leisurely dragon

Chapter 402 Mirror Master

Since the last transaction, the relationship between the Superpower Management Bureau and Li Ge has improved a lot.

Sometimes some unclear things were sent to Li Ge for help in identifying them, and he was also given a lot of reward. Li Ge ate all kinds of mutated beast meat.

Deputy Director Chen came here more often and became familiar with Li Ge.He had not seen Fang Xue and the Xie sisters in these days, which made him a little curious.

Then when this opportunity came to deliver meat, I finally couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Li, if you can live here, you should have a good relationship with Consultant Fang. Do you know what she has been doing these days?"

Li Ge lazily leaned back on the chair, "Don't you already have some guesses? The guards at the villa asked you to study them thoroughly, right?"

Deputy Director Chen didn't look embarrassed at all, "Hey, Mr. Li is indeed a superpower.

If we guessed correctly, Fang Xue should be the mirror master who caused a lot of noise during this period.

She was able to achieve this achievement because of Mr. Li's help, right? "

Li Ge didn't deny it, "It didn't help much either. She mainly earned her opportunities by herself."

Deputy Director Chen sighed, "It seems that Advisor Fang Xue is guarding against us. In fact, we can help her achieve her goal."

Li Ge sneered, "I don't believe this. The officialdom is not monolithic. When faced with extraordinary power, some people will definitely use their brains.

Isn't the reason why you don't dare to bring me official status because you are afraid that my power will be out of control? "

Deputy Director Chen was speechless, and after a long time he sighed, "There are always people who are too ambitious and want to reach the top in one step.

Mr. Li, please rest assured.Most people are still awake and willing to fight for the nation."

After getting the answer, Deputy Director Chen left with a lot of worries, and Li Ge didn't care.After becoming a true god, I no longer take these power games among mortals so seriously.

In the following days, the official suddenly gave up on the pursuit of the Mirror Master, and many subordinate superpowers began to accept this new power.

With official endorsement, more and more people believed in Fang Xue, and they spontaneously formed an organization, or a church sect.

"It seems that the Superpower Management Bureau has reached an agreement with Fang Xue." Li Ge felt like a mirror in his mind.

They have a direct cooperative relationship, and cooperation is not impossible when they have common interests.

As time passed, Li Ge made considerable progress in understanding the laws with the help of the artifact, and he was too lazy to meddle in outside affairs.

During this period, the power of the laws of the parallel world becomes active, and the consciousness of Mercury has not yet fully matured, which is the golden time to understand the laws.

A clear light appeared in the living room of the villa without warning, turning into a light mirror, and Fang Xue's image appeared in it.

"Li Ge, I'm ready to light the divine fire." Fang Xue's expression looked confident.

"I have thoroughly studied the information you left. There will be no problem this time."

Looking at Fang Xue's arrogant look, Li Ge chuckled, "Then I congratulate you on igniting the divine fire and becoming a god as soon as possible and becoming the first new god of Mercury."

Li Ge's congratulations made Fang Xue even more excited, but then she felt a little embarrassed on her face.

"Well, can you help me keep an eye on it while I light the divine fire? I'm a little scared."

Li Ge was delighted, "Okay, for the sake of our friendship, don't worry, I'll help you find out."

With the support of Fang Xue's power, the light mirror became as real as reality. Li Ge bumped into it. When he came out, he had already arrived in Fang Xue's exclusive plane.

The plane was still desolate, so Fang Xue commanded the mirror puppets to build a stone hall.Dozens of light mirrors were neatly distributed in the main hall. Xie Lingshuang was busy running around assigning puppets to the sacrificed superpowers without touching the ground.

Those believers also have contracts to sign in order to facilitate Fang Xue's granting of power.

The little loli Xie Lingyu also followed her sister to help. When they saw Li Ge coming in, the two sisters couldn't help but slumped on the ground, losing their strength.

Fang Xue was very embarrassed. Without igniting the divine fire, there was no way to condense the super processor of the godhead, and communication with believers had to be done manually.

"Lingshuang, Lingyu, thank you for your hard work. When I light the divine fire today, I will take care of all these things from now on."

Xie Lingshuang glanced at Fang Xue angrily, "If I had known you were such a cheat, I wouldn't have agreed to it."

This year, the Xie sisters have been very tired.Li Ge helped Fang Xue a lot, but Fang Xue was embarrassed to ask him for help again, so she caught the Xie sisters desperately trying to plunder the wool. Of course, she herself also put in a lot of effort.

The results of the three people's busy work are quite good, and a faint power of faith permeates the plane.

With official cooperation and substantial feedback, many people with supernatural powers could not resist the temptation and believed in Fang Xue in order to gain power.

Fang Xue and the Xie sisters have made a lot of preparations for today, and they can start as soon as Li Ge arrives.

The power of faith that permeated the plane began to converge on Fang Xue's body, gradually forming a substantial mist, shrouding her body in it.

Fang Xue took a deep breath, looked at Li Ge standing next to her, and felt calm in her heart.

A bit of divine fire ignited in the soul, and the endless power of faith turned into fuel and poured into it, quickly transforming the mortal body into a divine body.

"I am the master of the mirror and the master of the mirror." A shining godhead fell into Fang Xue's soul.

Fang Xue, the master of the mirror, has a third level of godhood, controls the law of mirrors, is the master of the plane of mirrors, is neutral in camp order, is proficient in mirror images, and is in the contract summoning field.

As Fang Xue successfully lit the divine fire, the entire Mercury world suddenly seemed to be much more agile.

As the first new god of this era, Fang Xue's successful apotheosis allowed Mercury Consciousness to successfully complete the true transition between the old and new eras.

Gods are the darlings of world consciousness, and only the world consciousness that can give birth to gods can be completely formed.

Infinite cosmic force poured into Fang Xue's mirror plane, causing the Kingdom of God to expand like air.

A large amount of world origin fell from the void onto Fang Xue's little head, and his divine level suddenly jumped from level three to level six.

The newly conferred goddess opened her small mouth and was stunned by the pie falling from the sky.

"The first god of this era really took advantage of him."

Li Ge also had to envy Fang Xue's good luck. The appearance of the first true god could actually be said to be a sign of the official upgrade of the Mercury world.

It's a bit too much to say that she is the son of the crystal wall system, but the title of the eldest daughter of Mercury is probably safe.

World Consciousness is particularly fond of its first child.

It's just that the true gods behind him may not have this kind of treatment.

"Fang Xue, congratulations on successfully igniting the divine fire," Li Ge sincerely congratulated.

(End of this chapter)

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