leisurely dragon

Chapter 394 Arriving at Mercury

Chapter 394 Arriving at Mercury
Looking at Li Ge's slightly dark circles, Fang Xue smiled disdainfully, "You can't do that. As a true god, you can't even handle a few women."

Li Ge was too lazy to pay attention to this increasingly presumptuous woman, "Are you ready? I'm going to replenish the power of your precious mirror."

Fang Xue stopped teasing Li Ge, and an illusory mirror appeared in her hand.

The ancient dimensional tree automatically drew out a large amount of force without any wind, and landed directly on the treasure mirror.

The shape of the treasure mirror changed from illusion to reality, bursting out with infinite light, "Okay, okay, I can't control it no matter how powerful it is," Fang Xue shouted.

Li Ge glanced at the country. Several spouses and relatives did not come to see him off after his persuasion.

"Mercury, here I come." Li Ge and Fang Xue turned into divine light and got into the space of the treasure mirror.

The illusory mirror flickered for a moment, disappeared, broke through the crystal wall system, and set off towards the parallel world where Mercury was in the void.

In the endless sea of ​​​​void, worlds large and small are floating in it like chickens, and there are also all kinds of strange and strange giant beasts of the void living in it.

The weakest void beast also has the power of a true god level, which frightens Fang Xuehou who is hiding in the mirror space inside the treasure mirror.

Fortunately, although the illusory mirror's combat capabilities are not very good, its ability to hide and save lives is extremely strong.

This time, Li Ge brought the artifact itself, plus the resources given to him by several spouses from the fortress. In total, he had [-] divine power crystals, plus a large number of potions.

It can be said that this time, Li Ge brought out most of his existing wealth.

Therefore, in the mirror space, Li Ge had no worries about eating and drinking, and could also watch the spectacular scenery of the Sea of ​​Void, and his understanding of the laws had also deepened a lot.

After Fang Xue and Li Ge got acquainted, they were not polite at all. They ate and drank together without having any time to talk to each other along the way.

Li Ge finally saw Fang Xue's character clearly. If it weren't for the force of the environment, she would be a proper home girl.

Looking at Fang Xue's heartless way of eating and drinking, it doesn't look like she wants to go back and save the world at all.

The Void Treasure Mirror fell towards a world under the pull of Mercury's coordinates.

"We're here." Fang Xue climbed up and looked at the world surrounded by countless galaxies. She clearly felt the call of Mercury's will.

With the aura of Fang Xue, a local resident, the crystal wall system did not do anything to stop him.

Li Gena's soul aura, which was very similar to Fang Xue's, was also let go by the world consciousness, with no intention of rejecting it at all.

"It seems that although we come from Mercury in different parallel worlds, we have many similarities," Li Ge said with a smile.

He is not qualified to know this issue yet, or he is not capable enough.

Maybe after he understands the secrets of this world, he can try to find the world he lives in.

Fang Xue was not interested in such profound questions at all, and she felt a little uneasy now.

Soon, the Void Mirror arrived before a water-blue planet, Mercury arrived.

"It's so big. The area of ​​Mercury is at least ten times its original size. The entire solar system and even the Milky Way have changed."

Li Ge looked at Mercury with a serious face. The power that can affect the entire galaxy, even the most powerful gods may not be able to do it.

"I feel like there is a place on Mercury calling me, but I feel a little uneasy," Fang Xue said nervously as she fixed the mirror.

"Just go and have a look and you'll find out." Li Ge smiled faintly. The original power of Mercury in Fang Xue's body was constantly turbulent, which was obviously calling her to work.Following the call, Fang Xue controlled the treasure mirror to jump into a space, where there was a faint glimmer of light everywhere.

"This is the secret realm of the ruins before I was killed," Fang Xue exclaimed.

The illusory mirror was also beating in different ways at this moment. Fang Xue, who was still a second-hand swordsman, sensed it carefully for a while before he realized that the mirror was the core of this ruins.

As long as the treasure mirror is manipulated according to the sensed information, you can take over this secret realm of ruins as your own.

But at this moment, Fang Xue had an inexplicable feeling that Mercury's consciousness seemed to be telling herself that if the restrictions on the ruins were released, Mercury could annex the ruins space and greatly enhance the world's foundation.

"Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch," Fang Xue murmured to herself, making an instant decision in her heart.

"Mercury's will, I, Fang Xue, declare here, will repay the power of fate at the cost of releasing the restrictions on the ruins space."

At this moment, Mercury's consciousness seemed to fluctuate, and a confused thought came over, "Yes."

Li Ge did not interfere at all, watching Fang Xue manipulate the treasure mirror to release the restriction of the ruins space.

Following Fang Xue's movements, streaks of mercury's original power eroded in from the edge of the huge ruins space, transforming every inch of land into his own appearance.

The two of them casually opened the space of the secret realm, stood in the void, and watched the secret realm being swallowed up step by step.

"Do you regret it? Such a large secret space has the potential to be promoted to a large plane after recovery. It is rare but not sought," Li Ge said with a smile to Fang Xue.

Fang Xue shook her head, "If I don't repay the destiny power of Mercury consciousness, I won't be at ease for a day. Even if I get the benefits now, I will pay them back tenfold and a hundredfold in the future."

Li Ge nodded in approval, "The consciousness of the world is the way of heaven. The advantages of the way of heaven are not so easy to take advantage of. You may have to pay for it with your life."

"So, given this rare opportunity, of course I have to pay off the old debt first." Fang Xue's face lightened up and she became happy.

"Moreover, this ruin space belongs to the evil god of the last era. Who knows what traps there are. Anyway, I will make a lot of money if I get the illusory mirror."

I have to say that Fang Xue has a good mentality, knows how to exercise self-restraint, and can give up when things go well.

"Li Ge, now that we have arrived at Mercury, you are a guest, and I want to entertain you well." Fang Xue smiled.

"As guests and hosts do," Li Ge said nonchalantly.

Let Fang Xue wrap herself in the mirror light and enter the mirror space. After a period of strange light changes, when the two of them appeared in the sky again, they were already above a large villa.

But the next moment, Fang Xue's pretty face was slightly angry, "It's really burning bridges. According to Mercury time, I only disappeared for less than three months, and the house was occupied."

The time flow rate in the multiverse is different from that in this world. According to Mercury time, Fang Xue has been traveling for less than a few months.

"I guess the official people took over your house when they saw you being killed." Li Ge felt a little funny.

Fang Xue pulled Li Ge and landed in front of the villa. "I worked hard to buy this house in the largest safe zone in China."

"I don't know how much money I spent on the decoration inside. All the accumulation of more than ten years is in it."

"No matter who takes possession of it, let me spit it out."

At this moment, Fang Xue, a homebody, was filled with resentment. In a short period of time, her home was stolen.

(End of this chapter)

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