leisurely dragon

Chapter 398 Jianghai City

Chapter 398 Jianghai City

Since the Great Change of Heaven and Earth, the human population has dropped to one tenth.

Thanks to the efforts of all survivors, and after more than ten years of hard work, mankind has finally established a firm foothold on the new Mercury.

The population has plummeted and the land area has expanded a lot, and the territorial disputes that once existed no longer exist.

On the contrary, some small countries desperately move closer to big countries in order to seek asylum.

Yanhuang has withstood the test in this great change. Its strict national organizational system and the dedication of countless passionate people have preserved a population of 9000 million, accounting for a quarter of the remaining population in the world.

In order to defend against sea beasts in the ocean, the coastal population moved inland, and a new city, Jianghai City, was established in the center of the existing territory.

According to the existing situation, the population in each city is highly concentrated, and rural areas and farmland are distributed around the urban suburbs.

Under this situation, Jianghai City became the largest existing city in Yanhuang, with a population of 500 million, and concentrated the country's best talents, as well as the richest technology and resources.

In a sense, Jianghai City is the final fortress at the most critical moment.

Li Ge was dressed in casual clothes and walking on a commercial street in Jianghai City.In this era, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth explodes, and although a height of about two meters is not much, it is not uncommon.

Compared with those animals that evolved as if taking medicine, human body shape has changed the least.

People were coming and going on the commercial street, and people were setting up street stalls on both sides of the road, making it very lively.

Many guys with unclean hands and feet also took the opportunity to make a fortune among the crowd, but Li Ge's faint power made people dare not approach.

"Super delicious mutated goat meat skewers, would you like some?" Seeing Li Ge's eyes looking over, the barbecue master greeted him enthusiastically.

"Bring me a hundred skewers." Li Ge hadn't had barbecue for a long time, and the mutated goat meat smelled delicious.

The barbecue master was overjoyed. Although the mutated goat meat was delicious, nutritious, and contained weak spiritual power, it was too expensive for ordinary people to afford.

One hundred skewers was equivalent to his daily turnover. He quickly and politely asked Li Ge to sit down and gave him a few bottles of beer.

These one hundred skewers of barbecue had to be grilled freshly, and Li Ge now had time, just in time to reminisce about his previous life.

The chef's skills are good, and Li Ge looks like he has a superpower, so he doesn't dare to neglect it. The grilled skewers are fragrant and tender.

Li Ge observed the situation around him while eating. On the surface, most ordinary people seemed to be having a hard time.

Those who are more generous in their actions are mostly those with special powers, whose ratio is about [-]% compared to ordinary people.

Ordinary people basically agree with this gap and have no dissatisfaction.

Think about it, in this global biological evolution, population technology has almost suffered annihilation.

Those with special abilities are the only ones who go up to fight the mutated beasts and protect the country.

Therefore, in today's situation, it is understandable to have a little privilege, otherwise there would be so many people willing to fight for no reason.

Li Ge drank beer and ate barbecue skewers. The barbecue master was very honest. One skewer of mutton weighed at least three ounces, and a hundred skewers weighed thirty kilograms.

It's just that nowadays there are many people with super powers who have huge appetites. The more powerful they are, the more they can eat, and the barbecue master doesn't think it's strange.

But when it came time to check out, Li Ge was stunned. He forgot to ask Fang Xue for money.Although he can fake it a little casually, it's not very good. "Boss, I don't have any money for the moment. Can I use something to pay off the bill? Don't worry, they are all useful for people with super powers." Li Ge said a little embarrassedly, looking at the smiling boss standing in front of him.

The boss was a good person, and he had probably seen this situation before. He said with a smile, "It's okay, brother, just wait a minute. I'll call someone with special powers who knows how to identify people."

Those who are able to do this kind of business must get goods from those with superpowers who go out to hunt mutant beasts. It is not surprising to meet people with superpowers.

The person came very quickly, coming out of a tall building about 200 meters away.

"Xiao Zhao, this brother needs help." The boss was obviously very familiar with the visitor.

Xiao Zhao is a man in his late thirties and a person with supernatural powers. He has an ordinary face and a smile that makes people feel friendly.

He directly took out a wad of bills and handed it to the barbecue owner, "Brother Liu, thank you for introducing the business."

The boss wiped the oil on his hands, took the banknote, and smiled at Li Ge, "Brother, Xiao Zhao is a staff member of the Chamber of Commerce under the Superpower Management Bureau. He has already paid the money. You can just trade with Xiao Zhao directly. ".

Xiao Zhao also smiled at Li Ge, stretched out his hand and shook it, "Hello, many items used by superpowers are harmful to ordinary people. The Superpower Management Bureau requires that transactions involving such items must be witnessed by officially certified personnel. , hope you can understand."

Li Ge can understand this kind of official control.Like many magic items, they are very harmful to ordinary people.

"I can understand, then you can arrange the transaction," Li Ge replied.

After saying hello to the barbecue owner, Xiao Zhao directly brought Li Ge into the chamber of commerce. This place was somewhat similar to the supply and marketing cooperative in his previous life.

There were many people coming and going inside, and the two of them came directly to Xiao Zhao's office.

Xiao Zhao asked Li Ge to sit down and poured a cup of tea himself, "My name is Zhao Cheng, and I am a junior appraiser of the Chamber of Commerce. What is your surname?"

Li Ge smiled slightly and said, "Call me Li Ge." After staying in the crowd for a while, he had slowly recovered some of the habits from his previous life.

Zhao Cheng was quite enthusiastic, "Li Ge, don't worry. Although I don't have enough experience in appraisal, I have basically never looked past it. If you have something to sell, you can show it to me."

Li Ge still owed him money, so he casually dug into his pocket and took out a bottle of primary blood potion and handed it to Zhao Cheng. Leia had given him [-] bottles of this stuff.

"This is a potion I refined with the blood of an extraordinary creature. It can improve your physique."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Cheng was so frightened that his hands shook and he almost dropped the potion to the ground, "Li Ge, are you a transcendent?"

Li Ge nodded, "That's right."

Zhao Cheng quickly stood at attention and gave a military salute, "Hello, sir." According to the regulations of the Superpower Management Bureau, any extraordinary person who has good relations with the official will be given a very high treatment status.

Li Ge waved his hand and said, "Don't be too polite. I have no official status. Just call me by my name."

Zhao Cheng was even more surprised. He knew all the extraordinary people exposed by Yanhuang.

Just now I thought Li Ge was a newly promoted extraordinary person, but I didn't expect that he was actually a gangster.

However, such situations are not uncommon. This sudden change caused a lot of government information to be lost, and many people lost their identities as a result.

(End of this chapter)

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