leisurely dragon

Chapter 395 Supernatural power management

Chapter 395 Supernatural power management
With a "click", the door lock of the yard was torn off. Fang Xue restrained herself from wreaking havoc on the house because she had worked so hard to buy it.

"Who dares to break into my master's villa?" A guard heard the sound and ran over, pointing an assault rifle at Fang Xue and Li Ge.

Fang Xue was about to explode with anger. She pointed her finger and a crystal light enveloped the guard, keeping him there motionless.

"Everyone in the room, get out of here," Fang Xue put one hand on her hips and pointed at the house with the other, cursing loudly and fiercely.

With a "squeak", the front door of the villa opened a crack, and a little head came out. When he saw Fang Xue, he was stunned for a moment, and then he cried out and rushed towards Fang Xue.

"Sister Xue, I knew you weren't dead." The little guy fell into Fang Xue's arms. Fang Xue, who was still cursing, hurriedly supported the little guy.

"Lingyu, why are you here? Where is your sister?" Fang Xue asked while wiping the tears of the little Lolita in her arms.

"Sister has gone to take over the task, leaving me here alone to look after the house," little Loli Lingyu replied while sobbing.

Li Ge was speechless. Fang Xue had obviously made a mistake. The person living here was obviously a friend who had a close relationship with her.

The two people were chattering there, forgetting about Li Ge.

"Fang Xue, have you forgotten something? If you keep talking, that guard will become your puppet," Li Ge had to remind him.

"Oh, I'll unlock the spell right away." Fang Xue hurriedly touched the guards' restraints.

"Plop", the guard fell to the ground with stiff muscles and bones, let out a scream, and could not move.

It was obvious that Fang Xue's attack just now was not light or heavy, it was a bit heavy.

Now she had to step forward to treat the guard's injury. She just messed around and the guard screamed in pain.

Li Ge saw clearly from the side that Fang Xue didn't pay much attention to the healing aspect when he was familiar with the power of the treasure mirror, and the power of the treasure mirror was not good at this.

"Sister Xue, the guard is in so much pain," Little Loli Lingyu said while finishing her blows.

"Nonsense, I'm activating superpowers for him." Fang Xue had an idea and simply used her own power to baptize the guard.

She is very good at this, it is similar to making a mirror puppet, but she just chooses to retain her sanity.

With Fang Xue's strength, this was just a piece of cake and was completed quickly.

"Thank you, sir." The guard stood up and saluted Fang Xue excitedly. Going from an ordinary person to a person with super powers was equivalent to reaching the sky in one step.

And because he accepted Fang Xue's power, the guard had inexplicable respect for Fang Xue.

"Sister Xue, you are so powerful, can you turn me into a superpower?" Lingyu looked at Fang Xue with expectant eyes.

"Let's wait until your sister comes back." Fang Xue laughed and ordered the guard to change the lock on the door.

"This is my sister's friend. You can just call him brother." Fang Xue introduced Li Ge to Lingyu.

The little girl was very well-behaved when she arrived and called Li Ge. Li Ge now pretended to be an ordinary person and responded with a smile.

The three of them entered Fang Xue's large villa. It was very large, with more than a dozen rooms on each floor, and they were luxuriously decorated.

"Lingyu, why did your sister come to live with me? Her relationship with me is not that good," Fang Xue asked strangely.

Lingyu's surname is Xie, and her sister is Xie Lingshuang. Like Fang Xue, she is one of the top [-] Chinese superpowers in the world.It's just that the relationship between the two is not very good. Xie Lingshuang has a competitive personality and is quite unconvinced by Fang Xue, who is ranked higher than her and is about the same age and appearance as her.

It was only later that Fang Xue accidentally saved the life of Xie Lingshuang's only sister, Xie Lingyu, that the relationship between the two gradually improved.

Xie Lingyu also likes Fang Xue very much and often comes to play with her. Fang Xue is better than her own sister, which makes Xie Lingshuang jealous.

"Sister Xue, the official said that you died in the battle, and your villa was confiscated, and your belongings in the villa were also sealed."

"It was my sister who argued hard that the authorities gave in and allowed us to take care of the place temporarily and wait a year before confiscating the house."

Xie Lingyu explained the cause and effect in detail, and Fang Xue became more and more annoyed as she listened.

I ran to my storage room and saw that the materials I had accumulated were gone. Even the safe in the master bedroom had been moved away.

Although she knew this was a normal official reaction, Fang Xue was still so angry that she picked up the landline phone in the villa and dialed a number.

"Ability Management Office, you are so brave, you even dare to hack my Fang Xue's things."

"I don't want to hear any reason. I'm warning you that you won't see my property returned before tonight. I will let you have a taste of the power of the extraordinary."

After saying this, Fang Xue hung up the phone without caring about the other party's reaction.

"I'm so angry." Fang Xue held Xie Lingyu in her arms and ruffled the hair on her head to calm down.

"Sister Xue, you have become a transcendent", Xie Lingyu asked happily.

The corners of Fang Xue's mouth raised, "Of course, your sister can't beat me now."

Since the great changes in the world on Mercury, those who have acquired various strange abilities are called superpowers.

Later, some human organizations and individuals also discovered and summarized some methods of spiritual practice.

It's just that the current practitioner system is not perfect, and the strength and number are far inferior to those of awakened superpowers, so these practitioners are also called acquired superpowers.

The strongest among superpowers who can reach the point of transcendence are called supers, roughly similar to the legends of the multiverse.

Of Mercury's current public rankings of the top [-] superpowers, only one-third are extraordinary.

In the past, Fang Xue was just a water power user. Although he ranked in the top [-], he was almost at the bottom of the crane and was still far away from being extraordinary.

The current Fang Xue's power is similar to that of a weak divine power, and is far stronger than that of an extraordinary person.It's just that the Great Change of Heaven and Earth only happened more than ten years ago, and the level of human power is still far from the level of a true god, and there is no such concept at all.

So Fang Xue just claimed to be a transcendent, but this also scared the Superpower Management Bureau.

Almost half an hour later, most of the property seized from Fang Xue's villa was returned to its original location, and those that were lost were doubled as compensation.

"Colonel Fang, I'm sorry, we made a mistake in our work this time." A deputy director of the Superpower Administration said, with cold sweat on his forehead, he kept apologizing.

There are currently only a little over 30 extraordinary beings in the human race, and there are less than ten in China, and even fewer are willing to name themselves officially.

People like Fang Xue, who has a good personality, are rare, so the officials have to win over them.

(End of this chapter)

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