leisurely dragon

Chapter 403 Cooperation

The Xie sisters also realized at this time that the majesty exuded by Fang Xue, a good sister in the past, was almost suffocating.

Xie Lingshuang quickly pulled her sister to kneel down, not daring to look directly at Fang Xue, "My lord, your servant congratulates you on ascending to the throne of God and becoming immortal from now on."

Fang Xue hurriedly restrained her divine power, fell to the ground, and helped the Xie sisters up one by one.

"What are you doing? I just became a god, not a monster. You are making me uncomfortable."

Xie Lingyu chuckled, "I knew Sister Xue was still the same Sister Xue, she hadn't changed."

Xie Lingshuang pulled her sister's hand and said, "Don't do this in the future. Fang Xue is already a true god and cannot be without majesty."

Having said that, Xie Lingshuang himself called Fang Xue by his first name and didn't show much respect.

These three people have been together for too long and are too familiar with Fang Xue's character to change them.

The moment Fang Xue lit the divine fire, a goddess radiating holy light appeared in the hearts of all Mercury's believers.

Almost everyone realizes that the new era of Mercury has officially arrived, and the era of gods has begun.

According to the prepared plan, the official publicly announced the recognition of Fang Xue's legal identity as the master of the mirror.

At this time in the Kingdom of God, Fang Xue was busy familiarizing herself with various situations after becoming a god.

Under Li Ge's guidance, some relatively devout believers were selected as sacrifices.

Unlike the true gods of the multiverse, the relationship between Fang Xue and the priests is somewhat similar to the relationship between a boss and his employees.

This is the choice Fang Xue made after discussing with the Xie sisters. They made everything public with the believers and gave back as much ability as they contributed.

Those who don't believe in Fang Xue's powers can also make money.As long as they can pass Fang Xue's camp identification and sacrifice a large amount of resources, they can make a contract with the puppets of the Mirror Plane.

This way of thinking is more suitable for modern people's thinking and easier to accept.

Even if some people's beliefs are not very pious, there won't be much resentment if they are clear about it.

This greatly reduces the chance that Fang Xue will suffer backlash from her faith, although this will make her, the mirror master, far less majestic than other true gods.

"Finally relieved." Seeing Fang Xue handling the affairs of the Kingdom of God there, Xie Lingshuang breathed a sigh of relief.

But before the words could be finished, two rays of divinity fell on the Xie sisters respectively.

"From today on, Lingshuang and Lingyu, you are my department managers.

No, he is my divine envoy, responsible for handling worldly affairs."

Xie Lingshuang rolled her eyes. If she hadn't felt that her own strength had broken through the extraordinary with the blessing of divinity, she would have ignored Fang Xue.

"Wow, I feel so powerful. Sister Xue is awesome." Xie Lingyu's eyes widened with a smile.

In the next few days, Fang Xue, the new god, began to build his own kingdom of god under the guidance of Li Ge.

Li Ge was only responsible for providing defense plans. Other aspects of scenery were discussed between Fang Xue and the two little sisters.

The design plan for making an angel was also given to Fang Xue by Li Ge as a gift.

After almost a month of busy work, I finally finished some of the more urgent things.

The Xie sisters were not suitable to stay in the Kingdom of God for too long, so they were taken back to the villa by Li Ge.

But as soon as the three of them came back, Fang Xue's incarnation arrived at night.

In her words, it would be fine if the main body is responsible for the work, and her incarnation can come down and enjoy herself.Officials have been paying attention to this villa, and Deputy Director Chen, an old acquaintance, soon appeared on the scene.

"Counsellor Fang, because the head of state is feeling unwell, he has asked me as his representative to send him a congratulatory gift," Deputy Director Chen laughed loudly.

Fang Xue was unforgiving, "Why are you feeling unwell? Isn't it because you don't want to bow your head in front of me?"

Don't tell the truth, we are still good friends.

Deputy Director Chen smiled awkwardly. His superiors always asked him to do this kind of thing. It was really stressful.

"Counsellor Fang, the highest authority has awarded you the title of Honorary National Policy Advisor. I have brought the certificate."

Even Li Ge was speechless at this moment. Is the appointment of a national policy adviser so careless?

Deputy Director Chen's face became hot, "Title is a trivial matter, but the highest authority has given many preferential policies.

The official media will provide traffic to Consultant Fang in the future to ensure sufficient power of faith.

Transactions made by external consultants and official partners are all tax-free, which can also save a lot of money."

Fang Xue hummed, "That's not bad, you didn't fool me with empty words."

Deputy Director Chen smiled and said, “Consultant Fang is now the pillar of the nation, how dare we neglect him.

But please also ask the marshal to be more tilted towards the official institutions, otherwise we will not be able to control the situation."

"Just talk to me about this," Xie Lingshuang quickly took over. She was a little afraid that Fang Xue would agree to some messy conditions, and she would have to deal with it then.

"Yes, you talk to Lingshuang." Fang Xueba had no choice but to mind these nosy matters. She only had to control the power.

Seeing Xie Lingshuang arguing with the officials, Li Ge found it boring, so he simply set up a large hot pot on the table in the living room, took out a lot of fresh meat and side dishes, and started cooking the hot pot.

Fang Xue's eyes lit up and she ran over in a hurry. Little Loli Lingyu moved to the edge of the table. She and Li Ge had long been familiar with each other, so there was no pressure at all.

The spicy hot pot made Xie Lingshuang and Deputy Director Chen, who were still negotiating, sniffle uncontrollably.

Especially Xie Lingshuang, she was so angry that she was the only one working while everyone in the room was working.

The negotiation ended hastily. Anyway, the basic bottom line is there, so that's pretty much it.

After Xie Lingshuang finished signing, she squeezed onto the table fiercely, opened her arms from left to right, and fished wildly in the pot.

Deputy Director Chen swallowed and took out a stack of documents and handed them to Fang Xue, "Advisor Fang, these are some weird places listed by the Superpower Management Bureau. The rewards are quite generous. If you are interested, you can take a look."

Fang Xue held a piece of beef in her mouth, took the document, whined a few words, and agreed vaguely.

Deputy Director Chen saw her accepting the document and left wisely.It is not suitable for him to maintain a close relationship with Fang Xue and others, otherwise someone will be overly concerned.

A few people ate and drank to their heart's content. The Xie sisters also recovered from almost a year's hard work.

Fang Xue's incarnation can no longer be a salty fish. Most of the weird places handed over by the Superpower Management Bureau basically appeared in the past few days.

The return of her, the first true god, means that the great changes in the world have entered a new stage.

Various ruins will appear more frequently.The backhand left by the gods from the last era will also begin to truly recover.

If she wants to keep her position and even her life, Fang Xue must not be careless, otherwise she may be pulled down from the throne by those old gods.

(End of this chapter)

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