shadow of britain

Chapter 271 Recruitment Notice

Chapter 271 Recruitment Notice (4K)

"After the Westminster Union exposed the brutal Russian reprisals after the fall of Warsaw, Foreign Secretary Viscount Palmerston once again made an important statement on Poland in the House of Commons"

Viscount Palmerston: The current Russian emperor is a noble-minded man. If on certain occasions the Russian government has been too cruel to the Poles, then we can regard this as proof that the power of the Russian emperor has been ignored. .In that case the Russian Emperor was influenced by certain absolutists at court rather than by his own spontaneous emotions.And the Poles should have taken a more appropriate solution before the problem turned to military conflict, instead of overthrowing the emperor.I would even go as far as to say that the Poles were the ones attacking because they started the struggle in the first place.

"Mr. Bernie Harrison, MP of the House of Commons, slammed the Foreign Office's decision-making: Palmerston's remarks brought shame to Britain!"Our mission is to defend freedom! 》

"As a strong protest, Mr. Harrison went to the residence of a Polish lady after the closing of Parliament to express his sympathy and conduct a warm condolences"

"According to reliable sources, Mr. Harrison's targeted funding activities for Poland began in August"

"According to the wife's self-report: Mr. Harrison sponsored nine times in total, each lasting five to 10 minutes, and the amount of sponsorship each time ranged from eight shillings to twelve shillings."

"Viscount Palmerston publicly mocked: Harrison is the true reflection of the Tory Party. He talks a lot, but when it comes time to go into battle, he can only last 5 minutes."

"According to unnamed sources, the former Tory Lord Justice Earl Eldon is extremely angry at the behavior of his own MPs"

"Former Admiral Crocker stated: Harrison's behavior has brought shame to the entire party and he must resign from the party immediately"

"Sir Peel convened an emergency meeting of the Tory caucus at the White Club, at which a resolution was unanimously passed to immediately remove Harrison from all party positions"

"Bernie Harrison officially issued a statement to withdraw from the party, submitted his resignation to the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee and announced his resignation from the seat"

"The Bishop of Exeter attacks the increasingly corrupt social atmosphere: London is about to become a hell of sin!" 》

Bishop of Exeter: The story of Bernie Harrison is just the tip of the iceberg of this sinful society. As far as I know, there are [-] women in London engaged in the business of selling their bodies!As for those drunkards buying sex, there are even more!The decline of the church spirit has made that beautiful and peaceful old England gone forever. I hereby call on believers to spend half an hour reading the Bible every day. Only in this way can the sins lurking in your hearts be suppressed.

"A reporter from London City Mission magazine went to Scotland Yard to investigate and interview the shocking number of prostitutes."

Superintendent Arthur Hastings, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Police, responded: I think the Bishop of Exeter’s appeal is made with good intentions to maintain social morality, but his views on the number of prostitutes are inconsistent with Scotland Yard statistics. There are major discrepancies.If what the bishop said is true, then one in five working-age women aged 15-50 in London is a prostitute, which is obviously an exaggeration.Based on statistics and preliminary estimates from Scotland Yard, we tend to believe that the current number of prostitutes in London should be around 1 to [-].

"The Bishops of the House of Lords used the Harrison incident to continue to put pressure on the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Secretary of the Interior, Viscount Melbourne, asked Scotland Yard to continue to clean up this phenomenon"

Arthur sat in the corner of the coffee shop, watching Fiona place the newspapers of these days in front of him one after another.

Fiona looked a little angry and complained: "Mr. Hastings, what is going on? Logically speaking, after we settle the Bernie Harrison matter, you must at least let us Have a happy birthday in two days. Why is it that the waves are rising again and again? After Scotland Yard swept away the MPs, why did it start to target weak women like us who are alone and helpless? "

Arthur also felt a little sorry for Fiona. After all, he didn't expect that the Bishop of Exeter would pop up halfway.

He said: "Sorry, Fiona, I didn't mean to ruin your business. I assure you, this is really just a coincidence. But since the bishops have made the request, Scotland Yard must implement it. In order to For your safety, please keep your beautiful ladies as far away as possible from Claremont Gardens on Thames, North Woolwich Park and Highbury Barn Gardens in Greenwich during this period. In addition, I am very sorry. I would like to inform you that the Alhambra Concert Hall and the bars, concert halls and clubs on Moshi Street have all been included in the list of key observations."

When Fiona heard this, she took a deep breath. Even her eyes, which were not small in the first place, seemed to be a little wider than usual: "Mr. Hastings, Scotland Yard is taking a look at the West End." Are all the large mobile sales gold caves locked?"

Arthur smiled and nodded: "I still remember what you mentioned to me before, that Eugenie from Chelsea. If I remember correctly, many of her girls should be active in these areas. ? This is a reward for the Harrison case, Fiona, not only me, but all the police officers at Scotland Yard are very grateful to you for this matter."


Fiona was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then she relaxed. Her watery eyes blinked, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth: "My dear, it seems that I misunderstood you earlier. I Let’s just say, with your eyes, how can you see someone like Eugenie? There are so many beautiful girls in London, so why should you choose a French village girl if you don’t know what you want?”

Arthur heard this and said again: "But... Eugenie is going to be hit hard this time, so don't take it too lightly. Here in the East End, we will also attack the Hoxton Hall and Wilton Hall in Hackney." The Music Hall is being aggressively cleaned. Starting tomorrow, both locations will have one or two squads of officers on duty during business hours."


When Fiona heard this, the makeup on her face almost fell off in shock: "Mr. Hastings, these two places are the easiest places for girls in the East End to make money. If you can afford to go to the Grand Theater to watch Shakespeare's stage plays and listen to Concert performers, every one of them, are high-end fat sheep. If they lose this part of their income, the girls’ monthly income may have to be cut by more than half.”

Arthur tasted the bitter coffee and looked at the fine raindrops outside the window and said: "In the past few months, Scotland Yard has been receiving reports that someone is engaging in forced buying and selling in the East End. If the theater guests do not agree to do business, , the strong man following the girl would be blocked in an alley and beaten up severely. Fiona, do you have any clues about this matter? "

When Fiona heard this, she just laughed softly and said: "Mr. Hastings, you see what you said. The reason why we send people to follow the girls is to protect their safety. You used to patrol the streets of the East District. However, you should know how dangerous the environment there is. If girls go out alone, they may encounter a few bad people. If our flower protector conflicts with others, it must be because he speaks rudely and intentionally to the girls. humiliation."

Of course Arthur didn't believe her argument. He said, "I have made an agreement with you before that violent crimes will never be tolerated. When the court decides the case, the only reference is the black eyes and broken bones of the gentlemen who reported the case. This small-scale cleanup of the East District should be used as a warning to your recent activities. If you don’t want to incur larger-scale scrutiny, you’d better respond to the cabinet’s call and respect trade freedom when doing business in the future.”

When Fiona heard this, she could only sigh: "Okay, Mr. Hastings, I will listen to you, you are the one who can really take care of things. After all, that kid is lucky, even if you were to wait another morning , he won’t be able to escape a good beating this afternoon.”

Arthur raised his eyebrows when he heard this and said, "Boy? What boy?"

Fiona looked unhappy and said: "A weirdo, a weirdo who likes to persuade prostitutes to be good. She holds a Bible in her left hand, a cross in her right hand, and wears a simple black suit. She saw our girl in the East District, The unseemly men are infatuated with lust, while the decent ones speed through the streets.

But this guy was the only one who neither talked about business nor ran away, but kept delivering his compassionate moral speech to our girl.Huh, when I first heard about this, I just thought it was a whim of this kid, and he was probably another idiot who wanted to find a sense of moral fulfillment from us.I was about to send someone to teach him a lesson, but I didn't expect that someone among my girls actually tipped him off, allowing him to escape in time. "

Arthur said: "Since he has run away, there is no need for you to continue to cause trouble for him, right?"

Fiona said angrily: "I thought so too. After all, we are just trying to make money. As long as he doesn't hinder the business, then this matter will be over. But I don't know what this kid is thinking. The first two The sky actually started to interfere with our business again.

I have a few kind-hearted girls who are afraid that I will send someone to beat him up, and they actually want to do his business for free, so that he can leave as soon as he is done having fun.But that bastard not only refused to agree, but also advised those girls to leave my "devil's cave" as soon as possible.Wouldn't he consider the issue of what to eat if we don't do this?
Take Bernie Harrison as an example. Delfina gets eight to ten shillings for each order she makes from him. This single order is equivalent to a week's income of a female worker in a textile factory.If Delfina hadn't met me, she would have contracted lung disease in some factory and been lying there waiting to die! "

Arthur suddenly remembered something when he heard this: "Is the boy you are talking about called Gladstone?"

Fiona frowned and said: "You... did you send someone to follow me? Or did someone else report it to you? How did you know his name?"

Arthur just smiled: "Fiona, don't forget, I am a detective. It is normal for me to know a lot of things. But if you are worried about Mr. Gladstone, then let him know Leave it to me to solve it."

"How are you going to deal with him?"

Arthur leaned on the chair and said: "Have you forgotten that Scotland Yard is currently conducting cleaning activities? Since Mr. Gladstone's wishes are so high, I don't think Scotland Yard would mind hiring him temporarily to help the upcoming lost people." Lamb needs psychological counseling."

"Psychological counseling?" Fiona sneered at this: "Why do you guys always like to do such boring things? If you really want to save them from their suffering, why don't you marry her?"

Arthur picked up the hat on the table and put it on his head, gathered up his tuxedo and said, "I don't know, so I never do this kind of thing. Maybe you should ask Mr. Gladstone about this question." .”

Fiona raised her eyebrows and said, "What if I have to ask you?"

Arthur raised his hat and said goodbye softly: "Because love is not a charity, you can't give charity at will. Goodbye, Fiona, while the girls are not busy during this period, you may start to prepare the venue for the swordsmanship competition in advance. It’s an outside handicap.”

Having said this, Arthur took out another ticket from his arms and put it on the table: "Scotland Yard has arranged a celebration banquet today. If I arrive late, the police officers will be unhappy. You can order whatever you want to eat. If you exceed the limit, If it’s this amount, it’s okay to put it on my account.”

After saying this, Arthur pushed the door open and walked out of the coffee shop.

Not long after, Fiona saw Arthur through the window, smoking a pipe and holding a black cloth umbrella, bathing in the London midday rain.

She shook her head around her carefully braided ponytail and sighed, then stood up and knocked on the window glass of the cafe.

Arthur noticed the noise here and looked back at her with a raised eyebrow.

Fiona just curled her lips and shook her head and gestured at him: "This umbrella is so ugly, it looks like a black mushroom when you hold it up."

Arthur just raised his hand and knocked on the umbrella handle, exhaled smoke and replied: "You know what the hell, Fox brand umbrellas are very expensive."

Although she was scolded, Fiona actually felt quite happy. She said goodbye: "Scotland Yard's taste is always so unique, so go and enjoy your meal, Mr. Hastings."

Arthur ignored her and just stretched out his hand to stop the car.

A burst of water mist was picked up by the rolling wheels, and the carriage sped away and disappeared around the corner of Trafalgar Square.

Fiona kept staring in the direction Arthur left until she was sure she could no longer see him, then she safely took out the bottom copy from the pile of newspapers on the table.

It was a copy of The Times, but Fiona had never been interested in commenting on current affairs. She paid attention to the advertising column in the corner of the newspaper.

The advertisement space started with the same old content as usual, Twinings tea bags, Wheatstone gramophone, and a suspicious marriage advertisement that suddenly appeared during this period.

However, at the very end, there is a recruitment notice.

——One or two domestic maids are urgently hired. The work remuneration is favorable, with a weekly salary of 12 shillings and food and accommodation provided.

——Job requirements: Sewing and washing daily clothes twice a week, cleaning the three-story residence regularly every day and completing other household chores

——Workplace: 36 Lancaster Gate.

——Contact: Mr. Arthur Hastings

Fiona held the coffee cup and gently blew away the rising heat. She said with some blame and regret in her distress: "Mr. Hastings, if you are looking for a domestic maid, why don't you come to me? I have one here." Many girls want to be good people, and I think the conditions are good enough with a weekly salary of 12 shillings and room and board.”

(End of this chapter)

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