mage's dating rules

Chapter 406 Emergency Measures

Chapter 406 Emergency Measures

After coming out of Flint's tavern, Wang saw Xiaobai standing at the gate of the underground facility on the floating island holding a ham and munching on it from afar.

Wang: "Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet. But there are a few people from the ground looking for you. In the tent over there." Xiaobai pointed to the tent, "Gotrick brought them here."

The king raised his eyebrows: "Did Gotrick bring him here? Then I have to go see him."

Gotrek would definitely not bring people up without any reason, the king was sure.

So Wang strode toward the tent and told Xiaobai: "Eat quickly, and we'll go down after eating."

Xiaobai: "You have to say it!"

When Wang entered the room, the first thing he saw was the tall Gotrick sitting obediently on the small bench.

The other two people, one with curly brown hair and one with blond hair, were making tea for themselves and playing with the iron kettle on the small stove.

Wang: "Who are you two?"

Gotrek stood up, and then his head hit the roof of the tent, almost poking a hole in the tent.

The king quickly gestured for Gotrick to sit down.

Manzi sat down again, pointed at the man with brown curly hair and said, "This is Nicky, the shadow thief's general manager in Yisonzuo."

Nicky nodded: "Dear... er, great lauded one, hello."

Wang: "Don't mention this name."

"No, if ordinary people see us down there and don't address you like this, we will get beaten," Nicky said.

Lily, who followed in, was speechless: "Is it so serious?"

Another blond man finally made tea and returned to the small table with the teapot: "It's so serious. You don't know that all the miracles that happened yesterday are attributed to you.

"Although the second miracle seems to be Kailin's handiwork, we speculate that it should be the work of Kailin's envoy. But... the people don't care about this. You are the one who triggered two miracles yesterday and saved everything. The praised ones, they accept no dissent.”

Gotrik finally caught the blond's words and introduced him carefully: "The blond is Squealer."

Squealer nodded: "Hello, I am also one of the people in charge of the Shadow Thieves."

Wang: "You guys came just in time. We are just trying to understand the situation below."

Niqi: "What's going on down there? There's something to be said for that. Generally speaking, the situation down there is better than you think. The damage is not as big as we expected at the beginning. We had already prepared that almost all the people in the city would Destroyed."

Wang: "What's the result?"

Squealer: "Your first miracle directly destroyed [-]% of the monsters, and also killed many of the cult's minions. This alone saved many people.

"The second miracle saved the remaining people, even some infected people. Now they call strong wine holy water. Only prostitutes and bards would go to the Caerin Temple in Dirty Street, but now it is full of people. ."

Wang: "That's it, isn't that good?"

Nicki: "What's even better is that everyone is chanting your name, even thinking that your name will protect them from those terrible monsters yesterday."

Wang shook his head: "Don't be like this. To ensure that they are not harmed, modern epidemic prevention methods need to be introduced..."

Nicki: "Then introduce it. As long as you teach them this way, they will do it. Now teach them whatever you want to teach them quickly. Of course, it is best to teach something simple and easy to remember. Most of the people below are illiterate and complicated. Things they can’t remember.”

Wang thought for a while and said, "How about I teach them to boil water before drinking it?"

Nicky and Squealer looked at each other, and the former asked: "What does boiling mean?" Lily: "Don't you have alchemy? The alchemist will tell you that water will boil."

Wang pointed at the tea that Squealer had just made: "The water you use to make tea is boiling water, right? That kind of water is called boiling water."

Squealer looked down at the steaming tea cup: "Is that it? Just drinking this 'boiling water' will work?"

Wang nodded.

Squealer rubbed his blond hair: "My dear, it's so simple. Then you must recommend me. Everyone will listen to whatever you teach."

At this time, Lily had an idea: "Does that mean we can directly recruit Yi Songzuo's people?"

Niqi: "Of course, as long as you say that you want to form a crusade to extinguish the source of this disaster, the young men in Yi Songzuo will join without hesitation."

Wang waved his hand: "No, we can't afford so many troops now. Moreover, the role these laymen can play is limited. We may have an entire Catalan rebel army by next spring, all of which are trained veterans. The total number Maybe 1 people."

Nicki: "Although we are very grateful for your trust in us, it would be better not to say such words casually in front of spies next time."

Wang: "I will remember it. Continue to introduce the situation below. How much food is there now and how long can it be eaten?"

Nicki: "This is the purpose of our coming up here. We heard that the floating island will produce a kind of magical bean. If you eat one, you will not be hungry for a day. If this is true, please give us some."

Wang: "The food reserves below are in a hurry, right?"

"It's more than just an emergency," Squealer smiled bitterly, "We were originally preparing to stockpile food, but first there was a heavy rainstorm, then a heavy rainstorm, and finally a heavy rainstorm. We have never seen such a situation in our warehouse."

Lily snickered: "What is Da Bao Liquor..."

Squealer waved his hand: "I will just fight against the heavy rain. Anyway, there is no good food in the city now. There is wine grains, but you will be hungry if you can't eat wine grains. Today, people can still eat some bread soaked in water to deal with it. , the bread will start to go rancid tomorrow, and the situation will be bad."

Wang: "I understand. We happen to have a large amount of fairy beans. Let's send them to you directly."

Nicki: "No, we heard that eating too much of these beans will make you choke to death, and that eating only beans will cause malnutrition. So I hope you can show me how to eat beans yourself."

Wang nodded: "Okay, I will demonstrate it myself, and then distribute the beans to the people after the demonstration."

Lily: "Come on, praised one."

"Don't call me that."

"That's not okay. The two shadow thieves have already said it. If you don't do this, the people will be angry."

Wang was speechless.

At this time Xiaobai rushed in: "I'm full! So when will we go down?"

Wang: "Wait a moment while we prepare the beans."

Xiaobai frowned: "What beans? It's not the kind of starchy beans, is it? No, it's from Dian!"

Wang: "It's not for you to eat, it's for the people below who have no food. I won't feed you beans."

Xiaobai breathed a long sigh of relief: "Huh, scare me. But the people down there can only eat those beans. It's so pitiful."

Gotrick, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "It's better than starving to death."

Everyone looked at him, but Manzi just picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea.

(End of this chapter)

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