Chapter 414
  The king nodded: "Without further delay, let's go to the Thorn Islands Council as soon as possible."

Grom frowned again: "About's not easy to handle."

Wang: "Why is it not easy to handle?"

Grom: "You...should have been reading the Thorn Islands Daily, right?"

Wang: "I do. But I mainly read the scientific discovery section. I don't read much local news."

"Then you don't know that the dispute between us and the council has reached the point of incompatibility. Many of the workshops under our name are unable to start work, so everyone has gone to your floating island."

Wang frowned: "Is there such a deep-seated reason behind this? I was wondering why there are so many dwarfs, but it turns out that the invention cannot be carried out because you two are fighting for power?"

Grom showed an awkward smile: "Yes... like this."

Suddenly a dwarf behind Grom shouted loudly: "Don't sound like you are like a white lotus! You are obviously doing evil too! Use yourselves to write the expedition yearbook, and let the explorers who are close to the Thorn Islands Council still have jobs. The boss even kicked out the yearbook! You are a disgrace to dwarfs!"

The king turned to look at the dwarf who was shouting.

Grom angrily yelled: "You need to have evidence for saying this! The fact is that those people's inventions are not up to the level of being included in the yearbook, so they are not included in the yearbook! I am not deliberately causing harm!"

The dwarf who shouted sneered: "Speaking better than singing, yes, it is not up to standard. But you have never published the standard. Some inventions are recognized by Brynden's great craftsmen, but they cannot be included in the invention supplement of the yearbook! "

The king asked the dwarf: "Hello, who are you?"

Gnome: "I am Torey Smith, the captain of the Summit that you are looking for. The spaceship has been idle for half a year now because of this boring dispute that embarrasses the dwarf!"

Torrey Smith pushed aside the guard who was blocking him and took a step forward, grabbing Grom's collar: "You bastard! When we built the Leap to the Peak, you were still a yellow-haired boy. You are not qualified to be the president at all. At that time, no one thought you would become the president!
  "I don't know what tricks you used to successfully become the president, and then you insisted on competing with the council for the right to represent the Thorn Islands!
  "What's there to argue about? Originally, the Exploration Federation was mainly responsible for exploration and occasionally inventions, while the Council was mainly responsible for secular affairs. The Thorn Islands are not just an archipelago of dwarfs. With the prosperity of maritime trade, the original archipelago has become very important. There are more and more dwarfs, and letting the Council take power would be suitable for this situation!

"You're such an official fan, you've messed everything up!"

With that said, Torey Smith slapped Grom twice.

Grom shouted: "Come here! You finally took action, Torre! Go to hell with your captain, you can no longer be a captain if you take action against me!"

Wang yelled, "Wait a minute!"

Grom turned around and said, "What, are the Salvation Team going to intervene in our internal affairs? He did it in front of you!"

Wang: "I saw it. But now the crisis of annihilation is coming. We have to save the world, understand? Save the world."

Grom snorted: "I know that there are several stages of the world-ending crisis. The second stage is characterized by the emergence of cheap healing potions. We are just watching. There are no potions on the market, and the world is still too early to be destroyed. "

Torre Smith sneered: "An insect like him won't understand at all. He will only use his narrow little mind to think about everything. In his eyes, you are the person who wants to take power through the crisis of annihilation." , just like him.

"He must be thinking about what benefits he can get from the world-ending crisis. When you chose to land here in the Federation, you have already boarded his pirate ship. His people will spread the news everywhere tonight, saying that the salvation team Already on his side.”

Wang: "We can take off immediately and land to the Council of Thorns Islands."

Torre: "It's just a little better over there than here. Remember one sentence, the world is as dark as crows. But if you land here, if you have the raw materials, you can repair the flagship, and then you can borrow the flagship."

"If you go over there, just watch these bastards here blocking you and not letting you use the flagship."

Wang looked at Grom: "Is that so?"

"How is that possible?" Grom smiled, "Of course we will put the overall situation first. No matter which side you choose to support, we will help you!"

Xiaobai leaned over, smelled Grom, and loudly announced: "It smells like lying! He lies!"

Wang: "Our werewolf said so. She is very sensitive to lies."    Xiao Bai: "Very sensitive!"

Grom sneered a few times: "How dare we. As long as the material problem is solved and the repairs are completed, we will definitely lend you the flagship. Not only will we lend you the flagship, we will also lend you the navigator. Although we have not yet established the longitude and latitude system, but our navigator can already..."

Wang: "I can calculate latitude and longitude."


Wang: "In the Glaria scenery written by my teacher, the calculation of longitude and latitude has been completed, and he even drew a high-precision map. However, we generally will not spread these things to you. This will be helpful for you to develop your own technology." harmful.

"After all, measuring longitude and latitude will promote the development of your mathematics, especially geometry. If you are given measured maps and longitude and latitude systems in advance, you will not be able to develop your own mathematics.

"But now that the crisis of annihilation is about to come, there is no problem for me to use a little knowledge. So the navigator is not needed.

"Rather, in order to prevent technology from spreading into the world through this abnormal method, and to prevent your own mathematical development from being affected, I prohibit your navigator from boarding the ship."

Nini praised: "The teacher is really amazing."

Everyone looked at the elf together.

Torre: "You have already taught an elf student. Isn't it a bit hypocritical to talk about preventing the spread of technology from affecting our development now?"

Wang looked at Nini: "It seems... that's true. The mathematics and physics knowledge I taught her are far beyond Gralia's level... Forget it, it's not important."

Flint: "Don't worry, our captain is Kailin's pastor."

The others had a lot to say, but after hearing the dwarf's explanation, they immediately had no objections.

Grom: "Kailin's pastor, it's normal."

Torre also nodded: "Indeed, I don't know how much he drank this morning, although there was no smell of alcohol."

Someone in the crowd said: "Don't you know? Kailin's priests can now turn water into strong alcohol, so their blood vessels must be full of strong alcohol, their stomachs must be full of strong alcohol, and even their brains - It’s hard liquor!”

Flint patted the king's calf: "Look, if you encounter such unexplainable situations in the future, just take out Kailin's holy symbol and loudly announce that you are Kailin's priest."

Wang: "The fact that Kailin didn't hack you shows that he is very generous."

"Oh no no, do you think He would care about this kind of thing? No, He might still find it very enjoyable."

As expected of Kailin.

The king turned to Grom and said: "Anyway, let's go to the Thorn Islands Council. Once we get the materials, you can repair the spaceship immediately and lend it to me—no, lend it to the Salvation Army!"

Gnome Gaines: "It's requisition."

King: "Yes, requisition! Now we go to the council."

Grom: "We'll prepare our carriages and horses immediately!"

Elizabeth: "No! You can't ride in their carriages and horses. Let's rent a carriage and horses, and it must not have the logo of the Explorers Association on it."

So said the princess of Cosania.

Then Marika appeared: "I have rented it and you can ride it downstairs."

(End of this chapter)

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