leisurely dragon

Chapter 397 Opening up Planes

Chapter 397 Opening up Planes

"Lingshuang, didn't I give the authority to you? Just make your own decision." Ever since Xie Lingshuang officially joined Fang Xue, Fang Xue had been lazy.

However, Xie Lingshuang would not let her go so easily, "Fang Xue, don't be lazy. As a god, you can't use this villa as your base."

"Show the spirit of the gods. We must build a Kingdom of God or something. Otherwise, what will happen to the souls of believers in the future?"

Xie Lingshuang said with some resentment that she was just a subordinate and could not truly replace the gods.

"Okay, don't say it, I'll just do it. It's a pity that the ruins space was swallowed up by Mercury's consciousness, otherwise it could be regarded as the Kingdom of God," Fang Xue muttered.

"Li Ge, please help me. I don't know much about opening up the Kingdom of God." Fang Xue, a loser, began to beg Li Ge again.

However, she still had to be a bit shy in front of Li Ge, not as shameless as she was in front of Xie Lingshuang.

Li Ge had already thought about it, "Fang Xue, your illusory mirror is the best carrier to open up the Kingdom of God."

"The treasure mirror has its own mirror space, but it is not an independent plane. As long as you give up the treasure and turn the treasure mirror into a divine kingdom, you can escape from it and have hope of improving your strength in the future."

Fang Xue is now a weapon spirit equivalent to a magic weapon. Although it is powerful, its upper limit has been fixed.

Li Ge's method is to use the precious mirror as the foundation to open up the Kingdom of God and let Fang Xue's soul escape. In the future, he can ignite the divine fire and become a true god, instead of just having the strength of a god and no realm.

"But if this happens, my power will be greatly reduced. Only by igniting the divine fire can the power of the god be restored."

Fang Xue had a frown on her face. Her current source of power was the illusory mirror. When the mirror was stripped away, she was knocked back to her original form.

"Isn't it okay for you to stay in the kingdom of God before lighting the divine fire? Anyway, you will only be lazy and unwilling to work." Xie Lingshuang couldn't help it anymore and answered.

Fang Xue is a greedy guy who wants the Kingdom of God but is unwilling to give up his power. How can this be such a good thing?

"Okay", after thinking for a while, Fang Xue had no choice but to accept this suggestion.

Li Ge stood up from the sofa and said, "This matter should be done sooner rather than later. The longer you delay it, the more trouble you will have. Let's do it now."

Fang Xue didn't need to say anything this time. When Mercury's consciousness becomes stronger and stronger, it will become more and more difficult to open up a plane.

There was no need to pack anything, Li Ge took Fang Xue and the curious Xie sisters directly to the void outside Mercury.

"Just at this location." There is no so-called heaven in this world, or in other words, heaven has not yet appeared. You can choose the location of the Kingdom of God at will.

The illusory mirror appeared in Fang Xue's hand and quickly condensed into reality.Due to the withdrawal of power, it becomes transparent, as if it will dissipate when the wind blows.

She reached out and handed the mirror into Li Ge's hand, looking pitiful, "Li Ge, I have put my life in your hands, so be careful."

Li Ge used his divine power to protect Fang Xue and the other three, asking them to stay behind him.

Fang Xue was used to seeing the empty scenery, so she didn't care, but the Xie sisters couldn't help but look around.If Li Ge hadn't brought them here, they probably wouldn't have seen this spectacle in their lifetime.

Li Ge held the Void Mirror in his hand and used his divine power to explore it. Last time, out of respect for Fang Xue, he didn't look at it himself.

"It's such a good treasure. It's made of divine objects from heaven and earth. It's blessed with the mirror law of a god. After being opened up into an independent plane, it can be hidden in the deep void."

Li Ge couldn't help but admired, it was conceivable that this should be a treasure of a god's enlightenment, but it was a pity that the treasure was taken away, the true spirit mark was destroyed, and the old nest was swallowed up by the consciousness of Mercury, and was completely annihilated.

After checking it, Li Ge injected a burst of divine power into it, and the Void Mirror rapidly expanded, covering a large area of ​​​​air.A huge mirror space appeared in front of everyone, but this space was transformed by treasures and could not exist independently.

A thunder of creation condensed between Li Ge's hands, broke through the space at a speed that could not be detected by the naked eye, and landed in the mirror space.

The body of the precious mirror broke, and the infinite source flowed out. Under the control of Li Ge's law of creation, it fell into the mirror space.

The mirror space, which was originally somewhat illusory, immediately began to evolve like a real plane after receiving a large amount of origin.

Soon the mirror space turned into a real world, reaching the pinnacle of the small plane, and an illusory heart of the plane emerged.

"Why don't you go in and merge with the heart of the plane?" Li Ge shouted softly and pushed Fang Xue in.

Fang Xue, who was caught off guard, merged with the heart of the plane, and her illusory body became solid and gained a real form.

The evolution of the plane is not over yet, Li Ge once again integrated the broken body of the treasure mirror into the plane.

The body of this precious mirror composed of divine objects from heaven and earth melts like snow water under the control of the laws of creation, and merges with the plane barrier.

After the small plane received this power, it expanded again, breaking through to the medium plane in one fell swoop, and derived a strange rule that was completely hidden in the void.

Even Li Ge couldn't find any trace of the plane if he didn't search with all his strength.

"The god who created this treasure really put the ability to save life first." Li Ge was amused in his heart. No matter how he calculated, he could not survive the catastrophe of the era and could only make wedding clothes for others.

The Xie sisters were completely confused. How could such a huge world suddenly disappear?

Suddenly, a clear light swept up the three of Li Ge and pulled them into an illusory portal.

The projection of the sun hung high in the sky, and the barren land stretched as far as the eye could see. Fang Xue pulled the Xie sisters and happily introduced the plane that was completely hers.

This is a world that can exist completely independently. The major elements can circulate independently. Those mirror puppets have also become servants of this plane.

It's just that Fang Xue hasn't ignited the divine fire yet, so it can't be called a divine kingdom.

However, looking at Fang Xue's divinity condensed from the feedback from the origin of the plane, Li Ge could only sigh that Fang Xue was so lucky.

Even though he no longer has the blessing of Mercury's consciousness, Fang Xue's divinity has fully reached the standard of becoming a god.

Seeing the three women chattering there without any fun, Li Ge didn't bother to interrupt.With a flick of his finger, a ray of divine power fell into Fang Xue's soul along with the knowledge that must be paid attention to when becoming a god.

"Fang Xue, hurry up and take a look and light the divine fire as soon as possible, otherwise you will be in trouble when the Mercury consciousness starts to restrict the gods." Li Ge also gave special instructions.

"Oh, I know." Fang Xue did not act foolishly on such a critical issue and was obedient.

Then Li Ge took out a lot of daily necessities and handed them to the three women.There is nothing in this space now. If you don’t give me something, you will starve to death.

"You guys stay here now. I'll go down for a walk. Call me if you need anything." After leaving a summoning mark on Fang Xue, Li Ge left Fang Xue's plane.

Fang Xue also knew that Li Ge had his own things to do when he came this time, so he didn't try to persuade him to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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