusory mirror, and her strength increased greatly.Use the illusory mirror to incarnate thousands of powers, separate Elizabeth's memory, and create a clone to repay Viscount Bloodscale.

Her true body is staying in the dimensional dragon nest to familiarize herself with her own power, which requires a long period of training.

In the white world, a man in golden armor holding a big sword attacked Fang Xue at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

The man in golden armor was fierce in swordsmanship and full of murderous intent, forcing Fang Xue to retreat continuously, but he could never get rid of the sword light that followed him like a shadow.

Finally, Fang Xue, who was forced to scramble, was caught by the opponent, and the sword light struck her hard.

Fang Xue's body exploded into a ball of light, scattered in all directions, and reassembled into a human form in the distance, but there was still a trace of fear on his face.

"Fang Xue, your new physique is really invincible. You can easily switch between reality and reality." Li Ge, the man in golden armor, praised.

"There is also this mirror space, which is self-contained and can evolve into an independent plane space. Any enemy who falls into it will sooner or later become your puppet in the mirror."

Fang Xue's face became a little better, "Li Ge, you are too cruel. You can be cruel when you see a beautiful woman like me. If I didn't have some ability, I would be dead."

Li Ge was speechless. After this woman got acquainted with him, her true nature was completely exposed. It was obviously her own request not to hold back, otherwise she would be looking down on her.

"What are you going to do about Mercury? Such great luck is not for nothing." Li Ge changed the subject. It was not a good idea to tangle with a woman on that kind of issue.

When Fang Xue heard this, she immediately stopped. There were coordinates of the parallel plane Mercury in the treasure mirror. As long as you were willing to spend a lot of resources, you could open the passage to Mercury.

The fact that she was able to survive was indispensable to the luck given by Mercury's will, that is, the power of her origin.

The situation facing Mercury is very dangerous now. The living space of human beings has been squeezed by the rising spirits. It has long lost its protagonist status, and the population is only one-tenth of what it was before the great change of heaven and earth.

Judging from the current trend, it is estimated that there are many gods left behind.If a god-level power pops up that day, humanity will be in danger.

Fang Xue was not very willing to ask her to go back and fight for human beings.If she hadn't been lucky in the past ten years, she would have died countless times.

Besides, even if she was covered in iron, she wouldn't be able to drive a few nails, and she wouldn't be able to cope with the many powerful powers that would be revived in the future.

The scene changed, and the two of them returned from the mirror space to the dimensional dragon's lair.

Fang Xue lay on the table with a very decadent expression, "Li Ge, what should I do? I also want to save my hometown, but unfortunately I can't even defeat you. How can I deal with other powerful people?"

Li Ge rolled his eyes. What do you mean he can't beat me? Do you think he is some kind of measuring unit of combat power?

After all, he is also a dragon god with a medium level of divine power. He is also considered the number one figure in the multiverse, and he does not dare to ignore even those powerful divine powers.

"Fang Xue, you are also one of the top [-] bounty hunters in Mercury and an official special consultant of China, please don't be so salty," Li Ge complained.

Fang Xue, who lay down on the table, still looked indifferent, "Humph, since I merged with the illusory mirror, the upper limit of my power has been fixed, and there is no future for me to develop."

"You may be able to bounce around in the early stage, but you will be crushed by others in the later stage. By then, even the treasure mirror itself may be caught by others and become a magic weapon for others."

This guy's paranoia about being murdered was so serious that Li Ge laughed secretly in his heart, but what Fang Xue said made sense.

She now lives in symbiosis with the illusory mirror. In fact, it is somewhat similar to the relationship between a magic weapon and a weapon spirit, except that Fang Xue can completely control the illusory mirror.

If you spend a lot of resources and return to Mercury and are caught, it will be a loss of both human and financial resources.

Moreover, it is hard to say what the situation of Mercury consciousness is. This kind of world consciousness has no emotion. As long as it is beneficial to the development of the world, it is possible to swallow Fang Xue together with the illusory mirror.

Fang Xue grimaced there and thought for a long time, but couldn't come up with any way to get the best of both worlds.

"Li Ge, how about you go back with me? Even if Mercury is not your original hometown, going back and visiting can relieve the pain of homesickness."An idea suddenly popped into Fang Xue's little mind. If she wasn't sure, she could hold her thigh.

His new friend Li Ge was obviously much stronger than him. If he took this friend back with him to strengthen his courage, many things would be much easier to handle.

"You finally came up with this solution," Li Ge chuckled.

"If you haven't thought of it in a few days, I will tell you directly."

Li Ge did not hide his thoughts at all. The cake in the multidimensional world is only so big, and so many gods cannot divide it. He does not want to fight a battle of faith with other true gods all day long.

The situation in the world of Ailas can only maintain the status quo. If you want to go further, unless you go to war with the Pantheon or the Holy Light Council and other major forces, this is also undesirable.

If you want to develop a new world, you can only use the system and spend a lot of resources to calculate, but this may not make ends meet.

Now that Fang Xue, a fellow countryman, is in front of him, and there is also such a world that has begun to undergo great changes, and the upper limit of power seems to be very high, for Li Ge, it is just a pillow when he falls asleep.

When Fang Xue heard what Li Ge said, her worries seemed to disappear, and she was not dissatisfied with Li Ge's ideas.

Having experienced hardship since childhood, she understood that no one would go to great lengths to help a stranger.

It is a good thing that Li Ge wants something from her. Both parties have common interests, and the friendship can become stronger.

"Okay, we have decided that you must go with me," Fang Xue said excitedly.

"Well, you should rest for a while first. If I leave, I still have a lot of things to explain, so I can't just leave," Li Ge said with a smile.

Now that there is such a large family business to take care of, his safety is not only related to him alone.

In the next few months, Li Ge arranged everything. All members of the force would maintain the status quo and no longer expand their sphere of influence.

In the temple, several beautiful women with different styles made Li Ge so busy that he didn't even have time to talk.

"Li Ge, ever since that time traveler appeared, I knew you would do this." Rihanna's beautiful body leaned in Li Ge's arms.

"We will not stop you from pursuing the highest, but please remember that no matter where you are, there must be someone waiting for you to come back."

"Yes, teacher, you must pay attention to your own safety. We are true gods and have plenty of time." Catherine crawled over and leaned on Li Ge's shoulder.

Leia's eyes were red, "Irene, Helia, don't let him go today, tell him to go without us."

Then there was another big battle, which lasted until everyone was exhausted and weak.

"I'm going in person this time, and I'll also take the artifact's body with me. I can maintain most of the combat effectiveness, and my life-saving ability is very strong. Don't worry," Li Ge said while surrounded by several spouses.

"On this side of the multiverse, I will leave an incarnation and a projection of the artifact, responsible for presiding over the Kingdom of God."

"Rihanna, Catherine, Xia Wei, the three of you have become gods. Everyone's safety during this period is entrusted to you."

Xia Wei's face was flushed, with a slight sheen of sweat on her skin. She forced herself to cheer up and said, "Li Ge, our divine system can protect itself in both universes. You don't have to worry."

There was a time when the endless words came to an end. Li Ge forcibly controlled himself and got up from the gentle land. It was time to leave.

A new world is waiting for him to open. Only by continuous progress can he have enough power to protect everything about himself.

(End of this chapter)

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