leisurely dragon

Chapter 404 Believer Li Yan

Chapter 404 Believer Li Yan
Fang Xue looked at each one carefully. When it came to business matters, she was quite serious.

"It's over. I ran down these dozen places. I'm not going to die from exhaustion."

Looking at Fang Xue lying limply on the sofa, Xie Lingshuang smiled happily. These places were not accessible to the Xie sisters.

Fang Xue looked at Li Ge for help, "As a friend, can you bear to watch me die from exhaustion?"

"I can't bear it," Li Ge said expressionlessly.

All said and done, Fang Xue was still very attentive, and quickly regained her previous demeanor as a bounty hunter, and went to work with great enthusiasm.

Li Ge also wants to sacrifice the artifact and take advantage of this opportunity where the world's spiritual power is active to seize more of the laws of this world.

On the outskirts of Jianghai City, at a base affiliated with the Superpower Management Bureau, several young men and women in military uniforms were sparring.

A woman with a gentle face condensed the cold air in her hand and turned it into an ice arrow, shooting at a bald man.

The bald man roared, and his muscles bulged. A layer of rock armor quickly covered his body. The ice arrow only broke through a piece of the stone armor and turned into fragments.

The bald man laughed loudly, "Li Yan, are you kidding me? It's useless?"

The woman named Li Yan snorted coldly. Fighting alone was somewhat disadvantageous to the Dragon Vein Warlock who was good at magic.

Some powerful spells require casting time and companions' cover, but right now there is no such time.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Yan raised her head and roared, her body quickly deformed, silver scales grew out of her skin, and her hands and feet turned into sharp claws covered with scales.

The end of the spine was itchy, and a thick tail came out.His back bulged, his training clothes were torn, and two wide dragon wings spread out.

The beautiful head turned into a silver dragon head covered with fangs and scales. It was about four meters tall and ten meters long. It looked like a young silver dragon.

Thanks to the vigorous training of the Superpower Management Bureau and the tilt of resources, Li Yan, the first batch of people to take the primary blood potion, has reached the extraordinary level and has mastered the art of dragon transformation.

The silver dragon roared, opened its mouth, and a stream of ice dragon breath fell on the dumbfounded bald head, quickly freezing him into ice.

Li Yan loves beauty, and turning into this silver dragon makes her a little angry.

In the next few claws, he removed the rock armor from the bald man and began to torture him.

"Oh, Li Yan, don't be so cruel, I'm just helping to test your combat power." The bald man with a bald head scurried away.

"Stop", the scientists standing aside quickly shouted, their eyes shining.

If Li Yan hadn't transformed on the spot, they would never have believed that a woman who was only 1.7 meters tall could transform into a behemoth in the blink of an eye, and her strength would also increase accordingly.

Li Yan's transformed silver dragon stopped, and the bald man finally escaped.

"Please keep this form and see how long you can last," a middle-aged scientist said excitedly.

Others were already getting started, taking measurements, drawing blood, and some even trying to pluck out a scale.

Li Yan felt a burst of anger in her heart. These tiny creatures dared to blaspheme the dragon. Then she suddenly woke up and suppressed this strange mood.

In the next few days, people kept asking all kinds of weird questions and doing all kinds of weird tests.

It was not until more than ten days later that a male dragon-born warlock also awakened the dragon transformation technique that Li Yan was freed.

After confirming that Li Yan's physical and mental state was normal, the Superpower Management Bureau approved her application for leave.After a few days of good rest, the fatigue accumulated by Li Yan over the past year of hard training began to disappear.

The inherited information from the dragon's bloodline kept awakening in her dreams while she slept.

Sometimes, she would dream of a sacred tree that seemed to connect heaven and earth, with a golden dragon lying under the tree, its body sacred and majestic.

After waking up, Li Yan could clearly remember the greatness of the sacred tree and the tyranny of the giant dragon.

"Dimension Ancient Tree, Dimension Lord, it seems that these are the names of those two great beings." Li Yan silently chanted these two great names in her heart.

"Hey, someone can actually awaken the inheritance from the ancient tree of the dimension." Li Ge, who was studying the rules in the artifact, felt a little surprised.

The primary dragon's blood potion contains leaves from the ancient tree, and the ancient tree is watered by Li Ge's divine blood.

Theoretically, a creature that takes the primary dragon's blood potion has a very small chance of obtaining the ancient dimensional tree or the inheritance information of Li Ge. This probability is close to zero.

Li Yan was able to inherit the divine name of the Dimensional Ancient Tree and Li Ge, which was almost impossible.

"Since you are destined and have great luck, then I don't mind giving you a chance." Li Ge thought, and ten divine power crystals were injected into the artifact, turning into a mark and drilling into the void.

Li Yan, who was silently reciting the name of the Lord of Dimensions, was shocked, and a ray of light fell into her soul.

A giant golden dragon, with its body stretching for several kilometers, looked at Li Yan with majestic eyes, "If you can chant my god's name, you are destined to me. I will grant you great fortune today, and I hope you will not fall short of my majesty."

The golden dragon turned into a powerful force and poured into Li Yan's body, transforming her body and soul.

Almost half a day passed before the transformation was completed. Li Yan's human form did not change much, but it became more beautiful.

But Li Yan knew in her heart that she had turned into an extraordinary silver dragon. This was the grace given to her by the great Lord of Dimensions.

"My Lord, I will definitely spread your fame throughout the world." Li Yan has become a devout believer in Li Ge.

Although Li Ge did not ask her to do this, Li Yan regarded it as a sign of piety to the gods.

In the days that followed, Li Yan's strength improved by leaps and bounds, and the other dragon vein warlocks from the Superpower Management Bureau were no match at all.

After many rounds of research, these scientists could only confirm that Li Yan had extraordinary qualifications and her physique was very suitable for this kind of medicine.

After passing the test of strength and having a reliable identity, the Superpower Management Bureau began to focus on cultivating Li Yan to become a truly powerful rookie.

Li Ge is also happy to see the success of this. If Li Yan performs well in the future and is worthy of investment, he will not mind helping her again.

Fang Xue has been very busy recently. Although she has become a god, she is still willing to contribute to the country and the nation.

Most of these dozen strange events were caused by the explosion of spiritual energy, which caused the resurgence of the relics of the gods from the previous era, and were of little value.

Several other evil creatures were also produced by mutations. They were no match for the first goddess of the new era and were quickly eliminated.

"Li Ge, look at how good I am," Fang Xue came to Li Ge and shouted.

"Well, you are awesome, Fang Xue is the best." Li Ge agreed casually, picked up the beef in the hot pot, and ate it by himself.

"Huh, not sincere," Fang Xue muttered and started to fight for it.

(End of this chapter)

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