mage's dating rules

Chapter 405 The dwarfs living in the present

Chapter 405 The dwarfs living in the present
Wang: "Ask Elizabeth about this."

Xiaobai looked at Elizabeth.

"Well, I just drooled on Wang's pillow when I just fell asleep. It's not a big deal." Elizabeth said, changing the subject forcibly, "It's time for me to dress up, I always wear nightgown in front of men. Very rude."

Xiaobai: "I think he is happy to see it. When you look at him, he will glance at your big boobs from time to time. I think you just rush up and suffocate him with this, and he will give up on you."

Wang replied solemnly: "You have to consume Flint's resurrection spell to suffocate me, so don't do it. However, I personally always welcome Elizabeth to join Rosalie."

Elizabeth covered her ears and ran away.

Wang looked at Rosalie: "Back to today's business, what plans do I have today?"

Rosalie is not only the housekeeper of the entire floating island, but also Wang's secretary, responsible for arranging Wang's day's schedule.

Rosalie: "There are no reservations for the time being. You can continue to visit the gnomes. The gnomes suffered heavy casualties yesterday, and many gnomes turned into monsters. If you want the gnomes to resume work as soon as possible, you have to learn more about them. need."

Wang: "I understand, leave it to me from the dwarf."

Rosalie: "After the dwarf's patrol is over, you'd better come down and show your face."

Wang: "Why?"

"You are now a hero in this city, and the surviving civilians will be happy to see you."

Wang thought for a while and asked: "Is it necessary to hold a celebration or something down below? Many people lost almost everything last night. Do you need to boost their morale?"

Rosalie: "A celebration, we can indeed hold one. People are creatures that like liveliness, and you are now very famous in Yisongzuo. It would be a pity not to make good use of your reputation."

Wang stood up: "Okay, I'll go to the dwarfs first to see if they can help, and then I'll go down for a walk. Xiaobai, have you eaten yet?"

Xiaobai: "I didn't eat well! You go to the dwarf's side first, and I'll take another two bites!"

Saying that, Xiaobai ran away in a hurry.

Wang scratched his head: "Why did she come here? Just to see what's going on here?"

The other people in the room - the other girls looked at him, and some of them sighed.

Wang: "What? Did I do something wrong again?"

Lily: "You are right about everything. I will accompany you to visit the dwarf."

The situation in the dwarf area is much better than Wang imagined.

The dwarfs quickly compiled an "importance list" and then put together the most important craftsmen according to the importance on the list.

Of course, this refers to those craftsmen who can still put it together.

Yesterday, many dwarves were turned into bloated monsters like Ragnola and then burned to ashes.

In this case, ordinary resurrection methods are useless.

After touring the dwarf area, Wang couldn't see a single grieving dwarf here. Wang even began to wonder whether the dwarf race could be sad at all.

In his teacher's Chronicle of Gralia, it was only said that dwarfs are a race whose curiosity outweighs all else. Once a dwarf loses his curiosity, he will gradually turn gray and eventually die completely.

This is an incurable disease for dwarfs.But the teacher's book didn't say that the dwarfs faced the devastation after the war like this.

Of course, it's also possible that "Curiosity is more important than anything else" in the teacher's book is a euphemism for the fact that dwarfs don't feel sad.

After inspecting the dwarf area, the king took a rest in Flint's tavern. He happened to meet the dwarf bard Gaines and asked: "I came back from the dwarf area. Don't you dwarf race have the emotion of sadness?" "

Gaines asked: "Without the emotion of sadness, how can I perform those sadder poems?"

Wang thought for a while and guessed: "Maybe it depends on acting skills?"

Gaines: "Then I also have to understand the emotion of sadness. No, no, the great sage, the priest of Caelynn, the paladin of Typhon, the living saint of Lancelot, the praised one."

Wang frowned slightly: "What is that last thing?"

Gaines: "You don't know? Because your title is already too long, people in this city started calling you the Lauded One yesterday. The local bard also wrote a hymn to you."

As he spoke, Gaines drank up the wine in the glass in front of him, sat slightly sideways, picked up the lute and played a few notes.

After confirming that the pitch was correct, the dwarf bard played a melodious and bright melody.

After listening for a while, Wang couldn't help but interrupt his singing: "Who is this great and upright hero mentioned here?"

Lily whispered from the side: "You."

Wang: "I'm not like that! I'm just a common person who has vulgar thoughts about Elizabeth the first time I see her."

"No more." Gaines shook his head, "Or maybe you are no longer important. To the people in this city, you are a great hero, even if you deliberately show yourself vulgar in front of them. They will also ignore it.”

At this time, Flint at the bar said: "It's like the title of Lancelot's Living Saint. Do you want to see your holy symbol?"

Wang took out his holy emblem and looked at it: "There is no change, it is still Kailin's holy emblem."

Flint: "You take it to the sun and look at it."

Wang looked confused, stood up with the holy emblem, stood in the sun, and looked at the coat of arms above it.

It's strange, maybe because of the shadows created by the sun, I always feel that the pattern of the Holy Emblem is a little different.

Flint's voice came from the tavern: "Lancero has no good temper and can tolerate a person lying about being His living saint. His lack of reaction is the biggest reaction in itself."

Just as the dwarf finished speaking, the dwarf added: "Humans are a short-lived race. Soon those humans who have actually seen you will grow old. To the new generation of humans, you are just a guy who lives in rumors. Wait for them When you grow old, you will be a mythical hero."

Wang waved his hand: "Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore, let's talk about the original topic. Do you dwarfs know sadness?"

Gaines: "Isn't it obvious? Of course we know it. We will be sad, but we know that sadness is useless. When we lose curiosity, when our skin starts to turn gray in patches, we have too much time to lose our youth. Sad autumn.

"Understand? My friend, the Lauded One. We just take our time and live, that's all."

Wang remained silent.

Gaines: "I appreciate you inspecting my people first, but don't worry, we can take care of ourselves. You should pay more attention to your people. They need the help of you, a living saint."

The king nodded and stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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