shadow of britain

Chapter 270 Investment Tycoon Harrison

Chapter 270 Investment Tycoon Harrison (4K4)

"You...what are you doing?!"

Bernie Harrison saw the crowds of people outside the door. After a brief moment of shock and fear, the first reaction that emerged in his heart was anger.

He recognized the iconic Scotland Yard uniform on Ledley at a glance. The anger that had been trapped in his chest these days was like a stone in his throat. Harrison suppressed his anger and said: "You guys are going through this. Really? It’s okay to bring me to Scotland Yard for interrogation because of the murder case, but now you plan to trouble me for this little entertainment? Scotland Yard doesn’t care about my parliamentary immunity at all. Don’t you take Magna Carta seriously at all?”

When Ridley heard this, he immediately understood that Harrison must not have understood the situation. He stood at attention seriously and saluted: "I'm sorry, Mr. Harrison, you have immunity, but the lady next to you But it is unprotected, and we need to ask her to go back for further questioning. Please understand our work. We are currently carrying out Scotland Yard's routine inspections of security crimes in the Oxford Street area this season."

The reporters following Ledley also smelled the news. Since cameras had not been invented in this era, the reporters' outfits were not as easy to identify as they would later be.

So in Harrison's view, those who wear uniforms are Scotland Yard's Blue Lobsters, and those who don't wear uniforms are Scotland Yard's undercover spies.

Several reporters took a step forward. They first glanced at the woman hiding under the quilt, and then at Harrison, who was obviously holding back his anger.

The elders looked at each other and smiled. They took out their notebooks and asked, "Mr. Harrison, why are you here? As far as we know, this is not a serious place. The person next to you is Is this your wife? Or a lady of equal status to your wife?”

Upon hearing this, Harrison angrily picked up the pillow and threw it at the reporter: "Are you asking questions knowingly? She is nothing. I am just here to have fun. Do you want to handcuff me into the police station now? I tell you, you didn't This power! This is a misdemeanor, and as a member of the House of Commons, I have complete immunity!"

The old reporter calmly lit the fire and took a puff of his cigarette. The young reporter on the side quickly brought him a chair for him to sit down, hoping to learn a few tricks from the old man.

The old reporter puffed away his smoke and said, "Mr. Harrison, is this how you use the legal rights granted to you by the public? If I remember correctly, you are already married. So your behavior is not only illegal. , and it’s against Christian morals. Aren’t you worried about living up to the expectations of voters?”

"Whether I live up to the expectations of voters is none of your business. Do you guys have the right to vote?"

Harrison threatened: "I'm warning you, I've talked to your boss. I will do my best to cooperate with the investigation about the murder, but if you keep holding on to me like this, then I'm not a good person." Provoked. Sergeant, you'd better think clearly when you do what you do, whether your name is Richard Rowan or Arthur Hastings. If not, you'd better ask a member of the House of Commons. The congressman should be kinder when he speaks."

The old reporter lowered his head nonchalantly and recorded: "Mr. Harrison, you have the freedom to express yourself however you want, but I also have the freedom to record your threats to me. The rights given to members of Parliament by the Magna Carta do not allow you to do so. Abuse, and the proliferation of moths like you, is also an important reason why the British public demands parliamentary reform. At this point, I fully support Earl Gray’s decision.”

Harrison seemed to have caught the old reporter's trap, and loudly reprimanded: "Listen to what you said, Earl Grey! The Scotland Yard police actually hold Whig political views. This is a political revenge. , you have completely violated the principle of adhering to political neutrality. Sir, believe me, based on what you just said, I will definitely try my best to make you lose your job!"

The young reporter on the side heard this, raised his head and looked at the layout of the room, and drew a rough cartoon outline on the paper in a few strokes: "Mr. Harrison, although I don't have much knowledge, I follow Thomas Barn Mr. Si has been interviewing him for so long, and you are the first member of the House of Commons who dares to speak to him in such an attitude."

"Thomas Barnes?" Harrison was stunned for a moment when he heard the name, and then his heart skipped a beat: "Jupiter from The Times?"

The old reporter just laughed twice when he heard this. He raised his hat and said in return: "Jupiter is really over-praised. There are many excellent reporters in the journalism world, but what makes me better than them is that My luck has always been good. You see, I was just invited to do an interview with the team today, and I didn't expect to bump into you."

Harrison was so shocked that he quickly lifted the quilt. He was about to get out of bed to say hello, but before he could put on his slippers, Officer Ridley quickly pushed him back to the bed.

Ledley said apologetically: "Mr. Harrison, if you ask me, you'd better put away the sausages. The weather has been cold recently, and I'm afraid you might freeze later."

The young reporter on the side couldn't help laughing and said: "Mr. Barnes, after so many years of doing interviews, this must be the first time you have seen such a scene."

Barnes, who was accustomed to seeing strong winds and waves, just curled his lips and shook his head: "That's not true. When I just graduated from Cambridge and joined The Times, Britain was still fighting the Napoleonic War. At that time, I used to follow the recruitment of the Royal Navy. The team conducted several on-site interviews, and the scene was much more lively than today.

The conscription team sneaked into the village at dusk when everyone was going to bed, then found a house and broke into the house. After spotting the man, they dragged him out of the bed.As for the women who lost their husbands, they didn't care whether they were wearing clothes or not. They rushed out of the house naked and punched and kicked the conscription team, crying and scolding them. "

When the young reporter heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Oh my God! How can conscription be so barbaric? How could those in the conscription team be so cruel as to do such a thing?"

Barnes said: "Of course they can be cruel. For every naval soldier they get, they can get two or three pounds of recruitment subsidy from the Admiralty. If they weren't strong enough, those guys would really like to take over Britain." All the adult men were tied up and thrown onto the ship, which is how many of the 20 sailors in the Royal Navy came."

At this point, Barnes did not forget to smile at Officer Ledley and joked: "Compared with the Royal Navy's recruiting team, Scotland Yard officers' law enforcement is obviously much more civilized. This is the trend of the times. progress."

Harrison heard this and hurriedly defended himself: "Mr. Barnes, I think you must have misunderstood."

"Of course." Barnes nodded: "So can you explain what is going on with the lady next to you?"

"I..." Harrison's forehead was sweating. He paused and then said with a smile: "Mr. Barnes, I am a businessman. Do you know Harrison brand perfume? That is my industry. Several distinguished sirs They are all my stable customers. If you also have this need, you can order from me in the future. But I also know that it is not easy for a person to change the perfume brand he is used to, so you see, you need to How about I send you some samples in two days?"

When Slippery Loach Ledley heard this, he also hurriedly walked up to him to smooth things over: "Mr. Harrison, I don't believe that you, as an upright and responsible member of the House of Commons, would do such a thing. After all, you are A devout believer.

The Gospel of Matthew says: Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away. It is better to lose one part of your body than to have your whole body thrown into hell.If your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better to lose one part of your body than to have your whole body go to hell.

It would be a disgrace to Mr. Harrison's reputation to suggest that a man of his piety would commit adultery.I think you are probably here to discuss business with this lady, right?After all, your business is so successful, it is understandable that you provide one-on-one services to individual large customers. "

"Yes, yes, you are right, this police officer." Harrison said, sweating as if grasping a life-saving straw, "I am indeed here to discuss business with this lady." The young reporter questioned: "But how can you explain that you are naked?"

Harrison racked his brains and came up with ideas in a hurry. He clapped his hands with a smile on his face and said: "Haha, this is the secret of a businessman. This is how I can make my perfume business so big!"

"Oh?" Barnes raised his eyebrows and said, "Can you talk about the specifics?"

Harrison was sweating profusely on his forehead: "The so-called secret of business success is that I always have nothing to hide in front of my big customers."

Ridley asked blankly: "Does it include sausages?"

"That's right!" Harrison glared at him and forcefully said: "Young man, do you know why you still have nothing on your shoulders except a police signal? Whether you are doing business, electing a member of parliament or being a police officer, as long as you want to achieve something, Achievement and being honest with the people you serve come first.”

As soon as Harrison finished speaking, he heard a burst of laughter from beside him. The blonde beauty covered her mouth and winked at Harrison: "My dear, I actually think so too."

As soon as he said this, Harrison's face turned the color of pig liver.

He panted for a long time, then suddenly spoke again: "Mr. Barnes, you should know Poland. Poland is a hot spot recently, and all major newspapers are rushing to report on it."

Barnes asked: "While I sympathize with the Polish people, does this lady have anything to do with Poland?"

"Of course!"

As soon as Harrison heard that Barnes sympathized with Poland, he immediately emphasized: "Actually, the lady next to me is a Polish. You must know that our cabinet's attitude towards Poland is really bad, Viscount Palmerston You are actually not willing to pay a penny for the suffering Polish people! As a politician, I have always taken it as my mission to improve the lives of people around the world. If the government does not do it, I, Bernie Harrison, will take the lead! You You may not know it, but I have decided to provide long-term, stable and high-quality perfume to the Polish exiled ladies represented by this lady, and I am also sponsoring them with an additional sum of money for their living!"

When Ridley heard this, he couldn't help but applauded: "Well done! Mr. Harrison, although I can't express my political stance as a Scotland Yard policeman, but as far as this matter is concerned, I support you! You The pride of our Britain!"

When Harrison heard this, he laughed guiltily: "Officer, what did you say? This is what a responsible politician and a loyal believer should do."

Laidley asked again: "So, can I take the liberty to ask, how much have you donated to this lady so far?"

Hearing this, the beauty just gently rested her head on Harrison's shoulder: "Mr. Harrison is quite generous. Although we have only met a few times, I have collected almost five pounds so far."

Harrison interrupted hastily: "Oh, my dear Delfina, you should know that it takes time to raise large sums of money. As for the five pounds, it is my gratitude for learning Polish from you. Don't you Did you forget? We made an appointment to go to Poland to do business in the future."

When Harrison said this, a group of young reporters who had been writing and drawing suddenly smiled and turned the notebooks in their hands to Harrison, which was the cartoon illustration he drew for this news.

The picture is very simple. Although it is all straight and thick lines, a few strokes have already outlined the big bed in the room, Harrison lying on the bed looking embarrassed, and the Polish lady nestled in his arms.

The young reporter smiled and asked: "So Mr. Harrison, what do you think is a good title for this cartoon? "Harrison Perfume Company invests heavily in Poland: total investment is up to five pounds", or "Harry Sen’s one-on-one Polish tutoring”?”

"Don't... don't..." Harrison's lips trembled and he slowly raised his finger and pointed at the young reporter: "If you do this, you will destroy me!"

Barnes took a puff of cigarette, then stood up and stretched out his hand to Harrison: "Well, I'm glad to hear your business experience today. I will also talk to Earl Eldon and other loyal fans of Harrison's perfume later. Verify the interview. If what you said about the sausage is true, I will consider setting up a column for you in the financial section of The Times. By the way, are you interested in opening a joint venture with me to open a sausage processing factory? "

When Harrison heard this, he just held his chest and looked up at the sky. He felt dizzy, and even breathing became an unbearable burden.

At this moment, just when he was about to faint, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a red light outside the window that was too weak to be noticed.

Harrison turned his head and looked around. In the restaurant on the second floor opposite, a Scotland Yard policeman was sitting, lifting his fork and slowly putting the cut pieces of steak into his mouth.

But unlike Officer Ledley, this officer's shoulder straps are not empty, but appropriately matched with a shiny St. Edward's crown badge.

Arthur also seemed to notice Harrison's gaze. He lifted the white napkin that stood up around his neck and gently wiped the sauce from the corner of his mouth. His lips were like reflective cherries after the rain against the oily shine.

Arthur turned his head slightly, raised his glass and congratulated Harrison: "Don't be too angry, Mr. Harrison. The Polish service we provide is much gentler than the French service provided by Mr. Vidocq."

Harrison's eyes trembled. He wanted to raise his hand and point at Arthur, but he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand at this time. Only the beauty leaning in his arms could vaguely hear his whisper.

"He... damn, Ya... Arthur Hastings, you fucking dare to trick me!"

When the beauty heard this, she just tilted her head and said plaintively: "Alas...Mr. Harrison, when I'm here, don't think about men anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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